Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A message from the future

Originally posted on January 14, last year, about a week after the storming of the Capitol and the effective end of the Trump presidency. Reposted with permission from myself!

As I, Ashtar, was strolling pass the local bird lake this morning, a White crane mysteriously appeared out of nowhere and just as mysteriously vanished. When I looked at the spot of this splendid apparition, I found a most remarkable object, a scripture with unusual hieroglyphs engraved on copper plates. As I meditated deeply on what had just transpired, my mind was filled with a supernal light which made it possible for me, a mere mortal, to comprehend its strange and wonderful contents. The scripture, which I at first glance had assumed to be the artifact of some ancient civilization, turned out to be *from the future*. It told the story of the Neo-Japanese Empire, established in North America in the year 2300. It also turned out to contain a history of the United States, including our own time! I eagerly opened the book, the Neo-Japonic script of which I could now decipher, and started reading...


At this time, the Empire of the White devils, known as "these United States", was dominated by two powerful clans, the Clintons and the Bushes, each with their own patronage networks (known as "political parties"), which alternated in power. There were also rich and powerful Jews, as always in the White nations. On 9/11 2001, the famous city of New York was attacked by a powerful barbarian organization known as al-Qaeda, based in Yemen (see map). Historians agree that its leader Osama bin-Laden had worked for both families and decided to punish them when payment for services rendered had been denied. The US military was told to stand down, since the main courtly advisor of the Bushes, Dick Cheney, wanted an excuse to extend the Empire in the Middle East and Central Asia. Over 3,000 people died that day...

Our historians agree that Cheney's actions led to imperial overreach, pyrrhic victories in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the general decline of the White devil supremacy.

As a sidepoint, let us note that one of the presidents working for the Clinton clan, Barack Obama, was a Black man. His origins are obscure, but he may have been an actor or other kind of celebrity before he was "elected" president (a film of Obama doing a stand-up comedy routine has recently surfaced). Obama entertained the media and the devilish White crowds, but otherwise left no mark on history.

Clan Clinton tried to stop the US decline by turning the Empire into a virtual one-party state after the deaths or mysterious disappearences of the Bushes. This happened in 2021, when Kamala Harris was appointed president. Her presidency was marked by "liberal McCarthyism" as tens of thousands of citizens lost their jobs or businesses due to politically-motivated purges, or were expelled from college, while the communication system known as "Internet" was completely taken over by friends of the Clinton clan, curbing free speech in the process. Harris was reelected with 70% of the vote. Despite her authoritarianism, which many of our historians find admirable, she couldn't stop the decline of the Empire and was assasinated after losing wars with Iran, Syria and Russia. Her vice president Elizabeth Warren is often regarded as the last president of the United States, but this is strictly speaking untrue, since the US didn't effectively dissolve until 2100...


Much as I marvelled at the words of the copper scrolls, there was something missing. How could the eminent Neo-Japanese, who were so well informed about every detail pertaining to the early 21st century, have left out *the four most important years* in the history of the United States? How could they have missed our anno horribilis 2020? Looking through the scrolls, I finally found this piece of information! 


The era of the White barbarian warlords began in the early 22nd century, after the effective dissolution of "these United States". Curiously, there is some scattered evidence that a White warlord managed to take power already in 2016 and hold it to 2020, probably by flattering the Bush clan. The sources are surprisingly meager. No "Internet" downloads mention him, there are only a few books, and some old issues of magazines. They tell incredible stories of Russian collusion, Fascism, Nazism and genocide, for which there is no evidence whatever in any other historical source from the period. Some historians have concluded that "Donald Trump" (also known as Q) didn't even exist. However, recent evidence (including archives in the Forbidden City of Pyongyang) indicate that he really was president, although the claim that he paid tribute to the Korean Emperor Kim III should be taken with a large grain of salt, such outlandish statements being the stock in trade of this accursed enemy nation, which nuked Japan after the great tsunami of 2120, triggering the exodus of our nation to the shores of North America. 

Defeated by Kamala Harris in an "election" and disavowed by the Bush clan, Donald Trump refused to leave the country, instead staging a short-lived insurrection during which his barbarian warband stormed a sacred shrine in the capital. A few weeks later, Trump was pardoned by Joe Biden, an otherwise unknown character of whom no other records exist. We therefore assume that Biden was the high priest of the sacred place the barbarians had tried to storm. The idea found in some sources that Trump actually stormed Congress must be rejected as another propagandist construct of the Clinton clan, who considered Trump (a White barbar of unknown origins) to be an upstart and interloper, since the Bush clan for unknown reasons had used him to defeat the Clintons in an "election". The subsequent fate of Trump is not known to us, and the whole episode forms a curious paranthesis in US history... 


I was stunned. After just living through what I and many others regard as decisive and pivotal events in human history, or at the very least 21st century history, this source from the future, which was otherwise so erudite and informed, knew next to nothing about the man who millions revered as a savior, and millions more regarded as the greatest existential threat. Nor did they know anything (except the name) of the man who so soundly defeated him! It's as if the whole thing never happened, like a dream (or perchance a short nightmare). 

I ended the day in deep meditation... 

Sic transit gloria mundi. 


  1. Should I write a similar story on the COVID pandemic?

    The point of the little novella is that what seems so *extremely* important to us today, might just be a little stupid wrinkle in time to future historians...

  2. Although I strongly suspect that both The Donald and Uncle Cornpops will be remembered years from now, perhaps for all the wrong reasons...

  3. "They were leaders of a suicide cult, which distributed poison shots to their millions of followers world-wide, in a mass hysteria even larger than the 57th Taoist Millennium in the accursed enemy nation of China"

    1. Ha ha, a global Jim Jones cult. Will make an exellent novel. Or a documentary.
      "Mother, not like this', Jones said to a Mother when she tried to stop them from killing her child. I imagine lot of low browed social worker women saying The exact same words to mothers when The Police wrestle them down and take their kids.

  4. I think some Tibetan throat hymns to Ungern-Sternberg would be fine as a soundtrack to your revelations:
