Saturday, May 7, 2022

The microvita paradigm


Ananda Marga is a controversial new religious movement, founded in India by Shree Shree Anandamurti. The group combines a Hindu-derived spiritual perspective with left-wing politics. At least during the 1970´s, they were also accused of terrorist acts in India, Australia and elsewhere. (The group denies involvement.) Ironically, in India (were they were briefly banned), the Anand Margis were sometimes accused of being on the CIA payroll! 

The above clip is from a "Tantric" channel on YouTube, which is affiliated with Ananda Marga. It gives a very basic introduction to the spiritual worldview of the group. 

The "scientism" of the "microvita" concept is probably connected to the fact that Ananda Marga was founded during the 1950´s. The idea is clearly non-scientific and occult, the microvita being a kind of vitalist monads that supposedly form carbon atoms. However, the microvita seem to be unaffected by material factors such as impetus, inertia, entropy, and so on. They are affected by "love", however, which is important for Ayurveda (alternative Hindu medicine). 

It´s obvious that the microvita can´t make up material carbon atoms, at least not in any sense that makes scientific sense. Apparently, luminous bodies of angels and strange spirit-bodies of merpeople are all made up of this mysterious substance. Today, when science lacks the authority it once had, I would suspect that a NRM could and would sound more openly science-critical. An intriguing detail in the clip is that the dada seemingly denies the existence of ghosts (presumably a common Hindu superstition). He believes that ghosts are really projections of our own minds! 

Not sure what to make of this content overall...


  1. Ananda Marga har en ekonomisk teori /program som kallas PROUT (minns inte vad förkortningen står för). Ett av inslagen i deras program är att storföretagen (så vitt jag fattar inklusive alla banker) ska vara statliga, de mellanstora företagen ska var kooperativa och de minsta kan vara privata. Bortsett kanske från det där med de kooperativa har programmet vissa likheter med det ekonomiska systemet i Kina idag och Sovjet under NEP-perioden. Och följaktligen också med den ekonomiska linje som Bucharin stod för.

  2. De har gett en helt ny innebörd åt uttrycket "tantrism av den vänstra handens väg"...

  3. Progressive Utilization Theory?

  4. Kan det här stämma? Stödjer Ananda Marga verkligen stor-bengalisk nationalism?

  5. Även här:

  6. "Progressive Utilization Theory?" Det stämmer nog.

  7. Artikeln här dyker upp en sekund, sedan försvinner den. I alla fall för mig.

    Ja, den gruppen verkar stödja bengalisk nationalism och vara inspirerade av Ananda Margas läror. Om nationalismen är en del av själva Ananda Margas program eller om just denna grupp på egen hand kombinerar dessa två saker vet jag inget om. Men jag kan nog ta reda på det ganska så snart.
