Sunday, March 27, 2022

Cancel this, my boy


Arjuna: My Lord, Facebook and Twitter has cancelled you, apparently you culturally appropriated the sacred conch of the Baha-Baha-Blaha tribe in Babbalistan! Also, you didn´t pay proper tribute to Azov!!!

Krishna: The fools, I *created* the Baha-Baha-Blaha, and Azov are my dearest Aryan warriors! Now I have to go through all the trouble to punish the Twitterati by re-incarnating them as digital jinns...again.


  1. Oh dear Lord Krishna! Please reincarnate yourself instead and punish them in more obvious ways. To cite the (not so) famous swedish rapper Zylon Boom "Man måste ha mål, ja jag har ambitioner och mitt mål är att se Kalki dräpa miljoner...", in his song "Tigerrytt". Disgracefully cleansed from YT by The demonic SJW-horde.

  2. From Wiki: "Kali Yuga will end in the year 428,899 CE". The SJWs must be really, really afraid...

  3. Ha ha! Dont now to much abut the "objective" basis for when Kali yuga will be but there seem to be lots of diffrent opinions about when it will be, both among various traditional hindu groups and new agers.
    If I recall correctly ISCKON thinks we are at the bwginning of Kali Yuga.
