Tuesday, October 12, 2021


One of the more bizarre news items this year. A mini-apocalypse might be underway in the Red Sea. An abandoned oil tanker, FSO Safer, outside the Yemeni coast could potentially devaste the lives of millions of people, unless it´s somehow repaired. Note the claim that the United Nations don´t have any money available for needed repairs! 


The United-freakin-Nations???

Note also that the Yemeni water supplies are dependent on oil deliveries. But please don´t tell the Green activists! Perhaps they think the UN also has the money (and know-how) available to electrify Yemen within two years, or whenever it is XR wants us to stop using fossil fuels...

Somehow, this abandoned vessel feels like a metaphor for our current predicament.   

Rotting Red Sea oil tanker could leave 8 million people without water


  1. Part of me hopes that this is just another fake media panic, since the ship has been abandoned since 2017. But who knows? The oil is definitely there, and I suppose the hulk is corroding...

    Perfect metaphor.

  2. Can we blame this on Facebook somehow? Or on Putin? Or on Donald Trump? Or on Joe Biden? Or on the Taliban?


  3. Meanwhile, back in the United Kingdom:

    "Let´s abolish gendered pronouns!"
