Monday, September 21, 2020

Moscow's strange agent in the White House

Rattled by crisis, US-aligned Polish government steps up intervention in Belarus

The link above goes to an article on the current crisis in Belarus, published by the Socialist Equality Party, a small far left group in the United States. This is obviously not a publication I particularly like, and I don't like the "anti-Polish" tendency in the article either. That aside, it's nevertheless interesting in many ways.

First, it shows that the "liberals" are completely out of order when accusing Trump of being pro-Russian or somehow compromised by the evil Rooskees. In reality, Trump is trying to encircle Russia in good old time-honored fashion. Don't show this or similar articles to CNN!

The piece further argues that China has huge interests in Belarus. This would make the United States even more interested in somehow making Belarus US-oriented. In Belarus, anti-Chinese and anti-Russian geopolitics meet and shake hands. 

Finally, the article makes a connection between the current "Three Seas Initiative" and Intermarium, the Greater Polish geopolitics of Polish interwar leader Pilsudski. The similarity is striking. What the article doesn't reveal is whether the Alt Right has suddenly become Greater Poland nationalists, or whether they still prefer a Russian Orthodox drang nach Constantinople, but I suppose you can't get everything you wish for... 

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