Friday, July 16, 2021

The Earth is flat


Sure as hell look flat! 


  1. "Third Force" riots in South Africa, the West Coast on fire, Europe under water, Delta Virus waiting in the wings, anti-vaxx riots in France and Greece, pro-vaxx riots in Cuba, Haitian president down...

    Can we blame this on Trump somehow? Asking for a friend named Joe.

  2. Trump was roundly mocked by the Swedish libs when he said "Did you hear what happened last night in Sweden"? I think the year was 2016.

    You´re not laughing now, are you?

  3. I forgot to add the Taliban advance in the first posting above. My mistake. Added! Definitely Trump´s fault.

  4. Time for a new paradigm, boyz and girlz. I was thinking "fossil fuel fascism". Any takers?

  5. Seriously, though, it feels like we are approaching end game pretty damn fast now. Faster than I expected. I had hoped for some kind of respite until, I don´t know, 2035?

    And no, I can´t say I like it. I didn´t mind the good ol´ Social Democratic welfare state (give or take a few things).

    We´re probably going to love "the 2020 lock down stability" after the shit really comes unglued...

    The irony.

  6. But sure, I could be wrong. Maybe in 2022 there will be a new upturn in the economy, and all libertarian cornucopians will laugh me out of court. Another battle lost for apocalyptic peak oil pessimism. Like when Paul Ehrlich lost that bet with...was it Julian Simmons?

  7. Dont feel like embracing some religion but for those so inclined and who know they are are realy evil under all that woke polish, i reccomend Temple ov Blood(Psyop or not). The way things are going their dystopic vision of the future in that novel "Iron gates" dont seem far of. By the way, do you call a novel dealing with the future "dystopic" even if the writer loves all the sick shit happening in the novel, and it is very obvious to even the dullest reader?

  8. Can we call it "affirmative dystopia" or something like that?

  9. "Affirnative Dystopic Sado-Perverse Action". That should wet the apetite of the most transgressive SJW:s. They can have their own Dystopic Sadoperverse block in the next Pride parade. Wearing military ABC-hazard suits but with their genitals exposed, throwing darts dipped in AIDS-blood on the audience and flogging anyone who dares to come near till their ribs are visible.
    What!? Did RFSL:s official block do exactly that in the last parade!?

    1. Speaking of ToB, could this sequel to "Iron gates" be about Greta Thunberg?


  11. Seems to be a truly depraved organization, where are the Knights Templar when you finally need them?

  12. RFSL sure are. Oh, you meant ToB! Yes, they are to. I taught you wanted to let the templars deal with RFSL. Now that i think about it, that might actually be called for. Anyone whos seen the documentary "Pelle Polis" would agree. Lots of convicted pederast rapists exposed in that documentary. One of them officiated the opening of Pride a few years ago.

  13. And here are the templars:
    They sure look fit for the job.

  14. Will check when I regain computer access...

  15. Tror inte han som la till musiken ens reflekterade över att "chosen ones" kunde uppfattas på DET sättet. Men annars är 40K en mycket intressant blandning av gamla myter, SF och nutida geopolitik.
    Blir lite som ett rorsachstest när folk i några årtionden skapar och upprätthåller en fiktiv värld med konkurrerande civilisationer. Ganska uppenbart att åtminstone somliga som uppdaterar 40k är tämligen icke PK innerst inne, men de måste släppa sitt censurerande överjag när de gör litterära världar, annars hämmas kreativiteten för mycket.

  16. Man behöver inte läsa mycket om 40K:s orker för att se att deras förlaga helt uppenbart är vissa typer av nutida negrer. Liberianska påtända soldater under General "Butt Nakeds" kommando som äter och våldtar allt och alla i sin väg, eller somaliska gäng i förorten som slåss om vem som ska beckna i vilken hörna och vem som ska få våldta svennehurorna just där.

  17. Av någon anledning har alla orcher i 40k prognati. Sen har de visserligen grön hud men det hade blivit för uppenbart med både svart hud och prognati.
    För övrigt heter alla typer av handeldvapen "Shottaz" på orkiska i 40K.
    Vi har ju ett somaliskt gäng i sverige som kallar sig just "Shottaz". Tror inte dessa somalier ens vet vad 40K är... Just därför så imponerande att 40K ändå lyckats fånga deras karaktär så bra.
