Wednesday, October 6, 2021

White Boy Summer never ends

This week in crazy...

Even if Beethoven was Black (he wasn´t), his music was White European, not sub-Saharan African. Last time I looked, classical music wasn´t invented by Mansu Musa in Mali. Not that good ol´ Musa didn´t have some interesting features all his own - of course he did (all that gold, and all those slaves) - but as a God-fearing Muslim, I doubt symphony orchestras was one of them! 

So the BLM activists (who are really hilarious here) gets it all wrong. But sure, if the only way to avoid a cancellation of Beethoven (a political radical, I believe) is to prove that he was a Moorish Octoroon, I suppose that´s a good thing somehow. 

Maybe we can give his skeleton a jab of that COVID vaccine, too? 

Black pop star wants Beethoven´s body exhumed for racial DNA test



    Another truly moronic contribution, although it could simply be a con. I suspect many articles of this type are con jobs written to "play" gullible SJWs, or perhaps simply to provoke the conservatives?

    In fact, many people do refer to Beethoven by his full name...

  2. "Goethe was a Muslim" is another classic. Wikipedia´s article on Goethe was flamed some years ago by a Muslism who wrote a lengthy essay on the topic, complete with pics of mosques! Sure, Goethe may have been more respectful of Muslim culture than, say, Robert Spencer, but he was hardly a secret convert...

  3. Maybe White people can claim Barack Obama?

  4. Black corpses matter! And if hes not Black it serves him right to be exhumed.
