Tuesday, January 11, 2022

"Christianity is a monotheist religion"


That´s where you´re wrong, kiddo. 


  1. What happened to "thou shalt not have other gods before me" or "thou shalt not make a graven image"? But then, Judaism honored those ideas mostly in the breach (ahem, two cherubs on the Ark of the Covenant, I mean, what´s up with that) so perhaps the Church can be excused in this case...

  2. I think catholosism solved it very neatly. One God in principle but a bunch of saints and a few archangels you can pray to as well when you need a more specific form for your worship.
    I loved The empire in 40k as a kid. Only a lot later did i realise that its Because its molded after The catholic church that its so attractive, inspite of its dystopic nature. And im not even Christian.

  3. OT:
    People just keeo dropping dead with increasing frequency. This is geting scary. Just got this:

  4. And its not The virus that scares me if anyone taught so.

  5. Maybe I said this before, but the Catholic Church was probably very clever when it incorporated a wide variety of spiritual styles: contemplative monastics, working monastics, lay quasi-monastics, ordinary people worshipping patron saints, even warrior-saints. The Jesuits (during the Early Modern Period) also adapted Catholic worship to Chinese and Indian conditions, and so on.

    The Protestants developed in a different direction, with every Church having its own style, and then they started fighting over it...

    Also, people probably need ritual and ceremony.

    And no, I´m not a Catholic either, but there is something weirdly fascinating about the midnight mass from Rome, for instance.
