Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Grashopper farm


Left-wing gadfly extraordinaire Jimmy Dore is on fire her, attacking the "scientists" who demand that Joe Rogan be suppressed. Apparently, Rogan´s podcast has 11 million viewers, while CNN doesn´t even have one million. Yes, you read that right! 

Dore also points out that many of the "medical doctors" who signed the bizarre petition to censor Roger aren´t really doctors at all. One of the people behind the "open letter" actually works for CNN! 

A pattern is emerging...

Don´t get me wrong, but this scandal does have a certain popcorn quality.


  1. Fuling regime media in The West just cant accept The fact that they are becoming irrelevant at an alarming speed. But i suppose they still have a chance of survival if The internet gets sufficently contolled so we cant consume much else there than this crao.

  2. The funny thing with Joe Roagan is that i dont think he is very political at all and kind of almost PC when forced to have clearly defined opinions. And he is probably not that smart either, saying himself he have brain injuries from his MMA-career. But he is a very curious person when it comes to ideas and science(not meaningless gossip) and is really good at talking with all kinds of people.
    Cant have somehing like that, its actually 2022. Shut him down!

  3. Yes, he interviewed a lot of interesting people, such as Graham Hancock, Alex Jones, Tulsi Gabbard, etc. While admitting he´s a pot head, endorsing Bernie Sanders when that was relatively safe to do, etc (Of course, Sanders´ opponents went loco when Rogan endorsed him!)
