Sunday, July 4, 2021

"Single bee is making an immortal clone army"

LOL. I really like this site, called Live Science. Here we go again...

Parthenogenesis or "virgin birth" is apparently a more complex phenomenon than I assumed (based on my senior high school biology). I don´t really understand the technical aspects of this article, but the bottom line is that the workers of the South African Cape Honeybee can reproduce asexually by a process similar to cloning. Many of them are genetically identical to a bee that lived in 1990! Usually, of course, worker-bees can´t reproduce at all. 

As for virgin birth, apparently the usual form leads to a deterioration of the genetical material over time. Not so in this case. The new superbee can succesfully infiltrate and take over hives of the African Lowland Honeybee. The clones don´t need a queen, nor do they perform any useful work. They just parasitize their host colony until it collapses. Then, it´s apparently on to the next one! The scientists are baffled by this behavior, since it´s dysfunctional and hence presumably should be selected against. 

But surely there is *another* species of animal that behaves in pretty much this manner? You know, Homo something sapiens... 

Single bee is making an immortal clone army

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