Thursday, March 31, 2022

Out of the ashes

Would an industrial revolution be possible on a planet without fossil fuels? Probably not, argues the article linked below. Resurrecting fossil fuel industrialism after an apocalyptic event (nuclear war?) would probably not work either.  

Note that the article strictly speaking isn´t about a transition from present-day use of fossil fuels to something more green and sustainable. Interesting anyway.  

Out of the ashes: Could we reboot a modern civilization without fossil fuels?

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Javanka, come back, all is forgiven

Yuge if true. Biden is either delusional (during a potential shooting war with Russia) or he is actually revealing some kind of US military secrets here! Either way, time is running out for him. 

Since I assume neither Biden nor Harris have *that* much power, maybe it´s time for whoever is really running the show to step forward and fucking do something. Hell, take back Jared Kushner and Ivanka if that´s what it takes!  

White House clarifies Joe Biden´s claim US troops training Ukrainians in Poland


Not his worst gaffe, tbh. And you don´t need to be a prophet to realize this. From December, 2021. 

Joe Biden refers to Kamala Harris as "president"

If you can´t beat ´em, just buy their oil

Capriles Radonski

I´m not a big fan of Maduro, but I´m not a big fan of the US treating Latin America as its backyard, either. So the potential oil deal described below is probably a good thing. Note that the "isolationist" Breitbart news site all of a sudden goes into Cold War interventionist mode over a Latin American nation! Oh, and what happened to American "energy independence"?

Venezuelan oil deal angers everyone except socialist "opposition"

Wild, wild west

This is not a gossipy celeb blog...except when it is! 

Can´t help linking to this. I didn´t know John Nolte at Breitbart News (a right-wing populist site) was a celeb commentator. But then, he´s also a pro-Trump pro-vaxxer who took the jab. So I guess he has unexpected sides. 

As for the Hollywood fracas, I admit that I don´t really care. And Will Smith is probably an interesting dude, being involved in Scientology, meeting with Sadhguru, and so on. 

Maybe this is all really about...Nolte? 

"Cuckold Will Smith takes his humiliation out on Chris Rock"

Damn you CSICOP, damn you, damn you


Monday, March 28, 2022

Voices of the rocks

Does this somehow prove that Theosophy is true? Asking for a friend named Blavatsky´s Baboon. One thing is certain: if panpsychists are ever taunted again with the argument "oh, so you believe rocks have consciousness", they can presumably answer "you´d betcha"! 

Evolution without life 

The trouble with telepathy


Waking Cosmos is an interesting YouTube channel I sometimes link to. It deals with the hard problem of consciousness from a mostly panpsychist viewpoint. 

In this clip, WC argues that telepathy is real and that relatively solid scientific evidence for it exists. So-called Ganzfeld experiments have a consistently higher percentage of "hits" (around one third) than they should have by chance alone (around one quarter). WC implies that the skeptics´ refusal to be convinced is merely a form of rather hopeless dogmatism. 

If panpsychism is right, consciousness is a basic property of reality and (in some sense) exists everywhere, which would make it possible to explain telepathy without appeals to the religious or the occult. PSI phenomena aren´t a threat to science, but would rather expand its frontiers. 

Maybe, but the knee-jerk negative reactions of the skeptics show that some kind of "paradigm panic" is involved, a fear that once you accept telepathy, all kinds of other unplausible events will have to be accepted too, and before you know it, we´re back in the Dark Ages with reliquaries, bestiaries and grimoires (or just plain ol´ witch-burnin´). Or, differently put, that panpsychism will open the door to religion (which it may indeed do). 

That being said, this clip is nevertheless very informative. Recommended. 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Winter of the world

The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

It´s almost fascinating to read Frank Furedi of vintage 2022. I´m old to enough to remember the old Furedi, "Frank Richards", the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party and the author of the pessimistic screed "Midnight in the Century" circa 1990 or so. 

Today, Furedi sounds like a nationalist-militarist conservative, and yet, the underlying ethos of his worldview seems to be almost exactly the same. There´s the pessimism (which stands in stark contrast to the cornucopian agitation from the rest of Spiked), but also the "battle of ideas", strangely decoupled from the materialist base. The attacks on political correctness are probably not new either, although they now come from the right rather than "from the left". 

But it´s the pessimism or school-of-hard-knocks realism that is most interesting, since it strongly suggests that the past is present, the present is past, and nothing is ever new under the sun. Which suggests that not even Spiked´s libertarian agenda will ever succeed. The way to handle our predicament is rather a retreat to a nationalist and slightly traditionalist Britain with no illusions about utopian "ends of history", leftist, liberal or neo-con. An interesting question is whether Furedi really believes that such a neo-British nation will be free from class conflict (look at history, for an answer) and if not, what he proposes to do about it...   

 The Revenge of History

A dangerous interregnum

The link below is to an article summarizing the possible effects on the world economy of the war in the Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia, and so on. The author emphasizes that his conclusions are tentative. 

Apparently, protectionism isn´t something that began recently, with the COVID pandemic, or even the US challenge of Chinese near-hegemony. There has been a creeping protectionism ever since the finance crisis of 2008. This long-term trend was exacerbated by the COVID pandemic and will probably become even stronger during a "Cold War II" between the West and Russia. 

In a sense, this is ironic, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine might also unite the Western powers more than before. But even if this happens, it will be a regional bloc, standing against another bloc dominated by China and Russia. Genuine globalization is therefore over. American attempts to weaponize the dollar might destroy it as the world´s foremost reserve currency. Why trade or take out loans in dollars, if the US government can simply freeze your assets on a whim? 

The author believes that the attempts by the United States to decouple its economy from that of China will lead Beijing to succesfully replace industries dependent on Western investment or trade with nationalist ditto. Indeed, China might become the net winner in any neo-Cold War between the West and Russia, as the Russians will be increasingly dependent on selling their oil and gas to China, which can then de facto control these resources. The author also believes that the Chinese can launch a new crypto-currency to promote their nationalist-regionalist interests. 

The world will be split between two or more competing blocs, which will lead to a dangerous "geopolitical interregnum", in which the world is neither fully at war or fully at peace. Confrontation and conflict will become the norm. Either way, the American-dominated world order is at an end. I assume this is a more dangerous situation than the first Cold War, when the economic dominance of the United States over the Soviet Union or Communist China was obvious. Even evil Ivan wanted "the sick dollar"! 

The article doesn´t mention the climate crisis, the migrant crisis, or any future "peak resource" crisis, but it´s easy to imagine the strains this will place on the Western bloc in particular, but in the case of climate change, the Russo-Chinese axis, too. 

"Our" victory in the interregunum isn´t assured. 

En öppning på Östermalm

Trots titeln på det här debattinlägget öppnar Guillou faktiskt för ett svenskt NATO-medlemskap i den här krönikan. Han verkar genuint chockad över att Putin spårade ut och invaderade Ukraina. 

Guillous poäng verkar vara att ett svenskt NATO-medlemskap i så fall inte får hastas fram på det sätt moderaterna vill. Och absolut inte redan i höst. Vad händer om Sverige ger upp sin alliansfrihet i ett läge när *NATO* kanske velar, vacklar eller agerar äventyrligt? 

Uppfattar hans krönika som ganska förnuftig, trots det sedvanliga högdragna språkbruket om ditten och datten. 

"Går Sverige med i Nato nu är vi inte riktigt kloka"

Cancel this, my boy


Arjuna: My Lord, Facebook and Twitter has cancelled you, apparently you culturally appropriated the sacred conch of the Baha-Baha-Blaha tribe in Babbalistan! Also, you didn´t pay proper tribute to Azov!!!

Krishna: The fools, I *created* the Baha-Baha-Blaha, and Azov are my dearest Aryan warriors! Now I have to go through all the trouble to punish the Twitterati by re-incarnating them as digital jinns...again.

Me again


As usual, this lady is well above my head, but perhaps some of you guys might find it interesting. If Einstein is wrong, how can we prove it? Note the implicit claim that Einstein´s theory is *less* crazy than quantum theory!

We turned the dead into butter and bread

And perhaps scones, too. A very, very bizarre presentation by Thomas Sheridan. Our man explains (for the first time?) why he is a conspiracy theorist. The crazy stuff begins at time stamp 19:49. I admit I haven´t double-checked the claims. I frankly don´t dare!

Biden is for regime change whatever

Joe Biden (I believe Styx called him the Gaffe Master) makes various senile pronunciamentos while visiting Europe in the middle of an, ahem, full scale Russian invasion of another contry, forcing his team to "correct" him all the time. 

Unless, of course, it´s all part of some well crafted plan to keep the Russians on the edge. I doubt it, however. Everyone knows Biden has cognitive issues, although his courtiers (and reporters) are still trying to hide it. 

But sure, judging by Trump´s bizarre statements during, say, the Turkish-Kurdish crisis of 2019, Biden´s gaffes might actually be "the lesser evil"... 

Biden´s blunders in Europe

Putin can still win, here´s how!

If recent propaganda-mongering is to be believed (including from the Russian side), Russia is now going to concentrate on its "main" mission in Ukraine: to liberate the Donbass region. 

If so, Russia has quietly dropped two of its three war aims. The two others, which I´m still old enough to remember, were to demilitarize and "de-Nazify" Ukraine, in plain English overthrow its government and install a Russian puppet regime (think Kuusinen). None of which can or will happen, if Russia "only" takes the Donbass.

Reminds me of the old meme from 2016: "Bernie can still win, here´s how". 

Is this the only war for the past 20 years during which Western propaganda turns out to be...true?! 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Garibaldi´s mistake

"Italiens moderna historia" (The modern history of Italy) is a book by Eskil Fagerström, a reporter who wrote several books in Swedish about Italy. He often spend his summer holidays in Marsciano, a small town in Umbria about which I know next to nothing. The rest of the book, however, rings quite a few bells...

The book is wonderfully objective, and takes us on a grand tour of Italian history, from the Napoleonic Wars and the Risorgimento all the way to the COVID pandemic of early 2020. Everything seems to be included: both the good, the bad, and the ugly. And let´s face it, the modern history of Italy has a lot of the latter, even the word "modern" frequently being something of an euphemism. I never felt so elitist as when reading "Italiens moderna historia", this God-forsaken pseudo-nation being the populist paradise of Catholic Taliban, authoritarian mass movements, and local government kickbacks. Or was it fringe benefits? If any European country proves that il popolo isn´t to be trusted, it must be Italia!

Not that *their* elites are any better, of course: the disastrous Italian record in the two world wars, the Andreotti era, the mafia, Craxi, P2, and (of course) Berlusconi, who treated the entire nation as his (and perhaps Gaddafi´s) personal fief, yet got almost half of the popular vote anyway, since small business owners didn´t have to pay any taxes. (I think the author missed Alessandra Mussolini and Cicciolina, though.) For those skeptical of "grandi", there is plenty of ammunition here, too.

On the positive side: Italy actually have modernized (well, half of it, at any rate), they are a great nation in sports (the author is a great admirer of Gino Bartali), and many Italian brands are rightly world famous (Fiat being the most obvious one). Fagerström also talks at some length about famous Italian movie-makers (I´m less enthusiastic myself). One lacuna in the book is that it says almost nothing about Italian-Americans (although good ol´ Rudy Giuliani is mentioned in passing). As a typical Swedish liberal, Fagerström has a blind spot when it comes to the problems of mass immigration, seriously proposing this as the solution to Italy´s current demographic problems. Yeah, as if importing millions of Africans (at the EU´s expense?) will make Italy (and Marsciano) *better*... 

"Italiens moderna historia" ends on a somewhat pessimistic note, as economic growth has stalled, the population is getting older, and the COVID pandemic ravages even relatively advanced northern Italy. The Italians have been promised enormous sums from EU funds to cope with the disaster, but as of this writing (2022), the Russian "military-technical operation" in Ukraine has upset most globo-economic applecarts. 

One thing is clear. A sequel to this book written around 2100 will probably be just as colorful!   

Should have stayed in Uruguay!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Not for neophytes


What are the darn Martinists really up to? So I encountered a source which claims that the ultimate goal of at least the "Martinezist" wing of the movement is to invoke angels and conjure demons *in order to save the demons and turn them into angels* or something to that effect. 

What could possibly go wrong?

Apparently, some Martinists also carry out the ritual described in the Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, which I have described here in a previous blog post. But do they "only" carry out the six-month version associated with the Golden Dawn, or the original 16-month version? My source doesn´t say. 

Here is the link to the Abramelin posting. You have been given fair warning!

Hunting wrens in paganland


This writer has an obvious G K Chesterton complex - every half-sentence must contain a stunning witticism - but she *is* quite funny. Ironically, I even think some modern pagans might secretely agree with her! The only problem is her sex obsession. Freudian, much? 

Best sentence: "Torturing Christians to death and then accusing them of seeking martyrdom – you’d have to give the Romans marks for chutzpah if they hadn’t been so keen on crucifying Jews, too." The full title of the piece is also priceless: "Spare me this pagan revival. Pagans are generally perverts, and not even sexy ones".

And yes, she mentions the poor little wrens. 

Spare me this pagan revival

Daybreak in the new millennium?

I don´t like Spiked, but I have to admit that their "chief political writer" has *some* kind of point here, although I wouldn´t exactly put it this way - I mean, it seems Brendan yearns for the good ol´ days of the British Empire or something. But sure, if you look at it from a more, shall we say, Irish or Zulu viewpoint...

I also think the perennial contrarians at this particular on-line magazine are slightly crossed that the pro-Ukrainian and pro-war turf is now teeming with the very same SJWs Spiked have always opposed. And if it was something these guys were always bad at, it´s working within united fronts...

The "midnight in the century" is finally over. Let real history resume!

The End of the Age of Fragility

Cheer up, it might never happen

I actually joked about this some years ago, asking if there is *anything*, even a thermonuclear conflagration, that can scare Spiked on-line magazine? And look what I found on their website...

Worrying about a nuclear escalation of the ongoing war in the Ukraine is just an example of the "culture of fear", "risk aversion" and "fantasies of Armaggedon" similar to those around COVID and climate change! 

Once again: is there *anything* that can scare Spiked? Loss of revenue from the right-wing end of the chattering classes, perhaps? Or fear itself...?

Notes on a No Fly Zone

Thursday, March 24, 2022

1914 har aldrig varit så färsigt


Klassförräderi har aldrig varit så färsigt. Den fantastiska bilden här ovan är saxad från Internationalen, som inte riktigt gillar Nooshis folkfrontspolitik, but there you go! 

Still living comfortably


Credit: Laurent Espitallier

The most privileged political current in the UK (their old magazine "Living Marxism" used to be known as "Living Comfortably" by mocking opponents) complain that the Green movement is "upper middle class" and "bourgeois". LOL. It takes one to know one, I suppose! Yes, it´s the ex-version of the old Revolutionary Communist Party. 

Their "populist" turn isn´t very convincing (I admit their "libertarian" turn was), and now it seems Spiked have come out in support of Ukraine, which I suppose might anger their Trumpista-populista allies. 

But who cares? 

Note also that the leading lights of Spiked seem to be *exactly the same people* as back in the 1980´s and 1990´s, when this tendency still claimed to be Trotskyist. But sure, that´s not necessarily a cult. I believe the term is "clique"... 

The cult of Greta Thunberg

Still hiding

In case you missed it... 

Another search for Planet 9 comes up empty

Russian troops out now, period

The Fourth International ("the Mandelites") are arguing for an anti-war movement that concentrates on demanding Russia out of Ukraine, rather than attacking Russia and NATO equally, in order to unite all who can be united against the Russian invasion. 

Note the explicit criticism of the Stop the War Coalition (STW), apparently the major anti-war movement in Britain. STW´s slogans are "Stop the war in Ukraine - Russian troops out. No NATO expansion - no nuclear war". 

The Fourth International instead supports the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign (USC), of which I know next to nothing.

Links for information purposes.  

What sort of anti-war movement do we need today?

Ukraine Solidarity Campaign

Latinamerikaniseringen av Sverige

Håller Sverige på att bli lika klass- och rasmässigt polariserat som Latinamerika? Från Tobias Hübinettes blogg.  

"Latinamerikaniseringen av de svenska klassklyftorna fortsätter"

Deus deceptor

Is God omnipotent and *evil*? From Wikipedia. 

Evil God Challenge

Statyfrid och borgfred


Credit: Arild V

Sorry, ANTIFA, Karl XII:s staty är nog fredad i minst 20 år till, hoppas förresten att ni stödjer Ukraina mot lede fi, annars kan eventuella nya attacker mot statyn beivras som landsförräderi, ha ha ha, grundlurade som vanligt! Är ni. 

Tatarernas lag


"Eders majestät, alt-högern har förrått Sverige, de stödjer tsar Peter, ni måste omedelbart återvända och ställa dem inför ståndsrätt i Finspång!"

"De sakramenska klåparna, jag ska straffa dem genom att utvandra till osmanska riket och gå i Koran-skola!"

"Svenskar kan aldrig bli minoritet i Sverige"

That´s where you´re wrong, kiddo. Från vår ofrivilliga grannblogg. 

Över en tredjedel av Sveriges befolkning har utländsk bakgrund


Plötsligt är det okej att ifrågasätta flyktingars motiv för att ta sig till Sverige, kräva att de ska försörja sig själva, acceptera tillfälliga uppehållstillstånd...

Lustigt att tvärvändningen skedde precis när flera miljoner européer flytt till andra länder i Europa. Måste vara en slump! 


När får vi se ifrågasättanden av (eventuella) ukrainska vapenvägrare som uppger sig vara under 18? 

SVT:s tuffa fråga till ukrainaren som flytt militärtjänst

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Mad Russian Doctrine

A bit ironic that pro-Russian blogger Vox Day (first link below) implies that Russia might not be entirely rational, but there you go. The article he is summarizing is linked to second. 

I admit that I don´t entirely trust "rationality" either... 

Russia will go nuclear...if necessary

"People, ideas, machines II": Catastrophic thinking on nuclear weapons

Den ryssländska filen

Lena Mellin (av alla människor) har faktiskt en poäng här. Hon verkar dock totalt omedveten om det som i USA kallas "cancel culture" och som är en del av det ständigt pågående "kulturkriget" i det landet. Det är nämligen *det* som ligger bakom tönterierna kring lökkupoler och "ryska posten". 

Jämför hur BLM-Antifa rev statyer i amerikanska storstäder 2020, hur man kan bli stoppad på Twitter om man skämtsamt kallar en trans-kvinna "årets man", eller hur vissa ord och uttryck är förbjudna eftersom de inte är tillräckligt "politiskt korrekta" (t.ex. får man inte säga "AIDS victims", det heter "People With AIDS" eller "PWAs"). 

Mycket av reaktionerna på Rysslands krig i Ukraina har varit av den här typen, givetvis för att det är så "liberaler" tror att "politisk aktivism" ser ut. Det handlar om en viss typ av sociala och ideologiska markörer. I min ungdom var hakkors kontroversiellt för att, ja, ni vet, andra världskriget och så, men numera handlar det om drev på sociala anti-medier mot lökkupoler på filpaketet (eller rädsla för att sådana ska inträffa). 

Vilken tur att någon faktiskt skickar pansarskott (och fil?) till Ukraina...

"Det är väl inte rysk fil vi är emot"

Kan Ukraina besegra Ryssland?

En av mina ofrivilliga gästskribenter, Aftonbladets Wolfgang Hansson, ställer den otänkbara frågan.  

Kan Ukraina vinna kriget?

Monday, March 21, 2022

I stand with Qatar

A ridiculous article in Breitbart News about Qatar. Actually, it´s a good thing that Qatar sells gas to Germany. Note the irony that it´s the Green Party that had to take the trip to Doha and seal the gas deal! Or maybe not, since Greens love Muslims, yes? 

Yes, Germany is hypocritical for pretending to "go green" while actually buying gas from either Russia or Qatar (not exactly a reliable Western asset either), but perhaps somebody should ask Breitbart what the alternative is? The Breitbartites have completely lost their political compass, now they seem to support electrification through nuclear power. LOL. Somebody should inform them that the Russian ally Kazakhstan is the world´s foremost supplier of uranium! 

Breitbart are very, very close to treason here.

I take back all my criticism of Qatar in previous blog posts. We are all Qatari now. 

Qatar has sharia blah blah blah


Why is there an almost exact correlation between modern progress, weak or non-existent Imperial Roman power, Protestantism and Germanic ethnicity? Asking for a friend named Gene Pool. 

Första april kommer tidigt i år

Om bara inte "den mänskliga faktorn" kommit emellan...

Som COVID, Rysslands attack på Ukraina, de sedvanliga cykliska kriserna, und so widerweiter.

Har tidigare länkat till dessa artiklar, och sedan har det blivit något slags tradition här på bloggen att länka till den här typen av material på första april. Som jag härmed enväldigt flyttar bakåt några veckor...

Fyrdubbling av levnadsstandarden väntar dagens unga

Mörkret har inte fallit över världen

Jehovah held hostage


Rosslyn Chapel is a (supposedly) mysterious church in Scotland, made famous by the "Da Vinci Code" franchise. It plays a role in various "positive" conspiracy theories about Templars, Jesus bloodlines, the discovery of America (sic), and so on. 

However, I noticed that our favorite crazy Irishman Thomas Sheridan has a very different take on the place. He considers it *evil* in an almost Keelian sense, and speculates that the Sinclair family (the builders and owners of the chapel) are virtual Satanists. Perhaps they were Templar heretics who had a jinn from underneath Salomo´s Temple in their possession, and brought it to Scotland when fleeing the persecutions in France? The jinn (or dybbuk - a demonic being from Jewish folklore) was then imprisoned in the crypt of the Rosslyn Chapel. 

Sheridan even speculates that the demon is really Jehovah himself, and it´s not clear whether it really is "imprisoned", since it feeds on the energy of unsuspecting tourists visiting the place (and perhaps war victims too). But what´s the purpose of the exercise? Sheridan believes that the Rosslyn Chapel was built to liberate the souls of departed members of the Sinclair family from purgatory or even hell, where they invariably ended up because of some unmentionable family curse. In order to open the gates of Hell, a pact with the Devil is necessary, and the dybbuk is presumably the intermediary in this bizarre transaction...

To me, this sounds like paranoia, frankly, but then, I never visited the place, so who knows? 

The clip is linked above. Links to a Wiki explainer about dybbuks are provided below.  


Sunday, March 20, 2022

An interesting idea

We should have done this long ago ourselves. Against the Greens, obviously! 😛 

Zelensky suspends 11 Ukrainian political parties with ties to Russia

Everything is possible


You: I´m sure there can´t be a blog that combines bizarre reviews of dinosaur erotica and highly initiated expositions on Shia Islamic mysticism with geopolitical insights about Russian expansionism, while also trolling the independent scholar Richard Carrier for his polyamory and commenting on the sexual orientation of Bronies? 

Me: That´s where you´re wrong, kiddo! 

I haven´t read this book either

The Man of Light returns home

Harold Mackinder´s nightmare

Everything is suffering

20% Kool Aid, or why ISIS will defeat Amerika

End it already


Happy Spring Equinox! That´s the good news. The bad news is that the Age of Pisces will last for another 500 years... 

While you were, er, wide awake

America officially lost its mind. Probably permanently. Not even light therapy can cure this condition!

US Senate passes permanent daylight savings time

Friday, March 18, 2022

Bronies with fedoras


What is a "fedatheist"? See here:


Note the reference to "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"! Must have been a popular TV show, LOL. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Stop whining, kiddo

14-year old libertarian in his basement

I´m getting sick and tired of all the teenage/young adult right-wing libertarian basement dwellers who constantly whine about being demonetized by YouTube or whomever. Know what, brats? FUCK YOU. I´m old enough to remember when you *lost* money on political activism. Who do you think paid for all those leaflets, posters, fanzines and magazines? Mark Zuckerberg´s ad revenue...?

This must be the height of controlled opposition. A "dissident" sits in a basement in a privileged American suburb, posts videos on a global platform attacking some establishment "truth", and expects the very same establishment to *actually pay him for doing it*. Wtf?! So health care isn´t a human right, per the start page of the Ayn Rand Institute, but getting paid for saying "how dare you" to Zucc somehow is? (That, and COVID relief money.) No, kiddo, you have to pay that fedora yourself.

Not that the leftists are any better, of course. Recently, a leftist blogger whined about Twitter de facto destroying his ability to reach his audience, since he spends most of his time (including as a reporter) on, well, Twitter. Gee, I didn´t know there were so many revolutionary proletarians on Twatter (with red checkmarks?), but what the hell do I know, I´m just a 50-something remembering a time when dissident reporters only got published in obscure magazines (see above), and didn´t have too many friends in high places (by contrast, this guy even got a government minister to tweet in his favor). 

If you were lucky, you could find said magazines in a library. If less lucky, you had to write to a obscure postal office box to get a subscription, which was then dutifully recorded by the secret service agent that infiltrated the mag editorial board...

Kids today don´t know anything.   

A meeting in Lviv

Not clear whether this is some kind of 10D Chess, Ukrainian disinfo, or a genuine geopolitical turnaround the like of which we haven´t seen since Tricky Dick´s handshake with Chairman ChiCom circa 1972.  

"We will never attack Ukraine"

Allas lika värde

En svensk morgontidning upptäcker att medmänsklighet faktiskt kostar pengar...

Flyktingkrisen kommer att kosta mångmiljardbelopp

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Conditional love


Thomas Sheridan is an Irish occultist and occasional researcher into the paranormal who calls himself a pagan. In this one-hour clip, he explains "how to be a pagan". It´s a rather provocative piece! Sheridan is strongly anti-Christian and opposed to Judaism. Many would probably see some of his remarks as anti-Semitic. Somewhat surprisingly, he also calls himself anti-science, something I believe he hasn´t done before. 

In Sheridan´s view, paganism is about natural law, magic, reincarnation, and sacrifice (which has some similarities to good karma). You can´t "become" a pagan, you *are* a pagan. Your ancestors and your DNA are pagan. Christianity is artificial and was introduced by force. You don´t become anything, you strip away something (Christianity) to return to your real identity. No book can convert you, go for a walk in the woods at night instead. Strictly speaking, however, paganism isn´t an exclusively "nature-based" religion, and is possible to adapt even to a modern society. Just look at Hindus - pagans who work in IT! 

Stay away from Neo-Paganism. "It´s a branch of Judaism". Wiccans are not pagans either. They are Jewish, too. Lilith (worshipped by many Wiccans, at least according to Sheridan) is a figure from Jewish mythology. Wicca was originally created by Crowley and Gardner to make idiots stay away from the real magical lodges (including the OTO). Avoid churchy congregational "paganism", that´s a Christian thing. Another group of people that should be shunned are the self-proclaimed Druids who gather at Stonehenge. There are no Druids today. The Stonehenge thing is "bollocks". These supposed Druids are really LARP-ing Freemasons.  

There are evil and wicked people in the world. They are an abomination, since they disrupt the structure of society (be they tribes or nations). No redemption is possible if you are a rapist or paedophile, you get your throat slit and your body thrown in a bog, so you can´t reincarnate. A caste system is part of natural law. All men and women are *not* created equal, all are not beloved in the eyes of god. There are dregs, psychopaths and scumbags. They and their descendants are *naturally* at the bottom of society. Unconditional love is only appropriate towards your own child, from the time it´s born to the time it leaves the home. Otherwise the principle should be *conditional* love. 

Science is purely "Middle Eastern", purely "Abrahamic". Science and magic is really the same thing (compare alchemy). Gravity and other natural forces are magical. Science cannot explain them. The universal constants are simply wrong. The speed of light has changed since the early 20th century. Sheridan attacks science for claiming that there are more than two genders. He is also a climate change denialist. 

Sheridan´s lecture contain some really weird speculations about Christians in the Roman Empire being "the ISIS of their time" (i.e. the terrorist organization ISIS or Islamic State). They supposedly destroyed a temple of Athena and a library at Palmyra (I have no idea what he is talking about). Sheridan also claims that the Christians (or perhaps the Jews) really did burn Rome under Nero (!!). Jesus was probably fictional, and Christianity is at bottom just a survival strategy of Judaism. Indeed, Christianity is the original New World Order and their attacks on paganism the first "great reset" or attempt to "build back better". But what about so-called Celtic Christianity? Isn´t that a more paganizing and nature-oriented form of Christianity? Not so, according to Sheridan, who believes that it was completely Jewish, including keeping of the Sabbath. He doesn´t like the Culdees either (I had to look up what that was on Wikipedia - a quasi-monastic current within medieval British  and Irish Christianity).  

No sacerdotal priesthood should stand between the individual pagan and his/her gods. Priests in pagan temples should have purely administrative functions. Nor should there be any confessions. Praying is a welfare system. Pagans don´t pray. Rather, they sacrifice. The sacrifice doesn´t have to be to the gods. It might just as well be giving money (directly) to people in need. Pagans trust that natural law will eventually reward the sacrificer. Jewish and Christian propaganda claims that pagans were into child sacrifice. Sheridan believes (wrongly) that this is just propaganda. He even claims that it was Judaism that originally sacrificed children. Gehenna is the Biblical name for a valley where such acts were carried out, and "Gehenna is the beginning of Judaism" (!!!). Attacks on the Phoenicians are just projection. 

"How to be a pagan" ends with some book recommendations. Could be Thomas Sheridan´s most hard hitting contribution for quite some time. Sounds almost Alt Right-Evolian somehow. Watch it at your own risk. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Galen och grundlurad?

Obekräftade uppgifter, men högintressanta. Skulle förklara ett och annat! Har Putin närmast bokstavligt talat blivit bedragen av sina underhuggare och rådgivare? Fast han kanske *ville* bli bedragen...

PS. Jag länkar ofta till Aftonbladet, som tyvärr har den fula ovanan att låsa artiklar som tidigare varit öppna. När jag länkar till dem är de alltså öppna fortfarande. Är inte "pluskund" hos AB... 

Putins hämnd: lät gripa toppspioner

The Czar and his bad advisors

Did the Russian intelligence service deliberately mislead Putin about Ukraine? An unconfirmed BBC news story. Might actually explain a thing or two...

Fallout for Russia´s spies?