Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Fish to fry

I just had to share this. It´s "the Moon eats people" all over again. I sometimes suspect Mathiesen is right. Unless there´s more than one god, and we *really* need to re-establish contact with the higher one stat, the one that actually is "on our side"...

From: (Anonymous)
Why does the divine give them permission to act against us at all?

(No Subject)

Date: 2021-10-18 05:28 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] robertmathiesen
Because (IMHO) the Divine is not necessarily always on humanity's side. It has much bigger "fish to fry" than the destiny of our species, and it may be frying some of them right now, with us as part of the fuel for its fire.

(No Subject)

Date: 2021-10-18 03:32 pm (UTC)
neptunesdolphins: dolphins leaping (Default)
From: [personal profile] neptunesdolphins
Is it sort of a push me -pull you sort of thing. The ecosystem needs both demons and angelic beings, and they keep in some sort of dynamic balance. So sometimes, demons have less restrictions to restore the balance.

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