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The blog to end all blogs. Reviews and comments about all and everything. This blog is NOT affiliated with YouTube, Wikipedia, Copilot Designer or any commercial vendor! Links don´t imply endorsement. Many posts and comments are ironic. The blogger is not responsible for comments made by others. The languages used are English and Swedish. Content warning: Essentially everything.
This seems to be an entire genre on YouTube. Strange shit people do in Catholic churches. I always assumed only liberal Protestants were into this kind of stuff? The dancers are good and very pagan, but perhaps a bit misplaced in a cathedral!
This is what happens when you persecute Cathars and burns Jan Hus at the stake!
Or is God punishing the Catholic Church for all the problems it has created for the past 1,400 years or so? But if so, the solution isn´t simply to go back to the 16th century Tridentine Mass...
This is fiction. And transatlantic english? No idea, but maybe there is a lesson in here somewhere...
Elon Musk (!!!) seems to agree with some kind of John Michael Greer-esque perspective here. Note that "latter" must be a reference to "whimper" rather than to "bang", suggesting that Musk believes in a gradual decline of world civilization (at least up to a point!). Of course, he still wants to save us by going to Mars, und so weiter.
Still, when one of the leading American capitalists tries to capitalize on an idea usually associated with a backwoods archdruid, you know something has changed in the "matrix"!
Elon Musk: Population collapse is "potentially the greatest risk to the future of civilization"
Jag har lite dåliga nyheter, grabben...
Ett av det här alternativen kommer att förverkligas. Inte det andra.
What on earth have the French contributed to Western civilization?
The Renaissance is Italian.
The Protestant Reformation started in Germany.
The Enlightenment is German, English and Scottish.
Freemasonry is Scottish and English.
Even the French Revolution had an English counterpart over a century earlier. Yes, that would be the English Civil War!
I suppose the Jacobins were uniquely French. The world´s first fascist organization was also French (not German or Italian). It was called Action Francaise and was formed before World War I.
So the French contribution to world civilization is...Communism and fascism.
Oh. Or as the Frenchies would no doubt put it: Oh lá lá.
In Britain, Queen Victoria is mostly associated with prudishly covering up the legs of pianos.
Which she probably didn´t do. Yet, people are *immensely* angry at her and other "Victorian moralists" still today.
In Ireland, Victoria is mostly associated with killing one million people.
In India, Victoria is mostly associated with killing 100 million people, give or take a dozen of millions or so.
Which she probably did do.
People´s perceptions vary.
Why is Oliver Cromwell considered a classical villain in British history books? Can anyone explain this to me?
I mean, Cromwell killed a million Irishmen and deported another million to Barbados. Sounds like any other Englishman I know. He killed Scotsmen and Frenchmen too, for good measure.
Sure, he beheaded a king. But why is there a fundamental qualitative difference between beheading a king, and overthrowing a king by inviting a foreign usurper to invade the country? Why is the former a henious crime, while the latter is a glorious revolution?
I think I know why poor old Ironside has the same status in the history books as the Joker in a Batman movie. It´s because he didn´t allow the Anglicans to elevate the host and the chalice in a "moderate" manner during Holy Mass. I mean, that *must* be it. The Lord Protector didn´t follow the via media. That´s why we had to dig up his dead body, put it on public display and let it rot. That´s the moderate thing to do, apparently.
OK, seriously. The real reason is of course that Cromwell didn´t want to give the aristocracy, pardon, "gentry", and monarchy any piece of the capitalist-bourgeois action. I mean, the guy sounded almost French! There is a strange irony in this, since history probably would have looked pretty much the same even if Cromwell had succeeded in neo-modelling England. The British Empire would still have been created, Britannia would have ruled the waves, the Industrial Revolution would definitely have happened, and so on. Indeed, you would even be forced to read John Milton´s poetry! It´s even possible that Britain would have been a monarchy rather than a "commonwealth" (republic), since Cromwell acted as a quasi-monarch during the latter portion of his reign.
But sure, it would have been immensely *boring*. No Globe theater, no homosexuality in the upper class, no Anglo-Catholic elevations, no celebrity scandals involving the Prince of Wales or Meghan Markle. And absolutely no excentric lords prattling on about UFOs, serpent power, homeopathy or whatever. Indeed, there would *be* no lords at all.
I readily admit I could have thrived in a Neo-Cromwellian Commonwealth...
Jag sitter och funderar på varför "alla" anti-rasister i de officiella medierna plötsligt har börjat lyfta frågan om "folkutbyte"? Visst, de säger att det är en högerextrem konspirationsteori, men tidigare har det ju inte ens nämnt denna teori. Så varför har de börjat göra det just nu? Den är väl varken mer eller mindre spridd idag än under migrantkrisen 2015 (när jag stötte på konceptet för första gången).
Kan det vara så allvarligt att medierna subliminalt tror, vet eller tror sig veta *att det faktiskt är sant*, att denna insikt drabbade dem under den senaste tidens brottsvåg, och att det därför attackerar åsikten öppet som en märklig form av psyko-drama eller exorcism? Annars hade de ju ganska enkelt kunna tysta ner föreställningen.
Jag antar att de inte brukar lyfta t.ex. tanken att media "kontrolleras av judar", att arierna är kosmiska väsen som kommer från den svarta solen, och så vidare...
Här är förresten en anti-rasistisk blogg som verkar tro att konspirationsteorin är sann!
"Fler barn och ungdomar än någonsin tidigare har utländsk bakgrund"
"Den svenska arbetarklassen består till stor del av invandrare"
A fun observation which may or may not mean anything. I recently listened to a lecture here in Sweden about new technology. Yes, it included flying cars, but also other stuff: self-going trucks, AI, robots, and so on. The interesting thing was that the lecturer asked “was it really better in the so-called good old days” and then proceeded to diss…the 20th century! I mean, they had two world wars and the Spanish flue, which was much worse than COVID! The best year in world history was 2019!
Now, he has a point of course. Still, as recently as the 2010´s, believers in Progress argued that the 20th century really was the best ever, despite the world wars. Wasn´t this the argument of Steven Pinker, for instance?
It struck me that the lecturer was old enough to have lived most of his life during the accursed 20th century, yet dissed it. For the benefit of a younger generation, perhaps? I found it intriguing that People´s Exhibit A for Progress (the good ol´ 1900´s) were so unceremoniously tossed out as if nothing!
Another weird thing I noticed lately, which I have already commented upon, was the spin the media gave a recent NASA report about climate change. The report said that a natural cycle in the Moon´s motions, which affects the tides on Earth, might lead to more coastal flooding than usual due to climate change. Yet, the media (which are supposed to be "woke" on climate change issues) spun the whole thing as "the Moon did it"! And this in the middle of a long hot summer with a lot of flooding and *enormous* forest fires all over the world?! I have no idea whether this was just a click baitish fluke, or whether the establishment is quietly preparing to abandon its (purely nominal) admission of climate crisis and its (partially real) support for Green capitalism in favor of something else, say a good ol´ fossil fuel extravaganza, and that this was a trial balloon of some kind. Probably the former, but we´ll see...
Some further reflections on wokeness and whether or not the woke believe in their own bullshit ideology. This also ties in to the question whether they are consciously evil, honestly deluded or just plain irrational. For some time, I operated on the assumption that the SJWs don´t believe a word of what they were saying, that the whole woke BS is just a power play or sorting mechanism through which the elite can "cancel" its competitors.
As a commentator on this blog pointed out, though, while wokeness is indeed a sorting mechanism, why *this* particular mechanism? Two generations ago, the sorting mechanism may have been to mimic the mores of the White Anglo upper and upper middle class. And two generations before that, you had to *be* White Anglo upper and upper middle class to even be considered for elite promotion. So why exactly does the present sorting mechanism emphasize belief in 57 genders, CRT or censorship of "COVID disinfo" rather than, say, equity feminism, colorblindness or censorship of anti-Zionism?
On second thoughts, I think it´s obvious that the woke *do* believe in their ideology *on some level*. It´s the formal ideological reflection of certain very definite class or stratum interests. Like all other formal ideologies, it combines deliberate BS with false consciousness. It reflects both the "sociolect" of the elite and its honest delusions. Of course, the latter becomes less and less possible to sustain as the elite and its system slides towards its inevitable destruction. This is the phase we´re in now, which probably explains why regular globo-liberalism with its attendant left-liberal "causes" has gone mad, becoming more and more shrill and cultish in the process. It probably is both evil, honestly delusional, irrational *and* elitist, all at the same time.
Note that I said "formal" ideology and "believe at some level". We can compare wokeness to Communism. In the Soviet Union, the only way to make a career was to pretend to believe in Communism, join the Communist Party, make all the obligatory genuflections and denunciations, etc. Of course almost nobody after a certain point *really* believed in, say, Lenin´s Communism or the formal ideology of the Brezhnevite CPSU. (Internationalism, working class unity, dialectics, and so on.) But note that when Communism fell, almost half of the Russians still voted for the Communist Party in free elections! The reason, I think, is that the *real* ideology of (post-Lenin) Soviet Communism came to the fore after the fall of the USSR: Russian nationalism, in which a global great power is administered by a centralized bureaucracy, with some input from loyal technocrats and military men. This is what all those evil Russians really believed in all those years. Note also the salient fact that the Communists were eradicated in Estonia, but remained in power in Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania by simply changing their moniker (and their poglavniks). Obviously because the formal ideology of world peace and proletarian internationalism was actually hiding a militant but statist form of nationalism and/or Pan-Slavism.
In the same way, SJW ideology has its ideological BS and underneath it, its real substance: the promotion of "multi-cultural" globo-liberalism within a hybrid neo-liberal/bureaucratic system dominated by a certain kind of managerial elite groups. It would be interesting to delve more deeply into exactly how this dynamic works itself out in practice. Thus, the "logical" globo-liberal position on "race" should be to promote a White-Jewish-East Asian alliance, but it seems the latter group have been dumped into the politically incorrect gutter. Note also how Blacks and Muslims are used by storm troopers by the globo-elites, but play a token role at best further up the hierarchy. (It´s interesting to note that neither Obama nor Harris are "real" Black Americans, for instance.) Finally, note how the young and easily impressionable (and probably stoned) are also used as sturmabteilung (and cannon fodder) in a culture revolution-like frenzy, probably because they *really do* believe all the BS they´ve been fed by their superiors (what a "youth rebellion"!). I mean, why else would they "transition", for instance? In the same manner, the most self-destructive and bizarre actions and statements on the European side of wokeness (none mentioned here) are always young activists who on some level probably think they are saving the world by their actions, not *simply* playing for power in a hierarchy (although that´s probably also involved in some cases).
With these somewhat marginal notes, I end for today.
Har länge tyckt att Anders Kompass borde bli Guatemalas president. Eller kanske prokonsul i en svensk kolonialadministration? Det här är efterträdaren...
Tycker alltså att han gjorde helt rätt här.
Svensk ambassadör blandar sig i Guatemalas inre angelägenheter
"Warcraft: The Beginning" ia a 2016 fantasy film based on the video game franchise "World of Warcraft", produced by Blizzard Entertainment. At first glance, it´s just another LOTR rip-off, and I do mean Peter Jackson´s LOTR, although I suppose Tolkien is still left in there somewhere. You can easily find parallels to Sauron, Saruman, Aragorn, the Council of Elrond, the White Tower, and so on. There are also similarities to "Game of Thrones". Maybe I was just imagining it, but surely there was a hidden reference to "Superman", as well? And, of course, the Bible! The more I reflected on the story-line, however, the more differences with the basic fantasy concept became apparent.
Some are very obvious, such as the human queen being colored or mixed race. One of the main characters is a female human-Orc hybrid! The treatment of the Orcs is obviously different from that of regular fantasy,
Usually, Orcs are simply evil, cuz reasons, period. In "Warcraft", by contrast, the Orcs comes across more like a warband of American Indians or very rowdy Japanese samurai (or perhaps even Klingons from "Star Trek"!). Despite being brutal killer-machines, they nevertheless abide by a certain code of honor, show paternal and maternal affection (yes, there are Orc women and children in this film), and have enough free will to negotiate with enemy factions if it suits their tribal politicking.
Of course, every fantasy story needs *some* villain who really is evilly evil. Or does it? Strictly speaking, there is no such person in "Warcraft". Evil is an entirely blind and impersonal death force, which from time to time infects good people and turn them bad. One of the plot twists is that the Orcs have been duped by a tribal chief infected by "fel magic", as the impersonal evil is called. I even got the impression that the conflict between the Orcs and the races of Azeroth could have been solved peacefully, had it not been for key people on both sides being infected by the death force. Contemporary social concerns are visible in the film: sexism, slavery, immigration (the Orcs are refugees from a dying world), even loneliness (perhaps a euphemism for autism?). The Guardian was infected by fel due to his loneliness, rather than some more serious character flaw. The only thing missing is man-made climate change, but maybe I just didn´t see it. The climate change movement had only just started in 2016.
It´s interesting to reflect upon what this implies. The more alt-rightish wing of the gaming community consider Blizzard to be "woke" (i.e. liberal or left-liberal, here intended as an insult). It seems Blizzard has added new characters to the WoW universe, characters which rather inevitably are gay, lesbian or trans. No surprise there, I suppose. But what is the message of "Warcraft" on a deeper level? As already mentioned, its evil is impersonal and works by infection. Get rid of the infection, get rid of evil. Get rid of "loneliness", be a rational guy (or a rational Orc), and you can´t even be infected. Note also that the evil is simply a death force. Is this how liberals see evil? Death is evil, since it stops you from pursuing your individual hedonistic interests. That´s all there is to it. COVID is easy to interpret as a kind of "fel magic" of this kind.
Of course, this isn´t how "liberals" really see the world. In the liberal worldview, evil is extremely personal. Indeed, it seems strongly connected to just one guy! Yes, I mean Donald Trump, the Necromancer of Amerikkka. Nor do liberals seem to think that Trump is at bottom a good guy who has simply been infected by the darker shades of mysterious extra-cosmic substances, the way you can catch, say, a viral infection. Nah, he´s evil like a Tolkienesque Orc, cuz reasons. Note also how fast the liberal elite got onboard *Trump´s* claim that the COVID virus came from the Wuhan lab, the moment the Necromancer had been safely exorcised. So "fel magic" isn´t impersonal, after all, but really controlled by evil *persons*.
Perhaps "Warcraft" is the kiddie version of how liberals "should" view the world. Well, it seems the kids have grown up. I wouldn´t be surprised if a woke reworking of LOTR is the next logical step. Indeed, isn´t there actually a woke version of LOTR already? I haven´t seen it, but I wouldn´t be surprised if it rectifies some of the "problematic errors" of "Warcraft" in a post-Trump, post-COVID world...
Insåg just att jag aldrig länkat till Malcom Kyeyunes klassiska dystopi "Escape from Rosengård". Året var 2017.
Om det nu är en dystopi. En dystopi är ju en fantasi...
The link below goes to a remarkable essay by Malcom Kyeyune, a "Strasserite" intellectual and colorful character based in Sweden. It seems Kyeyune has been avidly reading John Michael Greer´s books lately! That, and he talks too much - about *everything*, in fact, except the ostensible topic of the essay: something about Curtis Yarvin´s view of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Does anyone still care about the wordsmith previously known as Mencius Moldbug? (And what *is* a moldbug anyway?)
One important point made by Kyeyune is that CRT and other kinds of Wokeness are *sorting mechanisms* by which a *mostly White* elite gets to perpetuate its dominance. In other words, CRT isn´t as stupid or irrational as it may seem. It´s not even particularly "anti-White". Nor is the point that CRT is hypocritical (although it problaby is). It´s perfectly sane, rational and consistent from the viewpoint of the elite in American society and its present-day needs. Thus, CRT has a very definite *class* aspect. It even has ethnic aspects, with People of Color (once again) being excluded.
This paragraph is a keeper: "The idea that CRT is an ideology fundamentally hostile to white people as such has other problems. Possibly the most meaningful systemic change in education taking place right now is a move away from standardized testing, like the Scholastic Aptitude Test, towards more free-form essay formats where mastery of wokeness is the name of the game. This change disproportionately hurts asian-american students, whose seats are then freed up for other contestants, many of which will be – yes, you guessed it – white! A tool like the SAT, for all of its many flaws, is socially more egalitarian than the essay format. It is easy to imagine a poor student going to the library in order to get good enough at math to get into a decent college. It is much, much harder to imagine a poor student going to the same library in order to learn how to write a story about being poor. These stories, much like the confucian poems popular in imperial China, are actually incredibly formalized and obtuse, replete with hidden meanings, cultural mores and taboos, as well as strict language and style norms. To write a good essay on the pain of being poor, the kind of essay that will suitably impress the gatekeepers of elite institutions, it is more or less necessary for you to be quite rich. Only the incredibly credulous can still believe in the fantasy that this is somehow a mistake or an oversight on the part of the woke."
Seen in this way, many baffling aspects of CRT and SJW-ism get their explanation. Why the bizarre obsession with "cancelling" all and sundry? Answer: it´s a competitive sorting mechanism. Why the hatred of all POCs who refuse to toe the party line? Another sorting mechanism (nothing personal, baby) from a system mostly dominated by elite Whites anyway. Why the totalitarian tendency to extend wokeness to everything, from obscure school districts to gigantic businesses? It´s a way to find employment even for the lower echelon elite SJWs, who can now become well-paid "diversity consultants" and what not in the bloated woke bureaucracy. And why is conservative opposition to wokeness so impotent? Because the leading conservatives really belong to the same elite group, and the courts and institutions charged with "stopping CRT" are the same people who would benefit most from CRT being implemented...
It´s a class project of the bureaucrat-bourgeoisie, stupid. This ties in to a realization I made surprisingly late in the game: these people *don´t believe a word of what they are saying*. Wokness is like an upper class accent you are supposed to use to sound well-bred.
Kyeyune then discusses the implicit plans of the Democratic Party to centralize the United States polity, arguing that this won´t benefit the working class or the poor, once again being a bureaucratic project. Like Greer, he believes that it´s doomed to fail, and that the collapse of the US might not be far away. No "Blue Caesar" will arrive to save the globo-liberals, but it seems no "Red Caesar" is waiting in the wings, either. (Blue is the party color of the Democrats, red that of the Republicans.)
In conclusion, I have to quote Kyeyune´s own concluding paragraph, in which he addresses the young radicals of the far right: "What will any of you do, when the increasingly trembling and arthritic hands of your enemies finally lose their grip on that hated sword? The bitter truth that these young radicals will have to face is not that the period they live in is a twilight of the gods. That much should have been obvious long ago. The real horror they must grapple with is that their own gods died a long time ago; this time, the twilight has come for the gods of their enemies, and they will be the ones left to deal with the fallout. Rather than pointedly ask how we plan to keep living life in the case this patently decrepit, rainbow-colored Soviet Union lasts forever in all of its repressive, totalitarian, transgender glory, perhaps today’s dissidents ought to think somewhat seriously about what the fuck it is they plan on doing when it actually doesn’t."
Read all of it here:
Send them back your fierce defiance/ Stamp upon the cursed alliance
A conservative activist, Ashley St Clair, recently published an anti-trans book called "Elephants Are Not Birds". Details below.
However, I was struck by something else in the article. Apparently, St Clair was expelled from Turning Point USA, a conservative activist organization, after being associated with "the anti-Semite Nick Fuentes" (of whom I know next to nothing) and "Baked Alaska" (who apparently supported the storming of the Capitol).
There is just one little problem with this. It was Turning Point USA (or strictly speaking their branch-off Turning Point Action) which recently invited Donald Trump to adress their national rally *and cheered him on* when he insulted the Taliban leader and threatened Afghan civilians with genocidal violence. (I´m not sure if the rally was held in Nuremberg, Virginia or Munich, Tennessee, btw.)
Now, I would be the last person to deny that the Afghans are a bit, ahem, rough in the edges and perhaps don´t understand liberal-democratic niceties, but isn´t it strange that St Clair is expelled, de facto accused of being a Nazi, while a guy who does his Hitler routine is cheered on by a huge crowd? Asking for a friend named Adolph.
However, I *do* have a little theory about what caused this double standard to go into effect. Yes, it´s that little word "anti-Semite". The Taliban, whatever else they might be, are probably not a lost tribe of Israel. Nazi-Nazism is verboten at Turning Point USA´s monster mass meetings, but Nazi-Zionism is apparently all the rage! For the record, I support the so-called right of Israel to exist, so you can´t use this posting against me in a rabbinical court...
OK, the headline is in-house humor, but WSWS really is the gift that never stops giving, I mean, a far left group defending Anthony Fauci?!
"Rand Paul, Anthony Fauci and the witch-hunt against science"
What is happening in Tunisia?
This is actually a quite good article, despite the rather heavy-handed Marxist perspective.
Some highlights: IMF demands cuts in public spending, the health care system collapses under COVID, the "succesful transition to democracy" has failed, the president is a clever populist demagogue who really represents a section of the establishment (think Trump, although the article doesn´t make this connection), the power struggle has an international dimension with Turkey and Qatar on the losing side, unclear what great power faction is backing the president.
Tunisia is important, at least symbolically, since it was here "the Arab spring" started. It supposedly shows that you can have a thriving democracy in the Arab world, even with an Islamist party, and so on. Or so the pundits have tended to say. The reality seems to be a bit different, as usual...
"Tunisia´s constitutional coup: No trust in any bourgeois faction"
Jag antar att detta alltså är "på riktigt" nu, eftersom Aftonbladet lyfter frågan...
"Sasquatch´n" is a 2017 Canadian documentary about Bigfoot observations from a Native (American Indian) angle. It supposedly reveals previously secret Native knowledge or lore about the elusive beast. I´m not sure if that´s true, though. I previously reviewed J Robert Alley´s book "Raincoast Sasquatch", which contains material about D´sonoqua and other Bigfoot-like creatures from West Coast Native folklore. (Or perhaps our modern idea of Bigfoot is D´sonoqua-like, at least broadly?) Apart from Native informers, the documentary also features the late John Bindernagel, one of the few scientists who took the Bigfoot phenomenon seriously.
The Natives unapologetically describe D´sonoqua and similar creatures as both physical and paranormal at the same time, using our definitions of those terms. The split between flesh-and-blood cryptozoologists and paranormal researchers would be incomprehensible to them. Above all, "Bigfoot" has been part of Native culture in British Columbia and other parts of western North America since time immemorial, as witnessed by petroglyphs, ceremonial masks and secret shamanic societies. The Natives interviewed (from the Namgis nations, among others) consider meeting "Bigfoot" to be a blessing, even if the encounter itself can be extremely scary. Interestingly, some nations consider the creature to be female (albeit with a small male companion), while others claim its male.
The supernatural aspect includes "portals" in certain rock formations through which the creature is said to enter and leave our reality, but its not clear whether this is needed at all, since it´s also described as a shape-shifter that is impossible to catch even in "our" world. The creature is also said to protect Nature from Man, but the Natives interviewed seem to suggest the opposite: that it really protects *humans* from the wrath of animals!
Which brings me to the annoying last ten minutes of "Sasquatch´n", which is modern eco-warrior stuff pure and simple, complete with an apocalyptic angle, according to which Mother Earth is preparing to cleanse itself of humans, with the numerous Bigfoot sightings being some kind of warning. We are admonished to follow the Native way of life, which supposedly means balance with Nature. Yeah, if you regard overhunting, overfishing, and voluntarily participating in the White man´s fur trade "balance", I suppose you could argue that the Natives lived in "balance" with Gaia. Sorry, but I´m not buying this kind of noble savage romanticism! Still, I suppose there *would* be more "balance" if human population levels would crash to Paleolithic levels...
That being said, "Sasquatch´n" could nevertheless be of some interest, if the interface between cryptozoology, mythology and the paranormal is your thing.
I have no idea who this guy is, what he stands for or what the heck is happening in Tunisia right now, but I admit a certain automatic sympathy for everyone who takes a stand against Islamism, pardon, "moderate" Islamism, yeah, it´s always "moderate" until it isn´t (see: Turkey).
Trump versus Biden. Who would you rather vote for? A guy who pretends to be crazy, and a guy who actually is senile. The irony, though, is that despite Trump´s vulgarity and bluster, *he* signed the deal to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, effectively handing over the country to the Taliban. At the time, the libs tried to stop him (the Russian bounty hoax). Also, Obama (and hence Biden) probably drone striked more villages in far away "stans" than Trump ever did.
Had Trump been the real deal, rather than the fraud he clearly was, all his threats and bluster could be seen as a masterly tactical move to keep the conservative voter base happy (and the Russians and Chinese unsure of his intentions á la the Mad Man Doctrine), while actually withdrawing from a select number of geopolitical hotspots that has become undefensible.
A course of action that´s probably quite wise, all things considered...
Instead, we got a bunch of really weird gyrations (OK, they are not exclusively Trump´s fault - the entire US federal apparatus seems to be in a state of permanent chaos and presumably clique-regulatory capture), and now, Biden is set to do the same thing, but without the Mad Man vulgarity as cover...
The US has done some incredibly stupid and criminal things, for instance setting the stage for the entire al-Qaeda and ISIS situation, but I´m not sure whether an American defensive stampede is really the best alternative. If Russia and China can´t stabilize the situation, who can?
And even if they can, is a world dominated by the backers of Iran, Myanmar and North Korea really so much better than a world dominated by the backers of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Alex Navalny...
Med risk för att låta som en mer "baserad" version av Aftonbladets skämtsamme kändiskrönikör Tramsfrans: den här typen av brottslighet borde rendera 10 års fängelse.
Inte för att den är särskilt samhällsfarlig eller så (although a case could be made), utan för att en brottsling som klär ut sig till SPINDELMANNEN helt enkelt måste vara helt jävla dum i huvudet.
Vi snackar ett år för själva brottet och nio års påbackning för att så totalt sakna fantasi i en värld där minsta lilla barn är fucking expert på memetic warfare.
Men okej, han hade åtminstone konto på TikTok och Instagram!
Det här läste jag redan "när det begav sig", men Greenwald har tydligen tagit affären till en ny nivå. Förlåt, jag menar "den öppet homosexuelle juden" Greenwald.
Enligt den förvånansvärt populära vänsterradikala sajten WSWS är Greenwald dock "hysterisk småborgare" och "fascist", så jag antar att de kommer att tugga fradga ett tag framöver över detta avslöjande. Planerna på att kidnappa Whitmer var nämligen ett av WSWS:s huvudnummer i deras, ähum, hysteriskt småborgerliga kampanj mot en viss Donald Trump.
Men okej, de kan ju fortfarande peka på stormningen av Kapitolium. Ska bli intressant att se när *den* historien visar sig ha luckor, den också...
Från Fria Tider, som jag givetvis kraftigt tar avstånd ifrån, och så vidare. Ni får förresten ursäkta min in-house-polemik mot WSWS, men eftersom jag brukar länka till dem också till och från, så tänkte jag att jag måste markera lite!
Med anledning av en viss händelse lanserar vi, teamet bakom Ashtar Command Book Blog, ett nytt inslag som vi kallar "Veckans Shachtman" (med undertiteln "I never broke personal relations with Max"), där vi nostalgiskt minns olika basic bitch demokrater och liberaler som försvarade västvärlden mot Kommunismen.
Alltid irriterar det någon. Exempelvis alla till vänster om Ingvar Carlsson.
Kanske kommer en eller annan nationell personlighet smyga sig in någonstans också, det beror på om vårt team gör bedömningen att denne senare i sitt liv spelade just en avgörande roll i kampen mot Kommunism, och alltså inte helt enkelt mot brittiska imperiet eller något i den stilen.
Som vanligt tar teamet inget som helst politiskt ansvar för några som helst implikationer av någonting alls, och vi kan när som helst stuva om i vår planering, svänga 180 grader och börja hylla någon helt annan politisk strömning, säg buchariniter, höglundare, lindholmare eller vad som helst.
Vi lovar endast, och detta löfte är oss närmast högheligt, att aldrig någonsin hylla Annie Lööf!
I happen to support this kind of initiative. Finally! (Yes, I´m a trad-feminist puritan.)
Female German gymnasts don unitards to protest sexualization of their sport
Jag är gammal nog att komma ihåg när skateboard var en aktivitet som utövades av skitungar. Tittade nyss på TV och insåg då med viss förvåning att skateboard numera är...en olympisk sport.
Världen förändras.
A curiously "left-populist" article published by Breitbart News (which is usually pro-free market). The author even argues for stronger labor unions! He also calls for less immigration, confrontation with China, scrapping the Green New Deal, and "back to the land" politics, which presumably made the Breitbart editors publish his contribution.
Interestingly, the New York Times (100% liberal Democrat) recently attacked Joe Biden´s Green policies, which makes me wonder if a major shift is underway in globo-liberal policy, *openly* scrapping all Green measures? The NYT attacked them with the "progressive" argument that green jobs might be bad for workers!
Hade Anjalamännen, Carl Olof Cronstedt och Karl Johan rätt när de underhandlade, kapitulerade eller samarbete med ryssarna? Man undrar ju, efter att ha sett ovanstående uttalande från Joe Biden, den fria världens ledare...
This really isn´t funny anymore. I´m old enough to remember when Yeltsin was the "leader" of Russia, leaving the US (or perhaps its simulacrum) as the sole remaining superpower.
Now, history is repeating itself, except that now *America* has a president that makes Boris Nikolaevich look almost badass.
Of course, Biden isn´t really in charge of anything, but there *is* such a thing as optics. How do *you* think Russia, China, Iran, Taliban, Suliban, Sillyban or the local Hare Krishna Antifas will interpret the clip above?
But sure, if CNN holds another town hall, maybe Joe will accidentally spill the beans on Roswell, I suppose that could be of some interest...
And no, Kamala Harris doesn´t scare anyone either.
Most bizarre news item this summer. I sincerely hope this is some kind of silly season geopolitics. If not, well...
Iranian ships that appeared headed for Venezuela are now in the Baltic Sea approaching Russia
"Megafires: The Global Threat" is a two-part Franco-American documentary from 2020 about the recent wave of forest fires in North America, but also other parts of the world. I just finished watching the first part, and it frankly made me feel almost depressed! Yes, it´s man-made climate change all over again.
The number and intensity of forest fires is growing by the year, fires can start even in December (so there is no distinct "forest fire season" anymore), and is only going to get worse for various reasons connected to climate change. For instance, snow is thawing rapidly, making it difficult for trees to absorb the water before it leaves the forest eco-system. At the same time, with each degree of warming, trees need more water, not less (about 20% more). The drought makes the trees less able to defend themselves against attacks from insects such as the ash borer, and dead trees of course make excellent fuel for forest fires...
In 1910, an enormous forest fire known as the Big Burn affected four US states, making the US authorities decide that forest fires were a virtual "public enemy number one". From around 1935 to 1985, American fire fighters *did* succesfully stop almost every forest fire in the country. However, from 1985 onwards, the number of forest fires have been rising very steeply. The reason, according to the scientists interviewed, is that the lack of forest fires have made the forest more dense, with more trees and vegetation in general, and hence more "fuel" once a fire really gets started. Before the 1930´s, fires in effect regulated the size and thickness of the forests, being part of the natural system. The succesful suppression of forest fires turned out to be a pyrrhic victory, especially with global warming added to the mix.
And then there´s the peat...
The documenatry claims that the peat deposits contain 25% of the world´s carbon. More forest fires means more peat will burn, especially in areas such as Alaska, Siberia or Scandinavia, where global warming is more rapid than in the rest of the world. Peat fires can go on for months without being detected, since they can take place literally underground. "The earth itself is on fire". The team goes to Indonesia, where a scientist tells them that a local peat fire wasn´t stopped by three heavy rainfalls.
Still, the most scary part of "Megafires" was the - wait for it - pyrocumulonimbus, a kind of monster cloud that forms during really severe forest fires and creates its own local weather system, complete with thunderstorms. The cloud can therefore spread the wildfire even further, almost as if the fire had a bizarre life of its own!
Is this how the world ends, I wonder?
In the second part of this production (which I haven´t seen yet), we will supposedly learn about the solutions to the above predicament. Well, I certainly hope there are some, because from where I stand, it does not look good...
Dags att sluta låtsas som att Sverige fortfarande är "unikt" på något sätt. Vi har blivit "normaliserade". Ett skitland bland många skitländer. Och inte särskilt viktiga heller! Cry me a river om det "förstör" er jäkla "Sverige-bild". I really can´t be bothered.
Och eftersom vi alltså har blivit normaliserade, måste vi använda mer...ska vi säga...normala metoder för att fixa våra samhällsproblem. Ett litet förslag kan beses härovan.
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"I never broke personal relations with Max" |
I can´t say I´m a big fan of Russia and China. On a very good day, I can suffer Hungary. And I really do mean "suffer"!
And yet, here we are.
Something very strange is going on when Russia and China become the foremost defenders of, ahem, Western civilization. It´s supposed to be us, you know. The Rooskees and celestials are supposed to be our ENEMIES for heaven´s sake!
Is there some historical precedent for this, maybe? I don´t know, something about Roman culture surviving among the Germanics, pre-Rabbinic Judaism surviving among the Gentiles (as "Christianity"), or something like that?
Asking for a friend named Max.
This is one of my favorite websites. Gotta love an on-line encyclopedia in 2021 that un-ironically writes stuff like this:
Yakonin. Group: Sinid.
East Asian type that has been associated with the ancient Japanese government and nobility circles. The name derives from yakunin (Jap.: bureaucrat). Shows pseudo-Semitic features and may in blend produce Indianoid individuals. Occasionally found across Japan, although nowhere particularly common. Rare in China, where it may be linked to Tibetid elementsxxxxxxxx
Here is the original article (with beautiful computer-generated pics):
And here is the main menu on the site:
And no, I haven´t made out my type yet, ha ha.
I och för sig intressant, men varför så överraskad? Jag tror att den postmoderna vänstern stör sig på att skogsindustrin fortfarande inte är den vänsterliberala kontrollapparaten underdånig. Den verkar vara mer genuint nyliberal...
"The Mothman of Point Pleasant" is a surprisingly pleasant (as in non-sensationalist) documentary about paranormal phenomena in West Virginia, mostly in the small town of Point Pleasant at the Ohio state border. It´s done from a sympathetic perspective, and features interviews with eye witnesses. Other people featured include a guy who operates "the world´s only Mothman museum" and some former newspaper reporters. We also get to see the local Mothman festival, footage of sandhill cranes, and an interview with a descendant of Chief Cornstalk. The only people (or perhaps non-people) left out of this production are the actual Mothmen, but then, it´s difficult to get an appointment with a supernatural entity of the winged-humanoid persuasion...
Mothman is a world celebrity by this stage (I live in Sweden but read about Mothman, Point Pleasant and the Silver Bridge already as a kid in a UFO book), but the documentary nevertheless manages to present facts I never heard before. For instance, the infamous curse of Cornstalk turns out to be a modern legend, first attested in writing during the 1920´s. Even more interesting is the fact that "birdmen" were part of Appalachian folklore. A birdman was described as an enormous bird with a human head, and dark reddish feathers that glistened in the sunlight. From 1914 to the 1940´s, people started to actually see these birdmen in various contexts. The connection to the Mothman sightings of the 1960´s is obvious. By that time, the winged humanoids were sometimes associated with UFOs or seen during UFO flaps - the phenomenon had clearly evolved (make of that what you wish). Soon, MIBs or Men in Black also entered the fray.
In passing, "The Mothman of Point Pleasant" also mentions the famous UFO contactee case of Woody Derenberger, which took place in Mineral Wells (not Point Pleasant). Many people associate the Derenberger case with Mothman anyway, since the case was mentioned by John Keel in his classical book "The Mothman Prophecies". The UFO occupant called himself Indrid Cold, a name immortalized by the 2002 film also called "The Mothman Prophecies", where Cold and the Mothman have been conflated into one character.
Some of the Mothman encounters detailed in this documentary are extremely difficult to debunk as meetings with cranes or owls, so unless you think the witnesses were lying through their teeth or completely hysterical (always a possibility, I guess) *something* strange is going on in the Ohio River valley! After the disastrous collapse of the Silver Bridge in December 1967, Mothman and UFO sightings became rare to non-existent. Today, the elusive winged humanoid seems to linger mostly as a pop culture phenomenon. Or at obscure Swedish blogs like this one!
"The Mothman Prophecies" is a 2002 film featuring Richard Gere as the involuntarily roving reporter John Klein, who gets entangled in a series of paranormal events. The film is freely based on John Keel´s 1975 book, also titled "The Mothman Prophecies". So freely, in fact, that almost nothing remains of the original story (such as it was), except the paranoia and the idea that the supernatural is fundamentally incomprehensible to mere mortals. In the film, the character "Alexander Leek" is closer to the real life John Keel than the reporter "John Klein". Note that "Leek" is Keel spelled backwards!
Keel did investigate a series of weird events in West Virginia shortly before the 1967 collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant. A winged humanoid monster later known as the Mothman had been sighted by several people in the community. Keel also looked into an unrelated UFO case in another part of West Virginia, where a farmer claimed to have recieved messages from an alien entity named Indrid Cold. In the 2002 film, Mothman and Indrid Cold have been conflated into the same character. Indeed, it seems that all supernatural visitors from Keel´s book have contributed to the film´s version of Indrid.
As already mentioned, the main point of the film seems to be the eminently Keelian claim that the supernatural dimension, while very real, is also completely unfathomable. Its denizens act in ways that are frequently illogical, baffling or morally ambivalent from a human perspective. Is "Indrid Cold" an angel or a demon? Cold causes a car crash which severly hurts Klein´s wife and drives the character Gordon mad until the madness kills him, but eventually saves Klein and his new love interest Connie from the disaster at Silver Bridge. Why? Nobody knows. Leek tells Klein that the supernatural creatures might not be wiser or smarter than us - they just see more of reality, a bit like a guy in a high building sees more of the city than a pedestrian. Of course, even such an elevated observer can be rational, but the problem with "Indrid" is that he doesn´t seem to be.
The real life Keel drew the disturbing conclusion that the "ultraterrestrials" are part of a malevolent cosmic control grid over humanity, and in a later book even suggested that God himself might be insane! However, Keel also had a more interesting idea: Mothman, Indrid and their associates are fairies or fey, trickster-like creatures from folklore known for their abilities to shape shift. This made him unpopular in UFO-logical circles, since the average believer in UFOs insist that they are literal space craft from alien worlds in the physical universe. To Keel, this is just the latest form the fey have taken to confuse the human observer. As Indrid explains to a skeptical Klein in the film, when the latter asks how Indrid looks like: "It depends on who is looking"...
Of course, in order to believe this solution to the mystery, you have to accept the existence of fairies in the first place. Even apart from the fact that it´s not much of a solution anyway, since we still don´t know where the fey are at.
But then, we really don´t know anything else important either, so why should this be the exception?
Damien Echols is a celebrity with a controversial past: he spent 20 years on death row in Arkansas for a crime he *may* not have perpetrated. Do I even dare linking to his content? Let´s just say that all the usual caveats apply in this case...
In this YouTube clip, Echols actually reads extensively from John Michael Greer´s book "Monsters". Echols is fascinated by the fairy or fey, not the Tinkerbell characters of pop culture, but the "real" fairy of Celtic and British folklore. Both Echols and Greer believe in their existence. Indeed, they believe that the fey are a global phenomenon.
The short story is that the fey are strange beings whose energies are concentrated on the "etheric plane" rather than the physical ditto. Humans, by contrast, have their energies focused on the physical. In occult philosophy, the etheric plane is the dimension of existence immidiately "above" the physical. When the fey appear on the physical plane, they therefore come across as incomprehensible to humans. We can´t fathom their purposes, nor can we see them as they really are. The fay have the ability to manipulate our consciousness (an ability known as "glamour"), which explains why they can take essentially any form they want - they can "see" our thoughts (which are "visible" on the etheric plane) and adapt themselves to our preconcieved ideas about how a supernatural creature should look like. Yes, you guessed it: UFOs and aliens are just fay in new disguises. Damien Echols references the film "The Mothman Prophecies" here, in which Richard Gere´s character asks Indrid Cold (the Mothman): "How do you really look like?" at which Cold answers "It depends on who´s looking"!
Echols also agrees with Greer´s take on cryptozoology. There are essentially two kinds of cryptids: the flesh-and-blood variety, which are real but unknown animals, and the paranormal version, which are fay disguising themselves as unknown animals. There are a number of signs that give the fairy game away, so to speak: if the cryptid has unnatural features (say seven toes on every foot), smells like sulphur rather than like an animal, or come in weird colors, it´s most probably a fay messing with your mind. Echols also reveals that there are ways in which humans can defend themselves from the fairy. Magic is one way, another is iron. For whatever reason, iron can hurt the etheric body. (Note: it´s not silver or garlic!)
In a later portion of the broadcast, Echols discusses seemingly unrelated topics, including enlightenment. His system seems to be a somewhat eclectic combination of the Golden Dawn, Mahayana Buddhism, Tantrism and perhaps even Eckhart Tolle. A truly enlightened person is incomprehensible to the unenlightened, since he no longer has any desire. Indeed, an absolutely enlightened person can´t even remain in our universe. However, many enlightened beings chose to remain here anyway, perhaps to teach the unenlightened, perhaps for reasons known only to themselves. In order to stay, the enlightened person must hold on to *some* earthly desire, which explains the otherwise curious fact that even highly accomplished spiritual teachers might have a fondness for, say, good food. At another point, Echols says that the enlightened have "preferences" rather than desires. (I´m not sure if I buy any of this, frankly.) More intriguing is the claim that enlightenment is only a part of something Echols calls "the Great Work". In other YouTube clips, he seems to be suggesting that the Great Work entails becoming an angelic being and creating your own worlds...
For information purposes only.
More on the Biden administrations censorship of social media. This is a "far right" comment, featuring controversial Texas senator Ted Cruz. I´ve previously linked to leftist and libertarian takes.
Cyrus Kirkpatrick has been a pretty free-wheeling paranormal explorer and "astral traveler"...until now. In this recent YouTube clip, Cyrus tries to formulate a more "dogmatic" message (for good or for worse), based on "channeled" communications from a spirit named Lawrina or Kajwa. Cyrus now believes that Lawrina is actually an angel, not your average spirit of a dead person, and that she has revealed important truths to him about the true nature of God and the universe. Indeed, Kirkpatrick now suspects that *he* is on an important mission, really being an alien "council member" from Arcturus!
To describe the basic outline of the cosmos, Kirkpatrick uses the terminology of the "Law of One" - thus, he refers to his angelic contact as a "6th Density being" - but his perspective strikes me as very different. ("Law of One" is a collection of supposed channeled messages from an entity named Ra. It´s broadly New Age and Theosophical in character. For some reason, the material is quite popular right now.)
According to Lawrina, a huge portion of the universe is controlled by "the brother of God" or "Quotha". Kirkpatrick also refers to Quotha as "the Grey Sun". Quotha´s character seems contradictory. He is lower than God, claims all "densities" below the 6th, and seems to be their effective ruler. Thus, he rules both the material world and the less advanced rungs of the spiritual ditto. From a human perspective, Quotha looks infinite. His lifespan is "one googolplex times one googolplex" years, and his force or consciousness permeats our entire existence. Yet, Qoutha is really an embodied being, living on a planet the size of an entire galaxy. When humans die, Quotha appears to them as a white light (often also seen in NDEs) and tries to trick them into reincarnating at some level below the 6th density, often on Earth itself. So far, Quotha has obvious similarities to the Demiurge, the Archons, Kal, and similar lesser/false/evil gods in Gnosticism, Hinduism, and so on.
However, Quotha (somewhat surprisingly) also has positive, or at least partially positive, aspects. For instance, the Grey Sun isn´t really evil in Lawrina´s system. Quotha truly does love and feel compassion for all of creation. For this reason, Quotha wants to create an enormous cosmic hive mind, into which the souls of all living creatures will be merged. (I suppose you could call it a "social memory complex"...) The New Age religions which call on the individual to let go of Ego, feel nothing but Love, and merge with a blissful ocean of de-individualized Spirit, is a typical example of Quotha in action. So what´s the problem, then? Actually, that´s a really god question...
Cyrus Kirkpatrick (or Lawrina) believes that the attempts to create a loving hive mind is really a form of evil collectivism, regardless of the intentions of God´s breakaway brother. Communism, trans-humanism and religious fundamentalism are three examples of a hive mind gone dangerously wrong (Kirkpatrick has visited North Korea). Quotha is OK with any collectivist movement, even those that cause an enormous amount of suffering, since he believes that this furthers the ultimate goal. Quotha´s followers, known as Nimkan, have reincarnated on countless of worlds, and although not all of them are consciously evil, some are. Fanatics, sociopaths and cold-hearted people of all kind can be Nimkan, and this evil version of Quotha´s broad supporter club may be the biggest threat to humanity, indeed, to the entire galaxy!
I´m not sure how to relate to this (somewhat curious) gospel, but it might be interesting to follow Cyrus Kirkpatrick through the densitites in the near future.
UPDATE 2021-07-26
Kirkpatrick has delisted the video clip above, and now says that he was tricked by "Lawrina", who apparently isn´t an angel after all! A somewhat unexpected turn of events. But there you go.
Some interesting things happened the last time Europe was rocked by pandemics, climate change and wars...
Hon glömde nämna att kriminella tagit över sophanteringen i vissa kommuner. Inte ens *det* sköts numera kommunalt, alltså.
Lägg märke till rubriken och betonandet av Kinas och Saudi-Arabiens inflytande. En briljant manöver! Det är så vi tvingar högern att bli mer protektionistisk. Och mer vänligt inställd till offentlig sektor? "Endast en stark folkstat (Volk-staat) kan hindra mussarna och gulingarna från att penetrera Svääärje".
Utmärkelsen "Veckans Strasser" går (med viss tvekan) till Aftonbladets ledarsida!
Jimmy Dore is on the case. He doesn´t mention the salient fact that the "collusion" allegations *might have come from the Russian secret service itself*, but that the Dems either didn´t know or didn´t care, since they were on a mission to smear Donald Trump no matter what. Vladimir Putin is laughing his ass off right now...
A very weird angle on the recent NASA report, which apparently says that *climate change* will make the consequences of some kind of natural Moon cycle *much worse* than usual. Yet, even "liberal" media spins this as "the Moon did it", and mentions the climate change aspect only in the fine print?!
If this heralds a sudden U-turn on climate change in the Biden Admin is, perhaps, too early to tell, but we´ll see. After all, it could just be click bait, "The Man in the Moon did it" being a more click-baitish headline than "Floods in US to become worse cuz climate change"...