Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Whistleblower" or censorship dog whistle


Michael Tracey comments Frances Haugen, the anti-Facebook "whistleblower". The link above goes to a short YouTube clip, the one below to an article by the very same Mr Tracey.

Yes, Haugen is fake. But then, we knew that already, didn´t we? Or maybe we really didn´t. It turns out that Haugen is really a Deep State operative who previously carried out spy operations using Facebook as a platform! She also censored the Hunter Biden scandal on FB during the 2020 election campaign, and is obviously a Democrat. Her "whistleblowing" is really a part of a liberal-corporate media attack on Facebook, in order to suppress free speech on the web (and perhaps put some pressure on an competitor to traditional media), but *not* to break up FB. Rather, the goal is to take it over. In other words, a conflict between two establishment factions within the propaganda apparatus. 

Here in Sweden, the stupid feminists naturally bought into the entire psy-op, since *girls* are at risk (but never from the equally web-based trans-culture craze, strangely enough), just as they bought into the re-occupy Afghanistan BS. But then, I suppose it´s possible the fems are Deep State, too. Although I frankly doubt it. They are the dupes at the intermediary level for which this whole spectacle is intended.

There are many memorable moments in Tracey´s polemic, but here is one: 

>>>Has any other “whistleblower” ever gotten such over-the-top Red Carpet treatment? If a “whistleblower” is immediately feted and glorified by the world’s most powerful institutions, perhaps “whistleblower” is not the most apt term. “Functionary” might work better. Indeed, Haugen has conceded that she doesn’t even have an inherent problem with the massive power wielded by Facebook, she just thinks that power ought to be wielded more judiciously — in accordance with her political and cultural priorities — with the help of government regulators.>>>

Let´s go, Brandon!

The fakest "whistleblower" ever 


  1. Here is one of the sources MT links to:

    Yes, Haugen works with a top Obama-Dem operative who is funded by George Soros.


    All fake. The same people who were behind "BLM" last year.

  2. I´m actually reading about Shugendo just now (google it), but this little news item caught my attention. OK, I will now return to the serenity of the mountains...

  3. Anglin is pretty close to your take on this:


    Intercept´s article argues that the Facebook bans disproportionately target Muslim organizations from the Middle East and South Asia. Number two are right-wing militias in the US, but they are placed in a different "tier" than the Muslims.

    Funny nobody in Sweden mentions this, LOL.
