Thursday, July 8, 2021

Untergang des Abendlandes

Russia and China are preparing for power. Raw world power. Meanwhile, in the United States... 

Nude males exposing their genitals in American spa


  1. We may as well learn the Cyrillic alphabet or Putonghua while we still have the chance...

  2. Or convert to the Russian Orthodox Church. Is there some state-approved Taoistic shamanistic cult in China?

  3. Is the article above about what´s left of America behind its nuclear umbrella? If so, count me out, I rather take my chances with Patriarch Kirill!

  4. So our national self-determination is dependent on a senile care-taker who is presiding over a society that increasingly looks like a very bad porn parody...

  5. How typical of TERFS to prefer a strong competent natioanal armed force instead of... endless bickering and even fist fights about what group is the most opressed one at the moment.

  6. And here we have some more brightly shining feminist stars.
    But they could could have a point. If Austria is ruled by a patriarchy then it was the patriarchy who let these pakistani rapist child murderers into the country. The Austrian patriarchs probably called the patriarchs in pakistan and said "Our Austrian bitches are getting so uppity, can you please please lend us of some of your rape and murder prone young men, we are desperate to put these bitches in their place".
    But i suspect these feminists dont have any coherent thaugts at all about in wich way the patriarchy is at fault here. They just wanna generate maximum drama at the expence of the victim and show themselfs of as potential mates to all young exotic men pouring over their borders. A kind of voluntary warbrides.

  7. Yes, the feminist protest in Austria seems bizarre, but unfortunately I don´t speak Austrian Führer German, so I didn´t really understand what they were screaming about...

    As if there were no relevant differences between Austria and Afghanistan in terms of patriarchy...

  8. Off topic.

    Somebody just left a long, interesting comment on this old blog post of mine.

    The strange similarities between Celtic and Semitic languages are also mentioned in this clip from a language super-nerd on YouTube (who is not very alternative, btw).

  9. I wouldnt be suprised if "Beyond highbrow" have blogged something about that. Hes a language nerd of the highest degree. Generally än intresting guy. Marxist who calls himself Alt-Left.
    Check his blog if you havent already.

  10. Checking the language sections of his blog now, wow! Otherwise, too Stalinoid for my tender Occidentalist tastes, ha ha.

  11. Here´s a quote I just found:

    "The first Caucasians were probably a mixture of 1/2 Africans (possibly Maasai and Tutsi types from Central Africa) mixed with ancient proto-Asians from China (who may have resembled the Ainu). From this strange mixture arose the original Caucasians, probably in the Caucasus and southern Russia, but maybe also in Iran.

    There is good evidence that the first Caucasians, including the Cro-Magnons, looked a lot like Black Africans, in particular the Caucasoid-appearing Africans such as the Maasai and the Tutsi. Cro-Magnon skeletons look like the Masai more than any other modern skeleton. Cro-Magnon skulls are more likely to be confused with Negroid skulls than any other."

  12. He is srangley delusional in some of his defenses of Stalin. But be is also very funny when hating on Trotskyists and neo-cons wich be sees as essentially the same movement.
