Monday, March 21, 2022


Why is there an almost exact correlation between modern progress, weak or non-existent Imperial Roman power, Protestantism and Germanic ethnicity? Asking for a friend named Gene Pool. 


  1. Since you wonder, I have no known Germanic ancestry myself.

  2. One of the names running in my family comes from noble Spanish knights who crusades against the Muslims. They claimed descent from Theoderik the Great. And the Goths are Germanic, originally from "Scandza". Scandinavia? But there is unfortunately no evidence that I´m a Goth.

  3. France seems to occupy a middle position. The only Latin nation to do so. The rest of Europe is essentially fucked. And in the rest of the world, East Asians are good at mimicking Western modernity. Not the others.

  4. I find this strange, since as late as the 15th and 16th centuries, the epicenter of progress was non-Germanic. The Renaissance was Italian, the medieval "renaissance" was Provencal, the Age of Exploration was Spanish and Portuguese, and the first bourgeois revolution was...I don´t know...Bohemian? So how come the blond beasts of the North took over everything? Note also that the Jews became most modern (and super-succesful) in the Germanic nations.

  5. Could it be connected somehow to the Protestant Reformation? The ethnic correlation would then be an illusion, created by the fact that (of course) the areas tightly controlled by the Roman Empire (and later the Roman Church) spoke Romance languages, while the Germanic languages survived in the areas with little or no Roman power. Still, I wonder about the Slavs, for instance? Or the Turks?

  6. Note also the peculiar fact that today, the Germanic nations are the ones that have become most globo-liberal and SJW-ish. What´s up with that?

  7. Note also how little have changed in many non-Germanic parts of the world. Spain and Italy are still pseudo-nations, as they have been for a long time, France is covertly "Bonapartist", Greece still looks like a Turkish backwater, Slavs are still Catholic and Orthodox to a large extent...

    Russia oscillates between Cossack anarchy and Czarist autocracy, as they have done since at least the 16th century.

    Saudi Arabia is essentially a Wahhabite theocracy with space age technology. And have the Chinese and the Japanese *really* changed, despite all their modernist trinkets?

    The Germanics have changed, though. And not always for the better, either!

  8. And the Papuans still eat each other.

  9. America sometimes looks like a small nation of Anglos, Jews and recent elite European arrivals, mimicking the cultural forms of Old Europe, superimposed on a huge Celtic-colored substratum. Remove that small nation, and America would look like a Carribean nation, colonial Barbados, say.

  10. A lot of european progress can be attributed to The catholic churchs war against inbreeding. Lot of that being undone now that we let in hordes of in red males from shot hole countries.
    Demographics is nor evrything but almost.

  11. The Hajnal line? But why was this most effective in nations which later broke with the Catholic Church? What am I missing?

  12. Has the Western world become *too* open somehow? I mean, because of the constant out-group orientation?

  13. Could be that that the catholic war against inbreeding benefitted all of europes people in such a way that they became almost non-defect versions of themselves. Once this was achieved the various peoples strengths bacame more dominating.
    About The Hajnal line, i speculate it might be something to do with "Hard Times create strong men, strong men create good Times. Good Times create wrak men".
    Inbreeding was eradicated in southern europe before it was dealt with in northern europe. So there have been "good Times" for a shorter while in northern europe
    But no matter how "hard time" a society have, inbreeding tends to throw off most of The evolutionary befefits of hard Times, with all the intelectual and bodily defects it creates.
    The catholic church was so very right with their total intolerance against inbreeding.

  14. About out group orientation, that can be genetically beneficial in small doses at the right time. If you do it all the time it tends to throw various bodily functions against each other in The offspring.
