Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Northern Lights: Harbingers of the Apocalypse?


As a denizen of Ultima Thule, or at the very least Sweden, I want to protest very firmly against the claims in this video (hailing from the American South)! 

Ahem, there´s nothing sinister or even remotely apocalyptic about the Northern Lights...

The scenario in this random YouTube clip is that before the "three days of darkness", which I assume are taken from John´s Revelation, the Northern Lights will appear all over the world. That´s the sign that you should run for shelter, bolt your windows, or whatever. 

All similarities to "The Day of the Triffids" are probably purely co-incidental.

It will happen in August, according to the personage above. Except of course that it won´t. All kinds of really serious shit might happen in the world the next two months, true, but a literal apocalypse ushered in by Aurora Borealis isn´t one of them, I´m afraid. 


  1. Nord och sydsken är jordens inre sol som ibland projicerar sitt ljus genom polhålen på vår övre atmosfär. Vill jag gärna tro.

  2. Norrskenet (och 'sydskenet'...) uppstår när elektriskt laddade partiklar från solen möter jordens magnetfält. Anledningen till att det i stort sett endast syns längst i norr och söder är att magnetfältet är starkare där.


  4. Jag vet men jag gillar ihälig jord teori fast jag inte tror på den. Och kanske är öppningen i norr helt enkelt större än öppningen i syd.

  5. Thanks to Erik for the science! The amount of gibberish the public puts out just to gain a following on you tube! But, must be some really good smoke down there! Y'all take care now and remember what Padre Pio said, when the Apocalypse comes, go outside and look up at the sky and say "Who is like unto God?" The angels of destruction will pass over and spare you whatever havoc is forthcoming! Meanwhile, no shortage of Padre Pio you tubers either.
