Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ectoplasm gone wild

A modern devotional polytheist on blood (animal) sacrifice. 

Ectoplasm gone wild: Why blood sacrifice should be avoided today


  1. Cant stand people who do animal sacrafices. Be it ortodox jews ritually torturing chickens to death by breaking their wings and swinging them in The air or neopagans "needing" to kill animals for their LARPing.
    And The satanists of various brands who are into it... The worst case ive red about is probably chaosgnosticists. One practicioner described how he brought an animal home and bonded with it for several days before he slith its throat. Im sure psychopaths would enjoy this but if your not a psychopath it will Probably give you major osychological issues for a long time to do a thing like that.

    By The way, whats a devotional polytbeist? Someone who worship several gods and dont just invoke them for ritual magic like many magicians do?

  2. I think so. There seem to be neo-pagans who want to reconstruct the ancient religions more or less as they were, including "real" worship.

  3. I read a long interview with a secular persian woman with a swedish husband. She said she used to think that swedes were so very atheistic and materialistic and her husband called himselves atheist. But then she realised what an extreme admiration for nature her husband and a lot of other swedes have, and how intrested in animals a lot of them are. She said its as if there is some kind of swedish nature religion but no one talks about it yet practice it, perhaps without realising its religious significance. And when you tell them it seems like a religion they feel embarrased.

  4. OT: det här var ju för kul. En könsopererad domare i HD ertappas med att snatta och svarar kassörskan "Du vet inte vem du har att göra med".
    Väldigt kryptiskt hot. Ska man bli rädd för att han är man eller för att han frivilligt kapat kuken eller för att han är domare i HD? Eller är det treenigheten i det potenta(?) hotet som förskräcker mest?


  6. I reviewed a book about Swedish nature romanticism:

  7. Domaren med julskinkan var ju...pinsam. Milt uttryckt.
