Monday, September 28, 2020

Was God an astronaut, after all?


Two clips featuring Sadhguru, a colorful Hindu guru based in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. He seems to be a slightly more civilized version of the late and unlamented Osho. 

Sadhguru claims that Shiva is both the Absolute and a mysterious incarnation of the same that appeared on Earth 15,000 years ago. This Shiva was also known as Adiyogi and taught the science of yoga to seven rishis who then spread it around the world. I get the impression that Sadhguru really does believe that Adiyogi was a space alien! He seems to be a character similar to the Watchers or the Nephilim in UFO lore freely inspired by the Book of Enoch. 

There are also "aliens" in Lake Manasarovar in Tibet, close to Kailash, the holy mountain of Shiva. However, these aliens seem to be more like typical spirits and can even possess humans during meditation.

Not sure what to think of this material, so I´m just gonna leave it here... 

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