Thursday, May 26, 2022

I feel really safe now


Come and meet our great new war leaders! Somehow, I think Mannerheim and Pilsudski would have been more convincing... 


  1. Maybe Marin sent Mannerheim to negotiate with sultan Erdogan?

  2. Marin looks like every female clerk you ever met, Zelensky looks like a fucking joke. And the Russians defeated the Azov battalion, wtf...

  3. No, 35-year old females and male ex-comic actors who performed in drag shouldn´t be prime ministers or presidents in nations bordering the Russian empire...

    1. Only female leder i can think of that i would fear as the leader of an enemy nation is Margret Thatcher.
      An SAS soldier described how she unannounced showed up when SAS practiced hostage rescue with live ammo. She demanded that she and her male assistant would act as civilians mingling among a bunch of terrorist manneqins that were being fired at from point blank range with submachine guns.
      The assistant took a dive into fetal position when the bullets started flying but Margret furiously screamed at him - what on earth are you doing, get up immediatly!

  4. The Russians defeated Napoleon and Hitler, so how is this gonna scare them?

  5. The substitute teacher and some kind of farmboy, how is that gonna scare the new czars in the Kremlin? Please explain!

  6. But OK, the POTUS being senile while having access to the nuclear doomsday codes, I suppose *that¨s* scary!

    1. Mins en bosnisk vänsterjournalist på 90-talet som sa att Carl Bildt som förhandlare på Balkan var en katastrof, om så bara för att "Serberna skrattar åt den där förvuxna skolpijks-typen vad han ån säger".

  7. Vad menar du? Blir Ukrainas (och Finlands?) armé mindre avskräckande för att du tycker att Zelenskij och Sanna Marin ser töntiga ut? Eller nåt. Det är numera bara på film som ledare i krigssituationer måste se macho ut. Mannerheim förlorade för övrigt både vinterkriget och fortsättningskriget. Så att se ut som honom torde inte ha någon magisk positiv effekt på någon krigslycka.

  8. Förlorade vinterkriget? Det var en Pyrrusseger i kubik för Ryssland i så fall.
