"The Scorpion King" (2002) is a somewhat frivolous fantasy flick featuring a Schwarzenegger-Van Damme cross-over look-alike, but with more tan. Small wonder, since Mathayus (as the muscular warrior is named) runs around in a desert landscape that´s supposed to be ancient Egypt, but looks more like a stereotypically Orientalist Mideast bazaar. Mathayus, who is said to be Akkadian (an ancient Semitic people), is one of the few people who *doesn´t* look Hollywood Semitic. A few East Asian types have been thrown in for good measure, too, while the bad guy, Memnon, looks like a Roman commander! Yepp, it´s fantasy, alright.
And while there is a gorgeous half-nude "sorceress" (what else?) in this production, starred by a former fashion model, most of the plot concentrates on the heavy fighting between Mathayus and faux Arabic hordes. Come to think of it, there doesn´t seem to be much else happening in "The Scorpion King" *except* sword fighting or archery?! More sword than sorcery, if you ask me. Unless you count the cobras, LOL.
The title of the film is inspired by a real Egyptian Pharaoh, simply known as Scorpion (or perhaps Scorpion II or King Scorpion), but I suspect the real guy would be somewhat surprised by this latter day barbarian reinterpretation of pre-dynastic Egyptian history. Apperently, "The Scorpion King" is also somehow a prequel to a series of mummy horror movies, but I frankly don´t understand the connection, even apart from the perhaps salient factoid that this production features no mummies! There are a few scorpions, though. (And cobras.)
That being said, I´m not saying you shouldn´t watch Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson flex his biceps, show his ware and rough up some phoney Nabateans in a sword-and-sorcery extravaganza. After all, I just did, and I´m still standing. Just don´t except any deeper insights into Sothic dating, Manethan chronology or Hamitic pre-history from this one!
OT. De extrema islamisterna har fått något som de kan vara mer nöjda över än om de själva hade dödat Lars Vilks. Nu tänker de säkert att det var Gud själv som dödade honom.
ReplyDeleteJa, det stämmer. En del verkar redan ha gjort det. Fast min källa är väldigt partisk (Fria Tider). Såvida det inte var ett attentat, förstås, fast enligt polisen finns det inget som tyder på det...