Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Taliban are coming


A lot of content like this on the web lately. Despite the lack of dramatic headlines, the United States is calling it quits in Afghanistan, and the Taliban (overthrown by the US in the wake of 9/11 almost 20 years ago) are swiftly returning, even capturing abandoned US bases and military equipment in the process. 

It´s actually quite amazing. 

Nor is the US media (on behalf of the Deep State) trying to sabotage the process, while under Trump, they did so every time the idiosyncratic faux caudillo made some move to further a withdrawal of troops ("the Russian bounties"). 

What will happen now? If the return of the Taliban will lead to a new migrant crisis, more al-Qaeda and ISIS bases, and destabilization of neighboring regions, it´s difficult to see how the great powers can abstain from intervening in Afghanistan again. Will Russia, China, India or Iran make a move? Or will Afghanistan be permitted to become an enormous sink hole in the middle of the Eurasian geopolitical theatre? 

Does anybody know? Do we even want to know?  


  1. There is something eerily symbolic and somewhat sinister about the return of the Taliban, and in 2021 to boot! The US even decided that 9/11 2021 should be the nominal date for the withdrawal...

    So it was all...for nothing? That, and the fact that 9/11 was a conspiracy anyway!

  2. Note also the bizarre karma that the US Empire is taken down by the same thing it used to take down the Soviet Empire with...

  3. What if the world´s biggest terrorist attack will be carried out somewhere in New York on 9/11 2021?

  4. In what sense has the US "avenged" 9/11? Sure, they overthrew the Taliban and eventually killed bin-Laden, but apart from that? Iraq had nothing to do with it, and is now a de facto part of the Iranosphere. Al-Qaeda has spread all over the world, together with ISIS. And the talebs are back in force in Afghan country! I mean, what the fuck?

  5. The Islamic terrorists must think that Allah works in mysterious ways...

  6. We should have let the Russians take Afghanistan in 1979. Realpolitik...

  7. You can take it from me, I´m no Communist. Nor Russian, btw.
