Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Caribbean cruise


"Woke", pro-gay Walt Disney owns entire island in anti-gay Caribbean nation


  1. The hypocrisy of both sides in this conflict is stunning. Disney seems to have functioned as a state-within-the-state c/o both Dems and GOP in Florida until the present fracas. And note how Disney panders to every anti-gay authoritarian regime in the world (OK, maybe not Russia) while being "pro-gay" and de facto pro-grooming in Florida. But then, maybe there´s no contradiction? After all, does anyone really believe that the laws of Bahamas are enforced on Disney´s island?

  2. The Dems are getting nuttier and nuttier, and the only "alternative" is a warmed-over version of the 1980´s Moral Majority (and just as hypocritical, too).
