Friday, July 2, 2021

SJWs attack rape crisis center!

How "trans activists" literally attacked and "progressives" defunded a crisis center for raped women in Vancouver, Canada. Meanwhile, trans activists and their allies in the United States are trying to stop laws prohibiting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) since they fear that such legislation could be used to stop sex-change surgery on minors! I never reflected on the similarity before, but of course the two things *do* have an eery family likeness. Also a good summary of the classical feminist position on trans issues in general. More proof that "trans activism" is both crazy and positively anti-woman/anti-feminist. It´s the patriarchy of late post-modern capitalism. 

First they came for the rape crisis center


  1. "But i was not a rape victim so i did not speak. In fact i suprise sexed a few kids myself".
    Random C-party member these days

  2. Inbred somalis in favour of female genital mutilation marching in the same ranks as mentally ill white transactivist for the right to slice away at childrens genitals... If thats not a freak show i dont know what is.
