Friday, October 22, 2021

Work of the ages

Is the Age of Pisces real? Is it the age of grand illusions: Christianity, liberalism, high modernity, the Western Idea of Progress, the invincible nature of modern science? Even the idea that the Age of Aquarius will be even better than the Age of Pisces is itself an illusory piscean idea.

And speaking of the Age of Aquarius...

Traditionally, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. Hardly a benign jolly little planetoid. Later, Saturn was dethroned in favor of Uranus. But Uranus probably isn´t the shining planet of scientific-spiritual enlightenment it has been made out to be. (I´m assuming here - strictly for the sake of the argument - that astrology is true.) Yes, Uranus is the planet of revolutionary transformation, but it´s also crazy planet. Isn´t this what´s actually happening in the world today?

We live through a revolutionary transformation in which everyone is stark raving mad, or at the very least very ironic (all this is Uranus) and this transformation is the inevitable fated result of our karma (Saturn). Yes, the Age of Aquarius is ruled by both these planets in tandem. 

Welcome to CLOWN WORLD and MADHOUSE EARTH c/o the Lord of Karmic Consequence! 

In 2000 years, Uranus will be dethroned as Saturn rules alone during the long night of the Age of Capricorn. Everything will be hard toil, dark, damp, materialist, and yet nevertheless somehow weirdly efficient. The only humor will be sardonic laughter at the follies of the two preceding world ages. Only around the year 6000 will human civilization move upward again, after a fashion, as Jupiter takes over in the Age of Sagittarius.

Or perhaps we´ll all be dead by then, the real Sagittarians being highly evolved whales, happy to finally get rid of their foremost natural enemy...  

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