Thursday, July 29, 2021

It´s a sorting mechanism, stupid

The link below goes to a remarkable essay by Malcom Kyeyune, a "Strasserite" intellectual and colorful character based in Sweden. It seems Kyeyune has been avidly reading John Michael Greer´s books lately! That, and he talks too much - about *everything*, in fact, except the ostensible topic of the essay: something about Curtis Yarvin´s view of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Does anyone still care about the wordsmith previously known as Mencius Moldbug? (And what *is* a moldbug anyway?) 

One important point made by Kyeyune is that CRT and other kinds of Wokeness are *sorting mechanisms* by which a *mostly White* elite gets to perpetuate its dominance. In other words, CRT isn´t as stupid or irrational as it may seem. It´s not even particularly "anti-White". Nor is the point that CRT is hypocritical (although it problaby is). It´s perfectly sane, rational and consistent from the viewpoint of the elite in American society and its present-day needs. Thus, CRT has a very definite *class* aspect. It even has ethnic aspects, with People of Color (once again) being excluded.

This paragraph is a keeper: "The idea that CRT is an ideology fundamentally hostile to white people as such has other problems. Possibly the most meaningful systemic change in education taking place right now is a move away from standardized testing, like the Scholastic Aptitude Test, towards more free-form essay formats where mastery of wokeness is the name of the game. This change disproportionately hurts asian-american students, whose seats are then freed up for other contestants, many of which will be – yes, you guessed it – white! A tool like the SAT, for all of its many flaws, is socially more egalitarian than the essay format. It is easy to imagine a poor student going to the library in order to get good enough at math to get into a decent college. It is much, much harder to imagine a poor student going to the same library in order to learn how to write a story about being poor. These stories, much like the confucian poems popular in imperial China, are actually incredibly formalized and obtuse, replete with hidden meanings, cultural mores and taboos, as well as strict language and style norms. To write a good essay on the pain of being poor, the kind of essay that will suitably impress the gatekeepers of elite institutions, it is more or less necessary for you to be quite rich. Only the incredibly credulous can still believe in the fantasy that this is somehow a mistake or an oversight on the part of the woke."

Seen in this way, many baffling aspects of CRT and SJW-ism get their explanation. Why the bizarre obsession with "cancelling" all and sundry? Answer: it´s a competitive sorting mechanism. Why the hatred of all POCs who refuse to toe the party line? Another sorting mechanism (nothing personal, baby) from a system mostly dominated by elite Whites anyway. Why the totalitarian tendency to extend wokeness to everything, from obscure school districts to gigantic businesses? It´s a way to find employment even for the lower echelon elite SJWs, who can now become well-paid "diversity consultants" and what not in the bloated woke bureaucracy. And why is conservative opposition to wokeness so impotent? Because the leading conservatives really belong to the same elite group, and the courts and institutions charged with "stopping CRT" are the same people who would benefit most from CRT being implemented...

It´s a class project of the bureaucrat-bourgeoisie, stupid. This ties in to a realization I made surprisingly late in the game: these people *don´t believe a word of what they are saying*. Wokness is like an upper class accent you are supposed to use to sound well-bred.

Kyeyune then discusses the implicit plans of the Democratic Party to centralize the United States polity, arguing that this won´t benefit the working class or the poor, once again being a bureaucratic project. Like Greer, he believes that it´s doomed to fail, and that the collapse of the US might not be far away. No "Blue Caesar" will arrive to save the globo-liberals, but it seems no "Red Caesar" is waiting in the wings, either. (Blue is the party color of the Democrats, red that of the Republicans.) 

In conclusion, I have to quote Kyeyune´s own concluding paragraph, in which he addresses the young radicals of the far right: "What will any of you do, when the increasingly trembling and arthritic hands of your enemies finally lose their grip on that hated sword? The bitter truth that these young radicals will have to face is not that the period they live in is a twilight of the gods. That much should have been obvious long ago. The real horror they must grapple with is that their own gods died a long time ago; this time, the twilight has come for the gods of their enemies, and they will be the ones left to deal with the fallout. Rather than pointedly ask how we plan to keep living life in the case this patently decrepit, rainbow-colored Soviet Union lasts forever in all of its repressive, totalitarian, transgender glory, perhaps today’s dissidents ought to think somewhat seriously about what the fuck it is they plan on doing when it actually doesn’t."

Read all of it here:

Send them back your fierce defiance/ Stamp upon the cursed alliance


  1. This one is good, too: "The camel is angry not because it has been convinced by your eloquent political ideas, but because it is truly tired of having to carry all these burdens for so long."

  2. A good reminder to all intellectuals and quasi-intellectuals (including my own humble intellectual quasi-self) that meta-politics never changed anything...

  3. Kyeune is usually sport on but i Believe that he is only slightly on träck here. That CRT is sorting people out is obvious. But why this particular way of sorting people out when there are countless other ways to do it?
    And what "conservatives" are really in favour of this? Neo Cons maybe but not all of them. Not even a neo conn stooge like Ben Shapiro have anything Nice to say about CRT.

  4. I noticed that Kyeyune doesn´t believe in "race", not even in the Hübinette manner, "race isn´t biological but it does exist socially speaking". He seems to believe that race is a meaningless term overall, and simply hides class. So I suppose this could be the problem: Kyeyune really is a "class reductionist", so to him CRT can only be a *purely* bourgeois project. That most of the bourgeoisie is White is probably something he points out pro forma, perhaps to show precisely how meaningless he thinks CRT is.

  5. That is, meaningless as a nominal ideology.

  6. Yes, he is brilliant in many ways but i Think his fanatical race-nihilism makes him him sligthly uncalibrated in his otherwise devastating attacks on the globo-homo left.
    One would Think that this fanatical race-nihilism would make him imune to attacks from the globo-homo left but those retards are becoming increasingly racialistic in their worldview even if they deny this/are to retarded to even realise it.
