Monday, January 31, 2022

Demokratins död

Glad demokrat. Snart död?

Intressant undersökning. Observera att t.ex. Kanada och Australien anses vara mindre demokratiska än Sverige. Beror det på COVID-restriktionerna? 

Enligt DN:s artikel kommer det största hotet mot demokratin idag från valda ledare som stegvis "autokratiserar" landet. Kanske det, men det verkar som att DN "glömmer bort" ett annat hot: att demokratin inskränks av de liberala demokraterna själva. 

De facto undantagstillstånd under pandemin är ett exempel, ett annat är systematiska försök att censurera sociala medier (varför är inte det "ett angrepp på medierna"?), "cancel culture", informella stormtrupper av BLM-Antifa-typ på gatorna, och odlandet av ett allmänt politiskt klimat där yttrandefriheten eller parlamentarismen inte längre ses som självklar. "Hur kan man ställa till med regeringskris mitt under en pandemi", "vi tar ner allt som är i gråzonen", "folk har rätt att få sann information" (regeringen avgör förstås vad som är sant), etc. 

Lika farligt som Xi och Putte? Nej, knappast. Åtminstone inte ännu. Men tendensen är väldigt, väldigt tydlig...  

Endast 14% av mänskligheten lever i en fungerande parlamentarisk demokrati

Rick rolled


If Spotify doesn´t remove Joe Rogan´s podcast, I´m going to release a duet between Greta Thunberg and Rick Astley onto the platform!!! 

You can´t stop me you can´t, I got Trudeau, the entire European Union and Blackwater behind me, so be ´fraid, Mr Spotify, be very ´fraid!

A very British strike

Keir Starmer
(credit: Rwendland)

There is something distinctly British about this disgraceful situation, although I can´t really put my finger on what it might be. 

Yes, the unionized staff of the Labour Party has voted in favor of strike action (i.e. against the Party). The reason? Other labor unions are cutting back their donations to Labour and members are leaving in droves, probably left-wing activists opposed to the new leadership around Keir Starmer. So Labour can no longer afford paying its own office drones a living wage (or is it salary). 

Starmer might end up becoming PM anyway, since BoJo has some problems with, I don´t know, Jedi swords and birthday cakes.

Were is "Yes, Minister" now, when we finally need them?

Labour Party employees threaten strike action

The wind is rising

"Conservative" gadfly Jordan Peterson has left his professorship, due to too much wokeness in academia. 

Note that Peterson doesn´t really support populism. He believes that the craven capitulation to wokeness which he sees all around him, among the "bourgeois" and intellectual elites, will *fuel* populism ("Trump") - something he fears. 

But since his pleas to the elites to come to reason have failed, he can only pessimistically say: "He who sows the wind, will reap the whirlwind. And the wind is rising". 

Well, he is not *entirely* wrong, of course...

Jordan Peterson leaves his professorship

A new message from Ivory Tower


Neil Young
(photo credit: Per Ole Hagen)

The pro-censorship arguments have become so bizarre lately, that I decided to repost "A Message from Ivory Tower", first posted here in 2018 to troll so-called skeptics and debunkers. Soon, the liberals will start to sound like this for real!

I'm all for people questioning everything, but there are some things you just can't question. 

For instance, the round earth, heliocentrism, evolution, the non-existence of Bigfoot, Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt and Hillary Clinton. For instance, we know (on the authority of Psy-Ops, I mean, CSICOP) that 65% of those who question Hillary end up as card-carrying members of the Flat Earth Society within three years. 

I'm for having an open mind and all that, but there's a difference between my open mind and your closed mindedness. Therefore, questioning these things should be banned in the interest of the public good. That's not an attack on free speech or free inquiry. It's a defense of Western civilization itself, which we all know was based on free inquiry. 

And if you question *that*, you can't expect me not to take any action. Yeah, really.

Project Poltergeist


Statue of Bruno Pontecorvo (left)
in Dubna outside Moscow

"Particles Unknown" is a 2021 NOVA documentary about neutrinos. It starts off rather badly by forgetting the neutron when describing the atomic nucleus?! OK, apparently the neutron wasn´t yet discovered when the search for the neutrino began, but they should have mentioned it anyway. Or is the Swedish version badly narrated? 

The neutrinos are super-tiny sub-atomic particles, with hardly any mass at all, that can "pass through" our bodies, indeed our entire planet, due to this fact. They are difficult to catch and observe, despite the fact that countless of them are bombarding Earth all the time, produced inside the sun or by cosmic radiation in the upper atmosphere. Some of the machinery used to catch neutrinos look like something from a science fiction film! One of the scientists doing early reaserch on these "ghost particles" also proved very elusive. The Italian Bruno Pontecorvo defected to the Soviet Union in 1950 after a dramatic escape from Italy. Or "disappeared behind the Iron Curtain", as one of the interviewees put it. It´s still not clear whether Pontecorvo was actually a Soviet spy, or an innocent man with Communist sympathies wrongly pinpointed by the FBI and British intelligence...

But back to mainframe. It seems that the neutrino has created problems for the "standard model" of the universe ever since said model was conceived. Why do they exist at all? How come they have mass, when they shouldn´t? Why do they come in three different "flavors"? The biggest mystery is that the neutrinos seem to be affected by some outside force, a force even more elusive than the particles themselves.

The scientists interviewed argue that perhaps there is a fourth kind of neutrino, known as sterile neutrino, a kind of ultimate ghost particle that can affect matter without ever being seen (unless we can somehow detect its presence indirectly through its effects on the flavored neutrinos). While this would create even larger problems for the poor standard model, scientists probably want the sterile neutrinos to be real. The reason? Dark matter (and its close cosmic cousin dark energy). The standard model only describes - wait for it - five percent (5%) of the universe. The other 95% is unaccounted for. (Some model.) Hence "dark" matter or ditto energy. If the sterile neutrino is dark matter, maybe that entire problematique will finally unravel and make quantum physicists happy forever after (and get new Nobel prizes). And then, maybe not. What if the dark matter *doesn´t exist at all*?

Of course, popular science shows keep telling us that science knows everything. the 95% ghost particles. 

Happy hunting, boyz and girlz. Time for me to disappear behind the epistemological iron curtain...  

Aniarafärden har börjat

Credit: kallerna 

Här har ju den gamle poeten faktiskt en viss poäng... 

Aniarafärden har börjat

Veckans besvikelse

Trodde ett tag att Greider hade kvalat in till Veckans Strasser, men det verkar inte så. Hans lösning på etno-problematiken är att alla måste bli socialdemokratiska dalmasar! OK, Boomer.  

Uppdrag Granskning kan inte rädda Tjärna Ängar

Daily reminder

Your daily reminder that Éric Zemmour is an Algerian Jew. 

Welcome to the jungle


Our closest living relatives. OK, we are actually related to the bonobo, as well. A peaceful, matriarchal, vegan paedophile ape. Whatever. 

Wild and wonderful


I linked to this bizarre news item before. Here is the WV governor caught on camera with his famous bulldog! 

Hon har en poäng, och liksom ändå inte

Credit: Omar Runolfsson

Man kan inte förespråka massinvandring och globalisering, och samtidigt klaga på att "familjen Svensson" anlitar illegal arbetskraft eller laddar ner piratkopierade filer från nätet...

Nivån på DN går stadigt nedåt. No surprise, iofs. 

Gängbrottsligheten är "Familjen Svenssons" fel

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Maoist mirage


Förbundet Kommunist (often spelled Förbundet KOMMUNIST) was a small and peculiar left-wing group in Sweden from 1970 to 1982. It published a "newspaper" called Arbetarkamp (originally Röda Arbetet) and the theoretical magazine Kommunist (after which the group was named). FK´s political line was highly eclectic, but could perhaps be termed anti-Stalinist Maoism. While that´s a contradiction in terms (Mao infamously said that Stalin was 70% good and 30% bad), many radical leftists during the 1960´s hoped that China would develop into an alternative to the bureaucratic system in the Soviet Union. The Cultural Revolution in particular was seen as an gigantic experiment in direct democracy, workers´ self-management or student power. Absurd? Of course, but such was the Zeitgeist. The fact that China´s foreign policy was periodically more radical than the Soviet "line", also attracted many New Leftists to the banners of Maoism. I think the FK becomes less mysterious if seen in this context. 

I also think FK was something of an "experimental" group, which explored several different ideologies, rather than adopting any of them uncritically, the latter being the usual approach on the Swedish extreme left. The Trotskyists of the RMF/KAF wrote many exasperated polemics against FK, since in their opinion, consistent anti-Stalinist Marxism simply must be Trotskyist. I don´t know why FK eventually dissolved, but I suspect they (after the 57th political U-turn) became too similar to the broader and somewhat softer left (insert complaint about "vacillating petty bourgeois layers" here). Today, most people hardly even remember this little episode in Swedish far left historiography. Except me, of course, but then, I´m a trollish blogger, so what did you expect? ;-)

The book "Kina - klasskampen går vidare" (China - the class struggle continues) was published by FK in 1973. The authors are given as Nils Börjesson and Sven B Svensson. The book was Förbundet Kommunist´s main statement on China and Maoism. I actually have an old copy, but it´s also available free on the web. As far as I know, it only exists in a Swedish version. To be honest, the book is badly written and often comes across more like a draft. It´s also very "empirical", with the analyses often being along the lines of "on the one hand...on the other hand...". Of course, a reader who is used to either "Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought" or Trotskyism, will consider FK´s musings on the PRC to be "centrism", "crystallized confusion", and so on. For once, I think the dogmatists do have a point...

Still, certain tendencies are discernible. FK regards the Communist Party of China (CCP) as clearly to the left of Stalin, and its practice as somehow objectively anti-Stalinist, something the authors believe the CCP should develop further. Mao´s relative independence of the Comintern, and his refusal to liquidate the People´s Liberation Army or the red base areas during the popular frontist period, are seen as examples of this anti-Stalinism. FK further points to the "voluntary collectivization" of the people´s communes, the attempts to abolish "the division of labor", and the mass mobilizations during the Cultural Revolution. China is seen as a transitional society in movement towards socialism, while the Soviet Union is transitioning in the opposite direction, towards capitalism. 

The fight against the division of labor is central, according to FK, since only in this way can "socialist productive forces" be created. Examples include: students are sent to the countryside, white collar employees must work in production, workers and peasants should gain admission to the city universities (where top-down hierarchies should be broken). FK explicitly argues in favor of more decentralization and localization of the economy. Industrial plants should be relatively small, so the workers can easily oversee them. Cities, too, should be small. Each plant should produce its own machinery, or adapt existing machinery to local conditions, and the workers should "experiment" with the technology. This is surprisingly easy to combine with a Green perspective, although no such conclusion is drawn. Of course, it´s also important that the correct "line" is in command at the headquarters...

Thus, we are dealing with a kind of idealized "Great Leap Forward" plus "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" Maoism. Or perhaps not, since FK actually admit that there were huge problems with both (they don´t mention the mass starvation, though, except maybe obliquely). Thus, the Red Guards during the GPCR often lacked a real working class consciousness, fought each other, and created chaos in several provinces. This forced the PLA to step in, but that in turn led to "formalism" and bureaucratization, which then weakened the Cultural Revolution overall, setting the stage for a comeback of the "right wing" of the party. And somewhere along the way, Lin Biao simply disappeared! The bizarre personality cult of Mao (which the book blames on Lin) was another problem. Still, FK believes that the Cultural Revolution should have been developed further, rather than discontinued.

There are several glaring contradictions in FK´s analysis. First, if read carefully, FK is actually *opposed* to workers power in China, since the working class is still "immature". While they blame this on the objective conditions (the limited social weight of the industrial working class in pre-revolutionary China), it does raise the question who exercises the power instead? FK´s response seems to be that the CCP represents the working class. But who rules the CCP? The logical answer is, of course, the bureaucracy. But FK attacks the Trotskyists for daring to suggest this, so presumably they believe that Mao and his faction were a kind of non-proletarian but still somehow pro-proletarian Communist cadre. The real bureaucrats are the capitalist roaders around Liu Shaoqi, and so on. From a Trotskyist perspective, this is easy to criticize: FK really wants the "left" Stalinists to bureaucratically control the working class. And without actual soviets, the abolition of the division of labor simply means that a somewhat more proletarianized mass continues to be subordinate to the Party. 

Another contradiction is that FK explicitly rejects Trotsky´s theory of permanent revolution as somehow ultraleft, instead favoring the Maoist "New Democracy", all the while supporting the Cultural Revolution, which could be seen as even more ultraleft than Trotsky´s strategy. Logically, FK should have been centrist Maoists (a bit like the small Swedish group SKA, perhaps?) rather than Gang of Four fanboys. Their view of Chinese foreign policy is equally inconsistent. On the one hand, they actually criticize the CCP for taking a "rightist" position on everything from Indonesia to Ceylon and Pakistan. Only during the Cultural Revolution was the foreign policy truly internationalist. But on the other hand, FK actually wants closer unity (or perhaps unity-struggle-unity) with pro-Moscow forces! They criticize the CCP for boycotting an international youth festival in East Berlin, and the CCP´s general "sectarianism" towards pro-Soviet Communist parties. Apparently, the Chinese regime supported "reactionary" Sudanese leader Nimeiry´s repression of the pro-Soviet CP in that country. Here, FK are slouching towards positions more reminescent of those Maoists who eventually became more positive towards the Soviet Union, in Sweden the KFML(r). But of course, the main problem with Förbundet KOMMUNIST is that they were caught up in the Maoist mirage in the first place...

Not sure who might be interested in this work presently, but in the case you are, I just made your day!

De grälande tvillingpartierna grälar inte längre

Nooshi går från klarhet till klarhet. Hon låter ju som Sveriges Kinesiska Parti här! Eller som en ovanligt konsekvent shachtmanit. Funderar allvarligt på att fortsätta rösta V om detta fortsätter, LOL. 

Reglera svensk elexport - låt inte Putin sätta priset

När det materiella klassintresset talar

Credit: Greg Hume 

Den här lille sossepropagandisten får in en del poänger här. Men hur kommer det sig att MP har en väljarbas "till vänster" samtidigt som partiet bedriver högerpolitik? 

En förklaring är förstås att MP:s väljare faktiskt är riktigt jävla korkade. 

Men det skulle faktiskt kunna finnas en annan förklaring också: väljarbasens "vänster"åsikter är en form av godhetssignalering som mest är retorisk. När det materiella klassintressena börjar tala, föredrar MP:s priviligierade väljare en högerpolitik. Kanske kan de sätta sina egna ungar i de där friskolorna? 

Och då är det nog troligare att Centern tar deras röster. Inte SAP. Särskilt inte ett SAP om försöker triangulera gentemot SD... 

"Utan Södermalm är MP en historisk parantes"

In hiding from a fringe minority

Justin Trudeau has left his residence due to "security concerns" to an "undisclosed location in the nation´s capital". In other words, he hasn´t left Ottawa...yet! 

This is still a major crisis for the Canadian government, since it means that their prime minister is effectively in hiding, while the police in the federal capital can´t stop the protests Trudeau is hiding from. 

In Eastern Europe or the so-called Third World, this would be tantamount to a coup or a revolution. Canada may still be a stable Western democracy, but for how long? Justin´s father Pierre Trudeau once called a state of emergency to smash a small terrorist group, but the son just runs away from "the fringe minority" he says is behind the so-called Freedom Convoy... 

The next capitol stormed might very well be the Ottawan one.  

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Swedish "No Go Zone"

Dalarna University campus 

"Riskområde: Tjärna Ängar" is a Swedish documentary recently aired on SVT, the Swedish public service TV network. It´s only available in Swedish. Tjärna Ängar is a neighborhood in Borlänge (in the county of Dalarna or Dalecarlia). Most of the inhabitants are immigrants, and half of those are from Somalia. Swedes have nicknamed the neighborhood "Little Mogadishu". Tjärna Ängar is officially on the Swedish government´s list of areas with dangerous social problems (really a euphemism for No Go Zones). These are heavily immigrant neighborhoods with high rates of crime, unemployment and welfare dependency. For some reason, Tjärna Ängar is often mentioned in Swedish media, perhaps because it´s the northernmost of the problem areas (it´s actually in central Sweden). There doesn´t seem to be anything particularly unusual with this particular barrio compared to all the others.

Officially, the population of Tjärna Ängar is 3,500. The houses are built for 5,000 people. However, many suspect that the actual population is around 10,000. The documentary doesn´t explain who these additional people might be. Illegal aliens? Unregistered children, or what? The camera crew is threatened by stone-throwing masked criminals who (bizarrely) demand that the TV documentary must "concentrate on the positive things" in the neighborhood. A local Somali association refuse to participate in the documentary after realizing that it will be critical. At one point, the reporters interview a group of young drug dealers who spout politically correct rhetoric, as if they were left-wing activists! Meanwhile, 49% of all elementary school children fail to qualify for senior high school. Kids in the area tell stories of shootings and other disturbances. 

The reporters interview Mursal Isa, a Somali immigrant who represents the Green Party on a regional government committee. Isa was threatened by criminal gangs from Tjärna Ängar for wanting to speak to SVT. He believes that the failure of integration in the neighborhood is to a large extent caused by the Somali community itself (hardly the official Green Party position). When new Somali immigrants arrive at Tjärna Ängar, the local ethnic networks tell them three things: it´s pointless to learn the Swedish language, it´s not worth the effort to seek employment, and everyone who reports local crime to the police risks being attacked by the criminals (hint hint nudge nudge). Isa believes that the immigrant associations in the neighborhood, which get enormous public grants, form a kind of elite group and do very little to actually solve the social problems. (One of the Somali associations teach Quran classes. I´m sure this aids the integration process.) 

Foreign students who study at the Dalarna University have been placed at Tjärna Ängar. Their house has been burglarized several times. When the students complained about the high rate of criminality to the student union, and the union supported them, the union was (surprise) accused of "racism" by the Somali associations. But who are these foreign students? They turn out to be...Black Africans! The irony is palpable. Perhaps the real racists are the politically correct bureaucrats who decided to place Third World students in a "Third World" barrio?

The documentary is concluded by an interview with Borlänge´s long-time mayor Jan Bohman (Social Democrat). He mentions all the programs the local government has initiated to help Tjärna Ängar. They aren´t working and Bohman has no real answers, except that the politicians simply have to stay the course. For instance, he promises an upgrade of the old houses in the neighborhood. I admit that I feel sorry for him - he looks like a typical Swedish local politician who is trying to administer the crisis as best as he can. Bohman at one point says that welfare payments should be the responsibility of the national government. He does have a certain point. And while the alcalde can´t say it, the problems are *created* at the national level, including the Social Democratic Party (which is currently in government). 

Here is a heretical thought: what if the overwhelming majority of Somalis *actually don´t want to be integrated into Swedish society*? Why *should they* want to be integrated? Isn´t this just a smug liberal myth, that everyone in the world wants to be like "us", meaning the modern-liberal Western middle class? 

Another thought: why was this "racist" program aired on Swedish public service TV? Managed dissent? 

With that, I leave you for now.  

Politisk könspolarisering

Den typiska tonårstjejen eller unga kvinnan i Sverige är närmast vänsterliberal, medan den typiske tonårskillen eller unge mannen är sverigedemokrat och gejmer. Ungefär så kan man sammanfatta Ungdomsbarometern. Oklart hur många av de intervjuade som var etniska svenskar respektive invandrare. Från vår ofrivilliga grannblogg. 

Den politiska könspolariseringen fortsätter

Deliverance Dog

Credit: Office of the Governor/Michael N Todaro/Getty Images

I´m not sure if this makes people less prejudiced towards West Virginia...

Governor of West Virginia tells Bette Midler to kiss his bulldog´s "hiney"

Du betalar

Gärna det, men bara om *du* betalar!

S-politiker: Spika igen de ovaccinerades dörrar

"Alla som inte gillar min favoritfilm är rasister"


Down and out at Kulturvetarlinjen?

"Med vit, okunning blick på rasifierades verk"

Gasa på

Credit: Samuel Bailey

Några artiklar om det försämrade säkerhetsläget. Reagerar lite på den dåliga språkbehandlingen i nyhetsartikeln, men har sett värre i AB. Notera också att grönkapitalisterna i EU är beroende av ryska gasleveranser... 

Biden: "Flyttar trupper till Östeuropa i närtid"

"Så försöker Biden oskadliggöra Putins gasvapen"

Det lackar mot valrörelse

Den här gamle rödingen går från klarhet till klarhet. Intressant och upplysande om den stundande valrörelsen. 

"Staten och kapitalet sitter i samma båt"

Gör facket till en kamporganisation, eller ta konsekvenserna

Ofrivilligt rolig rubrik. Men det är okej om sossar företräder facket? Alla vet ju att LO var en militant kamporganisation under Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson och Stefan Löfvén. Eller? 

5 skäl till att SD:are inte kan företräda facket - "Sverigevännerna" är näringslivets knähund

Friday, January 28, 2022

Morning Star


"Shingon: Japanese Esoteric Buddhism" is a book published in 1988. It´s attributed to Taiko Yamasaki, but has apparently been heavily edited and amended by an entire team of American translators. The publisher is Shambhala. 

Shingon is a form of Tantric Buddhism practiced in Japan since the 9th century, when the Japanese Buddhist monk Kukai (later known as Kobo Daishi) introduced it from China. As far as I understand, the Chinese mother branch no longer exists. Ultimately, Tantric Buddhism comes from India. "Shingon: Japansese Esoteric Buddhism" doesn´t deny that Tantrism is originally non-Buddhist, and sees parallels with both Vedic religion and the pre-Vedic ditto of the Indus Valley Civilization. Interestingly, the book tries to distance Shingon from Vajrayana, the name used for the Tantric Buddhist traditions today associated with Tibet. Shingon comes across as a less "wild" version of esoteric Buddhism, a kind of Vajrayana minus the ritual sex and the drugs. If this is true, is anybody´s guess. While the Shingon priesthood has revealed many of its secret rituals, beginning in the 1960´s, we obviously cannot rule out that further secrets might exist...

The book is incredibly complex (a bit like Shingon´s own system) and I admit that I only skimmed certain sections. Much space is devoted to describe elaborate rituals involving mudras (hand signs), mantras, mandalas and visualizations, taking place together with more "standard" ritual activity. Each little detail has a deep symbolic significance. Some rituals can take 100 days to perform! Others can only be carried out at certain select locations, since the practitioner is expected to experience mystical communion with mountains, trees and stars. The "Morning Star" meditation must end on the day of a lunar eclipse. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Shingon is a minority religion, with about 10 million followers, of which 16,000 are initiated into the priesthood. There are about 18 sub-sects of Shingon. (These figures are from 1988 or earlier.) 

The history of Shingon is equally complicated. The tradition is usually associated with the "medieval" Japanese aristocracy, its rituals often being conducted for worldly ends such as protection of Japan or the imperial house. However, periodically Shingon was also associated with wandering miracle-workers and mountain ascetics, some of which were popular among the common people due to their percieved abilities to heal disease or make the rains fall. Some of the monastic leaders put strong emphasis on charity towards the commoners and the poor, including the building of bridges and the digging of wells. During the pre-modern period, Japanese Buddhism had a strong syncretistic tendency, both towards Shinto and between different Buddhist schools. Shingon and Tendai, a competing school, mutually influenced each other, and at one point Koya-san (Shingon´s holy mountain) was virtually invaded by unruly Amida bhaktas who apparently didn´t see the contradiction between their cult and whatever it was Shingon was doing (they were eventually expelled). Shingon seems to have gotten into trouble during the Meiji Restoration on account of both its aristocratic connections, and its popular superstitions. The Meiji Restoration was generally anti-Buddhist, instead promoting a modernized version of Shinto as Japan´s new national religion. But as already mentioned, Shingon managed to survive anyway.

Shingon is obviously different from both Theravada and "exoteric" Mahayana, with rather daring reinterpretations of the Dharma. The tradition could be described as "pantheist", since it argues that the Dharmakaya (the closest equivalent to "the divine" in Mahayana) is identical to the phenomenal universe. Shingon argues that the phenomena we can experience *are* the Dharmakaya, there is nothing "above", "beyond" or "behind" the phenomena. Or perhaps there is (from a somewhat different vantage point): an eternal and eternally dynamic energy (obviously similar to the Shakti of Hinduism), which spontaneously gives rise to new phenomena. The universe is constantly evolving towards enlightenment of all its parts, but this creative evolution is incomprehensible to humans. In this system, Nirvana doesn´t seem to exist, and there is no real distinction between "good" and "evil", although "compassion" is often used to describe the Dharmakaya´s nature. Enlightenment seems to entail some kind of mystical communion with the Dharmakaya. The river is sometimes used as a metaphor: to an outsider, the movements of the water in a river looks incomprehensible, but if you would *be* the river, you would be fully conscious of every little drop and its motion. In the same way, a buddha is presumably conscious of the entire cosmos. Somewhat ironically, this pantheist creed at the same time has a "personal god", Dainichi Nyorai (in Sanskrit Vairocana), really a symbolic manifestation of the Dharma Body. There are also countless of buddhas, bodhisattvas and "gods" symbolizing various aspects of Shingon theory and practice. They are depicted in mandalas. 

Since everything is divine, everything has Buddha-nature and can be used as a vehicle for enlightenment. Indeed, in a certain sense, everything *is* enlightenment. Desire is a good thing, and rather than being suppressed or transcended, desire is transmuted into an instrument for attaining buddhahood. After all, a desire for enlightenment is a positive thing! Nor should the mind be emptied. In a certain sense, it should be made more full. The purpose of meditation is to make the mind disciplined and one-pointed, not empty. From this follows that visualizations (often very complex ones) can be used in meditation. A typical visualization may entail imagining a calligraphic letter change form into a sword, and then into a god. Imagining yourself merging with a god is another common exercise. Since the human body is just as much part of the Dharmakaya as everything else, mudras (hand-signs) can be used as a tool for enlightenment. So can art, colors, or statues. The most important practice is the chanting of mantras, indeed "Shingon" means mantra. Mantras are considered to be identical to the Dharmakaya and therefore the Buddha - they *are* enlightenment.

Probably not my cup of tea, since I like to think that there is something beyond the élan vital´s crazy perturbations, something with real compassion, perhaps? Still, it´s a fascinating book about a somewhat exotic worldview. Should I check out Tendai next? 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

A really existing leftist group?


Förbundet Arbetarmakt (FAM) was a small left-wing group in Sweden that existed between 1973 and 1979. (If their predecessors and successors are counted, this particular current existed from 1972 to 1985.) I´m too young (sic) to have met FAM, although I met some ex-members years ago. I also read back issues of their magazines "Arbetarmakt" and "Rådsmakt" at a local archive, and even have some of their pamphlets. During my sadly misspent youth as a leftist hang-around, FAM struck me as one of the more serious and less crazy far left outfits, an impression admittedly based solely on their printed material. I might have joined FAM had I been old enough during the 1970´s. Would I have liked it? Not sure, after reading "Vitboken", a draft document published in 1980 that tries to draw a balance sheet of the really existing FAM-ish experience. 

Among the positives is that FAM seems to have functioned in a relatively democratic manner, never experienced any major splits of the usual kind, and was (relatively speaking) non-sectarian (at least for a small far left group). The negatives seem to have been more or less the same as in many other leftist groups, so FAM doesn´t come across as particularly bizarre on that front either. Still, there seems to have been a rather strong "anti-authoritarian" and anarchistic-individualist streak among many of the members, of a kind I frankly don´t like, so perhaps not really my cup of tea anyway...

FAM called themselves "council socialists" and belonged broadly to the council communist or left communist current (think Gorter, Pannekoek and the KAPD). The group waged a kind of "two front war" against both anarchism and Leninism, criticizing the anarchists for being too disorganized, and the Leninists for being authoritarian in both theory and practice. Ironically, this created a strong tension within the group between people who had joined due to previous bad experiences with anarchists, and those who themselves had an anarchistic streak, primarily reacting to the dogmatism and perceived authoritarianism of the Leninist groups. 

It seems that FAM in practice functioned (or tried to function) as the "Leninist" groups it was criticizing (albeit with less abuses). There was a division of labor between, on the one hand, "theoreticians" and "experts", and ordinary rank-and-file members on the other. The former were disproportionately male, while most women in the group belonged to the latter category. The workload was enormous, with constant internal meetings and administration. There were many "committees" and "organizers" of this and that. Despite its small size, FAM published both a monthly "paper" (Arbetarmakt) and a theoretical magazine (Rådsmakt). It consciously attempted to mimic the somewhat larger leftist groups in terms of activities and style. This led to constant conflicts with members who had joined in the hope that FAM would be a *really* anti-authoritarian group (or anti-group) devoted to the "total revolution" mentioned in its platform. Many of these members seem to have been young women from the feminist milieu. 

I was surprised to learn that FAM only had about 40 members at most, and that the total number of people who had been members was about 70. There were only three real branches, although members and sympathizers could be found all across Sweden. I assumed FAM had been larger. Indeed, this seems to have been a common assumption, and many new members felt cheated when they realized how small the organization actually was! One problem for FAM was the existence of a somewhat larger and broadly similar group, Förbundet Kommunist (FK). While FK was ideologically a peculiar Maoist organization, much of their early practice looked "left communist": independent workplace organization outside the Social Democratic labor unions, and calls for boycotting parliamentary elections. I think FK also had an "anti-authoritarian" streak of sorts. Just like FAM, they were interested in alternative forms of Marxist theory (Western Marxism). So why not simply join FK? FAM did cooperate with FK and the Trotskyist KAF in a kind of "anti-Stalinist bloc". 

One irony that struck me when reading "Vitboken" is that FAM´s uniqueness created problems for the group. I assumed this would rather be a strong selling point! FAM´s homebrewn version of left communism was apparently too exotic for the Swedish left. It also necessitated a high level of theoretical understanding among FAM´s members - something many couldn´t live up to. The most distinctive FAM-ite idea was the notion that the Soviet Union and similar societies represented a new, bureaucratic mode of production. Many FAM members doubted this theory, however, and others didn´t understand it. Nor was the theory ever fully worked out. 

FAM´s concrete activities weren´t much different from those of their temporary allies or competitors on the left: strike support work, solidarity work with Portuguese and Chilean leftists, May Day marches, anti-nuclear activism, and attempts at "proletarianization". FAM participated in or supported attemps to organize radical workers outside the official union structures. Judging by "Vitboken", however, FAM members also run for local union office! I think they did quite a lot for just 40 members...

So why did FAM fail? Obviously, all kinds of reasons could be pointed to, but I think the authors of "Vitboken" are right that ultimately the objective conditions in Sweden weren´t ripe for the growth of a "ultraleft" tendency (this is frankly a no-brainer). The ex-FAMites point to the fact that the middle class layers from which the left gains most of its support had - at least relatively speaking - gone "to the right" compared to the red year 1968. At the end of the 1970´s, the average left-wing sympathizer wasn´t interested in "revolutionary theory", let alone revolution, instead demandig "concrete" (realistic) policies, leading most leftists to join or adapt to VPK, the major leftist party in Sweden, which is represented in Parliament and many regional and local councils. (Today VPK is known as Vänsterpartiet.) FAM´s anti-Stalinist allies FK and KAF decided to "relate to VPK" and change their politics accordingly, while FAM steadfastly refused. 

Ultimately, the real limiting factor for any leftist group in Sweden during the period in question was the almost complete domination of the labor movement by the Social Democratic Party. It rested both on tight bureaucratic control and internal party discipline, but also on the honest convictions of many workers that Social Democracy really does work (after all, it *did* work in Sweden). The leftists who de facto gave up on the working class and instead joined various middle class protest movements were "tactically correct", since this enabled them to make an end run around Social Democracy. Of course, this eventually led to the famed "long march through the institutions" and the current pro-establishment leftoids, who defend corporate censorship, EU membership, "identity politics" and green capitalism (ironically often in alliance with restyled Social Democracy), but that´s another story... 

As usual, I have no good close, so I just sort of close! 

Come and meet the ospreys

"Osprey: Sea Raptor" is a British documentary about - you might just have guessed it - ospreys. It´s made by Love Nature, which has also produced a huge number of other nature documentaries. While ospreys do exist in Europe (including Sweden), "Osprey: Sea Raptor" is taped in the United States. The ospreys have a breeding colony at the Connecticut side of the Long Island Sound. As the bird flies (pun intended), it´s not *that* far away from New York City!

The osprey is a large raptor (diurnal bird of prey) specialized in diving for fish, which it catches with the help of its long claws. It´s sufficiently different from other raptors to be placed in a family all its own. The documentary follows an osprey couple (these birds usually bond for life) as it returns to the Long Island Sound from South America, where it migrates during the winter. Ospreys often reuse the same nests or nesting sites year after year. 

While ospreys are pretty large, they can be challenged by both bald-headed eagles, cormorants and the great black-backed gull. In the documentary, the osprey punishes the cormorants by swooping down on their colony, and also manages to fend off the eagles, while the gull (which is of enormous size) turns out to be more of a problem! On land, foxes can sneak into osprey nests that aren´t elevated enough, and simply eat the eggs. Interestingly, humans living near the marshes help the ospreys by building nesting platforms. 

I never seen an osprey IRL, and probably wouldn´t want to live too close to one of their colonies, but I admit that "Osprey: Sea Raptor" is well-produced and even somewhat fascinating. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Just another day on the Green Island

Google street view of the post office 

Enough Internet for this week...

Dead man "propped up by two other men in attempt to collect pension at post office"

Two may be charged over body in post office "scam"

"I´m not an eejit" - Men accused of bringing dead man to Carlow post office speak out

Daily Mail interview with the suspects

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Credit: Bengt Nyman

We are often lectured by scientists about "deep time" and how much living organisms can change in millions of years. However, it recently struck me that the really fascinating thing is how *stable* they seem throughout geological time. 

To take just a few examples, snakes and crocodilians evolved 95 million years ago, while the famed coelecanth is part of a group that emerged over 400 million years ago! Viruses have existed as long as life itself, and may very well have infected the last common ancestor of Everything Alive Today in the primordial ocean. They may even have *predated* life. Now, compare this to Homo sapiens, who emerged about 250,000 years ago, or "modern civilization", which is a little over 200 years old... 

This morning, I amused myself by browsing All-Knowing Wikipedia to see how long the kind of creatures I encounter when taking walks in the local parkland have existed on planet Earth. Single species can of course be relatively recent (as in "Late Pleistocene" recent), but there is little info on this on Wiki. So I looked up genera and in some cases subfamilies or families. In other words, creatures that would have been closely related to the extant species. 

This is what I found (YBP = Years Before Present)... 

Larus (gulls): 20 million YBP

Corvidae (corvids): 17 million YBP (the Old World jay lineage)

Ardea (herons): 11 - 15 million YBP

Anser (grey and white geese): 5 - 15 million YBP

Cygnus (swans): 5 - 11 million YBP

Anas/Anatinae (dabbling ducks) : 5 - 11 million YBP

Canis (wolves, dogs): 9 - 10 million YBP

Felis (cats): 6 - 7 million YBP 

Corvus (crows): 5 million YBP 

Pica (magpies): 3 million YBP

Homo (humans): 2 million YBP

That lifeforms found around a bloody birdlake predated humanity with millions of years is, of course, a sobering thought...

Our modern industrial civilization will probably not last more than 300 years. If I counted correctly, that´s 0.0015% of the time gulls of the genus Larus have existed on Earth.

Make of that what you wish. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The bureaucratization of the world

Marx believed that the Jacobins and sans-culottes during the French revolution were doomed to defeat, since society wasn´t yet ripe for socialism and workers power. The Jacobins "objectively speaking" acted as a violent battering ram for the bourgeoisie by exterminating the old aristocracy. Then, the Jacobins fell (and so did the sans-culottes), the French revolution being a bourgeois revolution ushering in capitalism. 

In my opinion, the role of the Bolsheviks and the working class during the Russian revolution was similar. The early, internationalist Bolsheviks were like the Jacobins. They used the working class (and themselves) as a battering ram against Czarist absolutism, and also against the bourgeoisie. But on behalf of what class? Answer: on behalf of the future state bureaucracy, which eventually created a new mode of production, based on a centralized planned economy. Thus, the Bolsheviks and the revolutionary workers "objectively speaking" acted as the violent stormtroopers of the "Stalinist" bureaucracy. In other nations, the bureaucracy took control from the beginning, sometimes using peasants as their shock troops, but usually tightly controlled by the bureaucratic center (Mao´s China). The bureaucratic mode of production is an alternative path to modernization (or attempted such) in nations where the national bourgeoisie was too weak to abolish semi-feudal conditions, this task instead falling to a nationalist intelligentsia which created a centralized "socialist" state apparatus. 

In the Western nations, the Social Democrats likewise represented an aspiring bureaucratic layer, using the organized and unionized working class as its lever. In contrast to the Communists, who wanted a bureaucratic revolution, the Social Democrats were seeking to transform the system through peaceful reform. This was eventually succesful, creating the typical alliance between Big Government, Big Labor and Big Business (and, I suppose, Big Banking). Later, the Social Democrats broke their connections to the organized working class, instead fusing completely with the state apparatus, which in its turn hybridized with the PMC version of capitalism (which isn´t hostile to state regulations, as long as it controls the state through "regulatory capture"). This hybrid system is probably going to collapse right before our very eyes during the 2020´s, perhaps replaced by an alliance of populist leaders, angry petit bourgeois, unorganized workers and rogue capitalists. What will come out of it, is anybody´s guess at this point. 

What is clear is that the working class failed to take power in its own name, and that this was (probably) inevitable. Marxism morphed into Social Democratic reformism within capitalism or the creation of a new "Stalinist" bureaucratic mode of production. Marxism "dialectically" transformed itself into the ideology of the new bureaucracy, which claimed to represent "the workers" or "the people", just as the bourgeoisie had claimed to represent the latter. Autistic Trots will tell us that we are "duty-bound to explain whether the new mode of production was historically progressive or not", to which we respond: no, Messr Trotskyites, we are not "duty-bound" to explain anything according to *your* specifications, since we are not Trotskyists nor Marxists! 

There isn´t any "progress" that moves inexorably onwards and upwards, no historical schema where capitalism is replaced by an even more advanced economic system which "develops the productive forces", und so weiter. Empirically (not metaphysically according to the Dialectic), democratic capitalism with a Social Democratic government was often better than Stalinoid really existing socialism, and so was Bukharinite-Titoist Communism (or Dengist Communism minus the economic free zones). This is therefore the "minimum program" worth striving for, not utopian pipe dreams about international Bolshevism or Trotskyism.

Perhaps the working class can´t take power in its own name. Or perhaps it could have done so, but such a system would have resembled anarcho-syndicalism more than Social Democracy or Communism. It´s difficult to see, however, how a modern economy could be "self-managed" in the syndicalist fashion, suggesting that such a system would quickly evolve into a more centralized one, if only to survive. And the moment that happens, the working class "as a whole" or "as a class" is no longer in power. A new managerial elite takes over. Marxists say that ancient slaves or medieval peasants couldn´t take and hold power. Maybe, maybe not, but the working class seems to belong to the same category of "exploited classes" incapable of overthrowing the system once and for all. 

Add to this the massive environmental destruction brought about by capitalism, and it´s no longer obvious if this system really is "historically progressive". Not only didn´t it produce its own grave-diggers, it might actually become humanity´s very own undertaker! 

With that, I close my reflections for today. 

It´s just a shitty interglacial

Why is the Holocene a separate geological epoch? It´s really just an interglacial of the Pleistocene. OK, let me guess. A certain chimp-pig hybrid more formally known as "Homo sapiens sapiens" wants to feel special, having an *entire geological epoch* all to itself? Yuge face palm!

Bland åldersfuskare och terrorister

Lite förvecklingar i Norge kring talibanerna. Enligt Wiki (som kan ha fel) är Anas Haqqani född 1994. I så fall var han 14 år gammal när terrorattacken mot Hotel Serena ägde rum. Inte helt glasklart på vilket sätt han kan ha varit ansvarig för den? 

Däremot är det klart att han tillhör Haqqani-nätverket. Han verkar vara bror till nätverkets nuvarande ledare (som också är Afghanistans inrikesminister), och son till dess grundare. 

Hur detta kommer sluta? Gissning: Afghanistan får pengar i utbyte mot rara jordartsmetaller. Eller opium...

Taliban i Oslo påminner om rysk militär i Sverige

Monday, January 24, 2022

Revelation on the road to Donbass

"You have to give me some slack, Jens,
I wanna pivot to Coke-in-China"

Trotskyist group "International Marxist Tendency" considers a war between Russia and the United States over Ukraine extremely unlikely, although minor incursions by Russia into Ukraine can´t be ruled out. The US is bluffing and will probably make concessions to Putin, having already strongly indicated an unwillingness to walk the talk. 

Germany and France are against a war, the Germans being strongly dependent on Russian gas. The United States really wants to pivot to the Pacific region and confront China, making a compromise with Russia in Europe natural. In general, the US is weaker than Russia, something Putin of course knows. 

The article doesn´t discuss why the US is whipping up a war scare, if that´s what they are doing. To deflect from certain domestic troubles, perhaps? The article may overestimate the rationality of the actors involved... 

Will Russia invade Ukraine?

Kill all the brutes


"Mystery of the Ice Giants" is a German documentary about the relatively sudden disappearence of the Paleolithic megafauna at the end of the "Ice Age". Was it due to naturally occuring climate change? Or did humans hunt the mammoths and other megafaunal species to extinction? The film team follows a group of paleontologists as they trek around the world, trying to shade some light on the mystery. White Sands in New Mexico, the Yukon in Canada and Dolni Vestonice in the Czech Republic are visited. The culprit is soon identified: yes, it was Stone Age human hunters. 

The megafauna had already survived several periods of severe climate change. When a glacial period ended, the so-called mammoth steppe where most of the megafauna lived shrank considerably, replaced by huge forests. However, the animals dependent on a steppe habitat simply moved to the few refugia where such an environment still existed, staging a comeback when the interglacial was over and the steppes became great again. Why didn´t this happen again at the end of the latest glaciation? The new factor simply must be Homo sapiens. At Dolne Vestonice, virtual "mass graves" filled with mammoth bones (usually from young specimens) have been found. There is also evidence from North America that humans hunted ground sloths and cave bears. Personally, I was fascinated by the Yukon, where the paleontologists can simply pick up fossils as they walk around the riverside, including well preserved mammoth tusks! 

Mammoths were hunted for the meat, but also for the fat, apparently a necessity in a cold climate with very little plant-based food available Over 60% of the food intake of Paleolithic humans was mammoth meat. One of the scientists featured speculate that the Paleolithic hunter-gatherers in Europe were dark-skinned (they were originally from Africa, after all) and therefore couldn´t produce enough vitamin D naturally from the sun light. This made it even more necessary to hunt mammoths, presumably to harvest the fatty tissue. (I suppose somebody somewhere might find it uncomfortable that Blacks and the ancestors of the American Indians were behind the first mass extinction in human history, but there you go.) 

When mammoths and other large herbivores were gone, the carnivores preying on them also went extinct. The sabre-toothed tiger known as smilodon was evidently specially adapted to hunt and kill such animals. With them gone, the weird-looking feline with its huge canines (sorry, couldn´t help myself) was doomed. Climate change also played a role, however. What made the impact of human hunters extra severe was that the end of "the Ice Age" reversed the climate yet again, dramatically shrinking the traditional grazing and hunting grounds of the megafauna. A few mammoths actually survived in Siberia, but where stuck on Wrangel Island when sea levels rose, eventually starving to death when food sources got scarce. 

But I´m sure "primitive" peoples have something important to teach us about "conservation ethics", right? Right.  

Environmental destruction began during the Stone Age. 

Kenya, the land of my dreams

I checked the report. Terrible lay-out and bad English. Looks unserious. RT "forgot" to mention that there is *one* autocratic regime which is very unpopular among its subject population. Yes, that would be Russia. It only has 31 confidence points and is in fact at the very bottom of the list! 

The rest of the survey looks weird, with a lot of autocracies and poor Third World nations in the top, and mostly democracies at the bottom. What Edelman really measures is thus unclear. 

How do you get objective responses from people living in authoritarian regimes? And why is Kenya so high on the list? How likely is it that the Kenyan government is more popular than, say, the German one? Did they only survey supporters of the governing party in some lush neighborhood with colonial-style buildings?

Autocracies more trusted than democracies

Full report

Another day on madhouse planet


The times they are a´changing

About 10 years ago, a supporter of the SWP was almost stalking me at another forum, accusing me of being a brazen lier for defending Israel´s right to exist, etc etc. 

Look now...

"Israel is, will remain, a Jewish state" says Palestinian leader

Turkish Thanksgiving

Turkey changes its international name to Türkiye. Which means Turkey in Turkish. In case you wonder. 

Högerns godhetssignalering

Ett tidigare möte med "terroristerna" 

Lite "virtue signaling" från höger. 

Kritik mot talibanmötet: "Hämtar terrorister"

Miljöpartiet vill tvångsassimilera muslimer, göra dem homosexuella

Credit: News Öresund/Jenny Andersson

Och så lite barnarbete på det, för att få kopparn till alla elbilsbatterierna. 

Eller nej?

MP:s framtidsvision?

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Freaks of evolution


Credit: Marsyas

"Mammalian Hybrids" is an on-line work by Eugene M McCarthy, a maverick American scientist. It´s available at his website "". Some of the material seems to consist of draft chapters for McCarthty´s book "Telenothians", which I haven´t seen. 

When McCarthy was still a conventional scientist, he compiled a scientific reference work titled "Handbook of Avian Hybrids of the World" (reviewed by me elsewhere on this blog). "Mammalian Hybrids" is decidedly less conventional, and often comes across as a work of cryptozoology or even mythology. This is in keeping with McCarthy´s turn towards more alternative vistas, including a notorious theory that humans are descended from chimp-pig hybrids (!). Indeed, all species are the products of hybridogenesis, rather than standard Neo-Darwinist natural selection working on random mutations. But if so, there should be a lot of transitional forms between different groups observable today, transitional forms that really are "half a cow" (to quote creationist Duane Gish). This explains McCarthy´s interest in hybrids, including unconfirmed and fantastic reports about virtual "freaks of nature". If the existence of such crosses could be proved, his radical hybridogenesis theory would be strengthened. 

"Mammalian Hybrids" thus discusses putative human-pig hybrids, the famed cynocephali, crosses between humans and sheep or goats, snake-men, and other bizarre creatures virtually all scientists would reject out of hand. The sources include works of ancient authors, newspaper clippings from the 19th century, YouTube videos with a strong yuck factor, but also occasional reports from 18th and 19th century scientists. McCarthy´s labors remind me of Charles Hoy Fort! 
More "conventional" hybrids have also been included (such as ligers, coywolves or mules) and so have crosses which are believed to be biologically impossible, but which probably won´t create much controversy among ordinary people in the street. Let´s be honest, nobody except geneticists get worked up about (perhaps fake) claims that chicken and pigeons can crossbreed, to take just one such example. Everything involving humans, on the other hand...!

I don´t deny that "Mammalian Hybrids" does contain interesting content. Did you know that male orangutans occasionally rape human females? Or that female orangs are exploited as prostitutes in Indonesia? McCarthy wonders whether the famous quagga could have been a hybrid (it certainly looks like one), or whether the Bili ape could be the legendary Koolakamba, a supposed cross between chimps and gorillas. Some information on birds have been included, too, including a discussion of some peculiar species described by Audobon (him again!) but never seen since. Was the Labrador Duck actually a hybrid eider? Readers of "" are apparently very interested in the dox, a supposed cross between dog and fox. 

That being said, I nevertheless consider this something of a fringe work, so with the exception of relatively close crosses, I don´t expect to see "half a cow" anytime soon. In general, I think Eugene McCarthy himself is something of a hybrid, an intellectual hybrid between Copernicus and Velikovsky, perhaps? Or Stephen Jay Gould and Charles Hoy Fort... 

An intellectual hybrid

Credits: Jason Woodhead

Eugene McCarthy (no relation to the famous US senator) is a scientist with very unusual ideas about evolution. McCarthy got a certain notoriety when he proposed that humans are descended from hybrids between chimpanzees and pigs - yes, really! I was therefore surprised when reading his work "On the Origins of New Forms of Life", available for free at the author´s website "". While this on-line book is heretical in the extreme from a Neo-Darwinist perspective, it doesn´t strike me as completely kookish, in contrast to some other material on the same website. Perhaps McCarthy is an intellectual hybrid between Einstein and Velikovsky? "Forms of Life" (as the work is known for short) is one long argument for a saltationist theory of evolution based on hybridogenesis.

McCarthy believes that speciation through natural selection working on random mutations (the Neo-Darwinist scenario) has never been demonstrated empirically. Nor does the fossil record support the idea of incremental gradual change. Organisms appear fully formed and look pretty much the same for millions of years, until they finally disappear. Neo-Darwinism is therefore based on special pleading to unprovable just-so stories, or to a mathematical model which looks robust on paper, but is really purely hypothetical. McCarthy further argues that there *are* speciation processes at work today, which can be directly observed. Such processes usually involve hybridization, during which new forms might appear as if "out of the blue". While most hybrids are unviable and/or sterile, hybridization occcurs so often in wide "hybrid zones", that viable crosses are virtually guaranteed. Nobody seems to doubt that plants can speciate in this manner, but McCarthy believes that the same is true of animals. (Of course, scientists know that animals can hybridize, but officially recognized animal hybrids seem to be less dramatic than those demanded by McCarthy´s theory.) The phenomenon known as "polyploidy", when an organism has more chromosome sets than it "should" have, strongly suggests hybridization, and McCarthy believes that more animals than hitherto believed are indeed polyploid. In the standard saltationist scenario, often called "hopeful monsters" after an unfortunate choice of words by heretical geneticist Richard Goldschmidt, it´s difficult to explain who the monstrous mutant could possibly mate with. In McCarthy´s scenario it´s easier: other hybrid spawns, or even backcrossing with the parental species. (Neo-Darwinism seem to have its own "hopeful monster" problem, since evolution in isolated environments is said to produce new species, which then break out of their isolation - but how is *that* possible if the new species are adapted to a weird isolated environment? Note that McCarthy´s hybridogenesis takes place in "normal" environments.)

Another important tenet of McCarthy´s theory is that new forms, once established, tend to be extremely stable. This explains why the fossil series shows a "punctuated equilibrium". A qualitative evolutionary "jump" is followed by a prolonged period of stasis. "Forms of Life" contains a long chapter arguing that many ancient reptiles were really mammals, making both Mammalia as a whole and various mammalian sub-groups much older than hitherto believed. Thus, McCarthy believes that stegosaurids are really misidentified pangolins, while ankylosaurs are armadillos. Gigantic armadillos *did* exist during the "Age of the Mammals", and somewhat curiously, they appear in the fossil record shortly after the ankylosaurs disappear. What if they were really the same kind of animals? In the same way, whales are remarkably similar to Mosasaurus, bats resemble small pterosaurs, while multituberculates look like rodents. In the standard evolutionary scenario, this is the result of convergent evolution due to similar habitats, but is it really realistic that animals supposedly divided by millions of years (and a huge taxonomical distance) can be *such* remarkable lookalikes? Even mainline scientists have speculated that dinosaurs and their allies during the Mesozoic may have been "warm-blooded", and that some may have been viviparous. McCarthy also believes that ungulates and proboscides are older than usually believed (he identifies various extinct mammal groups as such), while marsupials are more recent than placentals. More controversially, he suggests that the platypus might be a bird-mammal hybrid! If McCarthy is right, the dinosaurs and their allies never really went extinct at the K-T boundary, which raises questions about the great extinction event supposedly taking place right then. However, this topic isn´t really covered in "Forms of Life".

Neo-Darwinists point to genetic studies as evidence that animal hybridogenesis can´t be generally true, and that the standard evolutionary model must be correct. McCarthty gives the entire genetic-cladistic enterprise short shrift, claiming that animals can be arranged in different "evolutionary trees" depending on what genetic character you choose to emphasize. He believes that the critera are usually subjective and theory-driven. Scientists can´t agree on a single "correct" tree of life. Judging by his chapter on mammal origins, the author considers morphological studies to yield more certain results, but only if you let go of preconceptions such as "convergent evolution". Why are similar forms classified as "reptiles" before the K-T boundary, and "mammals" afterwards? 

Ultimately, there are no species in  nature, "species" being an essentialist-scholastic holdover from a time when most scientists were a kind of creationists. McCarthy points out that no single definition of species exist, and believes that each proposed definition has huge problems. What does exist are distinct forms, not "species". The idea of a "last common ancestor" that gradually diverges into many distinct evolutionary lines is, of course, also wrong. Nature is neither an evolutionary "tree" nor a "bush", but rather a huge interdependent web, where each form has at least two distinct ancestors, sometimes more than two, and each form can (at least potentially) influence the evolution of every other form. Also, the forms or "species" aren´t strictly dependent on their respective environments, but can easily adapt to many different living conditions, and also actively shape their environment. (This is of course connected to the idea of a prolonged stasis in evolution.) "There is hope in this view of life", as McCarthy puts it. Science nerds will recognize the reference.

McCarthy´s intellectual hybrid does have such far-reaching consequences, that it probably won´t be adopted by the scientific community any time soon, *even if* the speculations about our suid ancestry are quietly dropped. The reason is simple: modern science isn´t really about "understanding", but about control. This is true even of theories which don´t obviously give anyone such power. Neo-Darwinism gives the scientists the *illusion of control* by claiming to exactly explain how "we" got here. It represents the pretend expansion of the Faustian Mind into deep time, just as the Big Bang theory is its illusory expansion into deep space. Taxonomy and the building of evolutionary trees is a more obvious example of this attitude. To "know" the place of the suid in the phylogeny is to "control" it. But if McCarthy is right, this is simply impossible. We can´t know the exact location of any living creature in the web of evolution, a web so vast and intricate that science (and, of course, the scientific institutions and their members) must abdicate its attempts to omniescent knowledge of the same. But since humans crave answers, somebody else will offer them. Non-scientists, perhaps? Philosophers. Or mystics. Do you see where this is going? Note also the irony: the McCarthyite hybridogenesis does to human pride what Darwin´s theory *supposedly* did. That´s exactly why it will never be adopted, at least not any time soon.

There might be another reason, too. While scientists are hard pressed admitting it, scientific theories very often (surprise) follow the Zeitgeist (which doesn´t necessarily mean they are wrong - in a best case scenario, the Zeitgeist makes it easier to see hidden truths). People in the know long ago noticed that the gradualist approach to evolution of Darwin might reflect his class position in British Victorian society. In the same way, immutable forms created by God usually reflect a conservative mind-set, while Lamarckianism was popular among socialists. (My grandfather was a Lamarckian. Guess what political sympathies he had?) Note also how Darwin´s theory was distorted (sometimes even by himself) by the triumphalist 19th century view of "progress". If we are permitted to speculate, how will the Zeitgeist of today and the near future affect evolutionary theory? Or at least the popular perception of such? McCarthy´s hybrid theory is easy to translate into "spiritual" terms. Had the theory been proposed circa 1970, it would have become a staple of New Age or neo-Buddhist thinking, alongside a spiritualized version of Lovelock´s Gaian hypothesis. I can see David Spangler expositing on it at some hippie festival in Washington State. But today? The decline of modern civilization might actually give a form of Darwinism with a very negative social spin staying power for another 100 years or so. Who can deny "the struggle for existence", "the survival of the fittest" or "selfish genes" at a time like this? Not to mention the inevitable extermination of the lower races (or Irish immigrants)...

Perhaps the last Neo-Darwinist will be a hard boiled lone wolf warrior in a Montana compound, surrounded by fanaticized theists... 

With that (strange) reflection, I end my review of "On the Origins of New Forms of Life".