Friday, August 2, 2024

Breitbart has fallen


Breitbart News (nicknamed "Trump´s Pravda" by critics in 2016) admits that Kamala Harris might be able to defeat Donald Trump. 

Their writer, indefatigable culture warrior John Nolte, seems to have supported DeSantis in the GOP primaries. He is also pro-vaxx and freely admits taking the jab himself. Translation: hardline Trump fans probably see him as a Judas or Benedict Arnold.

Of course, this is the opinion of just one man, and the Breitbart editors are probably just as pro-Don as ever. In line with their "big tent" approach, Breitbart News gave positive coverage to both Trump´s and Cruz´ primary campaigns in 2016, even after Cruz´ supporters had literally left their editorial board! Still, it *is* intriguing that they sneak in this little piece...    

Kamala erases most of Trump´s national lead

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