Friday, July 30, 2021

The grizzly toll of hedonism


This is fiction. And transatlantic english? No idea, but maybe there is a lesson in here somewhere...


  1. I love the way in which this lady uses fancy "British" words such as: sensuous, debauchery, heralded, fallen domain, blighted, nightmarish, peril, fractured, dwindling, star-treading craftworlds, diffidence, catastrophy, rigidity, corsairs, outcasts, blazing, exhilerating...

  2. What dialect is this? Note that she says "empire" rather than "empaaaah", to take just one example, yet she nevertheless sounds more British than American.

  3. Plenty of lessons in the 40k universe. Especially with the human empire. For example human technology is better the older it is because mankind is getting dumber and dont truly understand enginering anymore. Enginers are called "tech priests" and Believe themself that they are performing some sort of ritual magigick to please the machine spirits when they repair stuff.
    Inventions are usually seen as heresy. Inventors are very lucky if their inventions are aporoved, otherwise they get burnt för heresy.
