Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Throw away your pow-wows


In the above YouTube clip, Irish paganizing chaos magician and crypto-Crowleyan Thomas Sheridan reflects on European paganism (modern and ancient) and its relationship to Native American (American Indian) culture and religion. Trigger warning! 

Sheridan argues that Native Americans should break free from their "victim mentality" and that this is the only way in which they can rise up again. He argues that Whites have created a "generic" (and mostly fake) Native American "culture" which have then been taken up by the Native tribes themselves. (I´m not sure if he is factually correct on this.) How likely is it that, say, the Apaches had the same culture as the Hurons? He also attacks Carlos Castaneda´s books about Don Juan in this context, arguing that Castaneda was just trying to appropriate Native culture for the psychedelic New Age culture of the 1960´s. Natives should "throw away their pow-wows" and reconnect with their real, ancient traditions. If these are unknown, reconnect with the land itself: rivers, trees, animals, and so on. This return to the "natural law" will somehow restore the *souls* of Native Americans.

Sheridan believes that the extermination of Native Americans at the hands of European settlers had nothing to do with "the White Man". Of course the colonialists were technically "White", but their real nature was Christian or "Abrahamic". The Abrahamics fought a crusade against Native American paganism, just as 1000 years earlier they had fought crusades against the European pagans. The battle isn´t fundamentally about land or resources, but about people´s very souls. Today, as more and more Europeans are rediscovering their ancient pagan roots (this is an exaggeration, I think) and their connection to the land, the control grid is crumbling. Native Americans can and should do something similar themselves. 

In passing, Sheridan claims that Crowley invented Wicca as a deliberate diversion for "disgusting old hags", since he didn´t want them around the real magical lodges of Thelema. He hates Doreen Valiente in particular. (I never read any of her material.) Sheridan also discusses the differences between political, ethnic and cultural nationalism, arguing in favor of the latter. He doesn´t care about politics (well, except sometimes!) and believes that people who are non-Irish in origins can nevertheless become Irish by assimilation. He points out that the pro-British Crowley was ethnically more Irish than W B Yeats - apparently Crowley loved to hassle Yeats about it. Ultimately, however, it´s better if people simply remain in their own tribe. That brings real diversity to the world, or even a kind of "unity in diversity" (since all pagans really worship the same deities), rather than the fake diversity of SJW-ish globalism.

A very popular clip on YouTube. Worth watching and pondering. 


  1. Speaking of Diametrically opposed Native american cultures, have you read "Born to run"? Its arguing(and fails miserably in my opinion) that long distance runnning is super healthy for evrybody.
    It describes the Tarhumara tribe, today living in Mexico, who since as long as anyone remember have depended on outrunning their enemies for survival. The Apaches and others liked to Hunt them for sport.
    Very facinating people who are very healthy and run all the time. A european-american long distance runner "went native" and lived as one of them for years. The tarahamumaras were very impressed with his running skills and called him "the White horse".
    Not long after The book was released "The White horse" died of a heart attack while running.
    In my opinion long distance running is only healthy for a minority of people. For the rest, its a terrible idea.

  2. Yes, I think I heard abot them. From some documentary on TV? I don´t remember which one. It might even have been a slightly unserious one about UFOs and such things!

  3. They belive that they Keep runnming after death but only so fast that you usually cant see them. They are fast in life but so much faster when their souls doesnt have to carry the weight of their bodies.

  4. One of them who tried to live a modern life in USA got some kind of psychosis and started to run with short and far in between rest breakes. After she had passed a few state lines she got taken in for psychiatric evaluation, but of course she outrunned her pursuers a few Times before she was catched.
    Kind of functional psychosis. Modern life made her sick so she reverted to The life that didnt make her sick, i would guess.

  5. The live in an area otherwise populated by violent mexican druglords and their henchmen but they have nothing of value to steal. And when trouble sonetimes still ensues, all of them run, often in terrain many people find hard to walk in. The smallest kids are carried.
    In their spare time they also run, playing a game consisting of kicking a ball far away and Then evrybody tries to be the first one to kick the ball again.

  6. It seemed like a bad idea for the White guy trying to live like a Tarhumara and a bad idea for the Tarhumara woman trying to live like whites. But you Probably shoul pretend to not notice that.
    But hey, the White horse Probably got his heart attack from Micro aggressions, and The womans psychosis was of course caused by mucroaggressions to.

  7. Sounds like two *very* different cultures, including the physical aspects. Natural selection? Could it have something to do with the elevation above sea level, if they live in the mountains?

  8. Actually there was something in The book about people in high elevation areas being more adapted to long distance efforts, both from anviromental adaption after living for a while in such areas and from The genetics in people who have Lived in such areas since ancient Times.

  9. Another thing about The Tarhumara, the area they live in today is called the copper canjun, an area extremley rich in various metal ores, mainly copoer.
    Some researchers belive that metal rich Stone formations have an ability to at Times pruduce various halicinuations in humans and animals. Perhaps this is somehoe related to that thing About UFO:s you had seen.

  10. The only thing mentioned about anything paranormal in The book was that the Tarhumaras believed they could on rare occations see an ancestor running past them at ultra high speed.
    And when "The White horse" started to run in The copper canjun he was first seen by Tarhumara children who taught he was a ghost because he was pale and was running very fast. But The adults explained to them that it was still way to slow for an ancestor ghost. Such a ghost would be gone in a split second.

  11. The Tarhumaras seem like a very relaxed and Nice people. And some of Them run small taverns in their homes with exellent vegetarian food. The writer describes how he had been running almost a half marathon with the White horse. Then they gorged on such food and lots of beer in such a tavern. Then the the writer wanted to go to sleep but The White horse said "Ok, ready for the next round?". NO Wonder he got a heart attack.
    I would like to hike in The area. But no jogging for me. Only long walks and occasional short sprints. That is probably the healthuest way to exercise for 95% of mankind.

  12. Haven´t seen this yet:

