Friday, July 16, 2021

Insectoid aliens?

Some fascinating speculations in this one. The claim that some UFOs are "simply" insect swarms may sound like a typical armchair skeptic debunking, but as cryptozoologist Karl Shuker demonstrates here, there is nothing simple about it. It seems that some insects can glow due to electrical discharges in the air after thunderstorms! 

I´m not sure whether this has been scientifically proven, but it certainly sounds as an interesting addition to the "natural but really weird" kind of explanations for supposedly paranormal phenomena. So the next time you see a glowing flying disc in the sky during a forest foraging foray, it might actually be an enormous aggregation of ants or moths! 

Nature has never been more strange... 

UFO-logical encounters of the insect kind?


  1. In many SF stories there are space ships that actually are huge insects. No Ufologists seriously suggesting this?
    A favorite example of mine are the "Tyranuds" space ships in 40k. Entirely created from DNA-manipulated living creatures.


  3. I don´t think so, some claim that insectoid aliens exist (usually in the form of an enormous praying mantis!), but it seems the imagination stops at the space ships, they are always saucer-shaped (scout ships), long and large (mother ships) or simply luminous in general. But sure, I could have missed some fringe theory...

  4. I like this comment in the video clip:
    "The Tyranids are one of those things that you’ actually glad is fiction"

    They are scary, especially the genestealer-infiltration-false apocalypse part. That´s exactly how real life aliens would subvert a world, create a phoney religious cult around themselves...

    A kind of Lovecraft-Christian fundamentalist cross?

  5. From Wiki: "The visual design of the Tyranids was inspired by the art of H. R. Giger, with the genestealer sub-race being further inspired by the Alien from the eponymous franchise."

    Yes, of course!

  6. For some reason i associate the genestealers with swedish "batikhäxor" and that kind of people. Media is their "psychic beacon".
