Friday, April 23, 2021

This would explain a thing or two, actually...



  1. Yes and she's my favorite ginjah!

  2. Had to look up the slang. Ginja? Aha, a ginger ninja! :D

  3. Det betyder rödhårig i Storbritannien. A Ginger.
    Damn, there go my stereotypical preferences again!
    Yeah she be Red and Bad!

    The old joke:
    Guy wakes up on the operating table and surgeons tell him
    "You just died and we brought you back to life"
    "Thought so," said patient, "I saw God!"
    "Really!" say the docs, "what was it like?"
    "Well," says our hero "She's Black!"

  4. So Tidlöshet, Alfred Russel Wallace and Vishnu walk into a bar...
    Bartender looks up and says:

    "What is this, some kind of Joke?"

  5. God must be a helluva crazy mama! And yes, I would love to meet both Wallace and Vishnu. OK, at least Wallace.

  6. We look for God in forms and patterns when it's really in a crazy place.
    Still, one wonders why have *existence* at know?
    Did you review The Greatest Story Ever Told...So Far by Lawrence Krauss?
    That quickly went over my comprehension level. A cohesion of subatomic electronic blips in a field of gravity or such like?
