Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Conditional love


Thomas Sheridan is an Irish occultist and occasional researcher into the paranormal who calls himself a pagan. In this one-hour clip, he explains "how to be a pagan". It´s a rather provocative piece! Sheridan is strongly anti-Christian and opposed to Judaism. Many would probably see some of his remarks as anti-Semitic. Somewhat surprisingly, he also calls himself anti-science, something I believe he hasn´t done before. 

In Sheridan´s view, paganism is about natural law, magic, reincarnation, and sacrifice (which has some similarities to good karma). You can´t "become" a pagan, you *are* a pagan. Your ancestors and your DNA are pagan. Christianity is artificial and was introduced by force. You don´t become anything, you strip away something (Christianity) to return to your real identity. No book can convert you, go for a walk in the woods at night instead. Strictly speaking, however, paganism isn´t an exclusively "nature-based" religion, and is possible to adapt even to a modern society. Just look at Hindus - pagans who work in IT! 

Stay away from Neo-Paganism. "It´s a branch of Judaism". Wiccans are not pagans either. They are Jewish, too. Lilith (worshipped by many Wiccans, at least according to Sheridan) is a figure from Jewish mythology. Wicca was originally created by Crowley and Gardner to make idiots stay away from the real magical lodges (including the OTO). Avoid churchy congregational "paganism", that´s a Christian thing. Another group of people that should be shunned are the self-proclaimed Druids who gather at Stonehenge. There are no Druids today. The Stonehenge thing is "bollocks". These supposed Druids are really LARP-ing Freemasons.  

There are evil and wicked people in the world. They are an abomination, since they disrupt the structure of society (be they tribes or nations). No redemption is possible if you are a rapist or paedophile, you get your throat slit and your body thrown in a bog, so you can´t reincarnate. A caste system is part of natural law. All men and women are *not* created equal, all are not beloved in the eyes of god. There are dregs, psychopaths and scumbags. They and their descendants are *naturally* at the bottom of society. Unconditional love is only appropriate towards your own child, from the time it´s born to the time it leaves the home. Otherwise the principle should be *conditional* love. 

Science is purely "Middle Eastern", purely "Abrahamic". Science and magic is really the same thing (compare alchemy). Gravity and other natural forces are magical. Science cannot explain them. The universal constants are simply wrong. The speed of light has changed since the early 20th century. Sheridan attacks science for claiming that there are more than two genders. He is also a climate change denialist. 

Sheridan´s lecture contain some really weird speculations about Christians in the Roman Empire being "the ISIS of their time" (i.e. the terrorist organization ISIS or Islamic State). They supposedly destroyed a temple of Athena and a library at Palmyra (I have no idea what he is talking about). Sheridan also claims that the Christians (or perhaps the Jews) really did burn Rome under Nero (!!). Jesus was probably fictional, and Christianity is at bottom just a survival strategy of Judaism. Indeed, Christianity is the original New World Order and their attacks on paganism the first "great reset" or attempt to "build back better". But what about so-called Celtic Christianity? Isn´t that a more paganizing and nature-oriented form of Christianity? Not so, according to Sheridan, who believes that it was completely Jewish, including keeping of the Sabbath. He doesn´t like the Culdees either (I had to look up what that was on Wikipedia - a quasi-monastic current within medieval British  and Irish Christianity).  

No sacerdotal priesthood should stand between the individual pagan and his/her gods. Priests in pagan temples should have purely administrative functions. Nor should there be any confessions. Praying is a welfare system. Pagans don´t pray. Rather, they sacrifice. The sacrifice doesn´t have to be to the gods. It might just as well be giving money (directly) to people in need. Pagans trust that natural law will eventually reward the sacrificer. Jewish and Christian propaganda claims that pagans were into child sacrifice. Sheridan believes (wrongly) that this is just propaganda. He even claims that it was Judaism that originally sacrificed children. Gehenna is the Biblical name for a valley where such acts were carried out, and "Gehenna is the beginning of Judaism" (!!!). Attacks on the Phoenicians are just projection. 

"How to be a pagan" ends with some book recommendations. Could be Thomas Sheridan´s most hard hitting contribution for quite some time. Sounds almost Alt Right-Evolian somehow. Watch it at your own risk. 

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