Friday, January 14, 2022

The Three Evils

Credit: Andrea Verdelli/AFP via Getty Images

China wants all bordering nations to be authoritarian (just as China) and, of course, pro-Chinese! No surprise there, I suppose. 

China on Kazakhstan


  1. I suppose authoritarian and anti-PRC could be an interesting option...

  2. Why are China and Russia so assertive now? I mean, it´s almost as if something changed in 2020-2021. What could it have been? Can´t quite put my finger on it...

  3. It would *not* be funny if Joe Biden stopped pretending and just said "We also want a sphere of influence, the natural borders of Amerika goes at the Seversky Donets", since nobody would take him seriously...

  4. Still pondering whether I should become the Clemenceau of the Western hemisphere, or its Pétain...

  5. Anf the West wants The whole world to be globohomo. Emma and her mums better level up their skills.

    OT: Sheridans latest about The child sacrifies of today. Really good:
