Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Oh no, not *again*

Here we go again...

Yepp, peak oil is back, kids. Extremely interesting analysis of the current energy & economic situation! Note the exposition on Jevons´ Paradox in particular. 

By John Michael Greer, Arch-Peak Oil Druid extraordinaire.  

A sense of Déjà Vu


  1. There *is* a solution to Jevons´ paradox. It´s called "planned economy". However, in practice, it would be very tempting even for a planned economy to use more energy as one kind of it becomes cheaper, for instance in order to raise the standard of living, or to compete with some other great power which doesn´t like planned economies...

    But in theory, you could have an international planned economy which simply decrees Jevons´ paradox out of existence.

    Getting there, though, well, that´s just the thing...

  2. If you wonder why JMG isn´t discussing climate change in his blog post, I think he is assuming that climate change, while real and serious, won´t be apocalyptic. Let´s hope he´s right...
