Friday, July 2, 2021

"Choice" has nothing to do with it

An ex-Muslim MENA feminist on the hijab. Summary: It doesn´t matter whether or not Muslim women "choose to wear the hijab", the hijab is anti-woman and has got to go anyway. This is absolutely correct! Note how many leftists turn the hijab into a matter of individual choice, thereby adopting a *liberal* (in the classic sense of that term) position, ironic given the fact that Islam is, of course, not particularly concerned with liberal freedoms...

Quote: "I can't find it in my heart to care about choice, because the women who do choose to wear it only make me more uncomfortable than the women who do not. Sometimes choice does matter, but it is not the beginning and the end of the hijab discussion. Entering the cage and swallowing the key is no different than being thrown into the cage and watching the key get thrown out. A cage is a cage is a cage, and it is time to break free." 

The disturbing implications of hijab

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