Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hurray, censorship is working!

A globo-liberal MSM outlet celebrates that corporate censorship of Trump and his supporters is working. Cuz it aint censorship if our billionaire friends are doing it to "disinformation".

But OK, I suppose this could be good to know. Imagine if Twitter and Facebook had banned all BLM-Antifa accounts last summer. Or all Dem accounts spreading disinfo about the 2016 election being "hacked by Russia".

Or imagine if a real populist in the White House would simply close down Vox and other liberal outlets on the web... 

That would probably wipe the smile off the face of the little hypocritical authoritarian who wrote this. 

Besides, he's factually wrong. The disinfo is still out there, spreading through websites, text messages and the good ol' grapevine. So the "liberals" would have to start censoring that, too.

And know what? It seems revolutions happen even without the benefits of Twitter, and even in nations with authoritarian regimes. And somehow, I doubt Joe Biden can become a new Joe Stalin...

Vox celebrates censorship

1 comment:

  1. Det låter ju lite som Stalin. Numera kan aldrig skriva om påståenden om valfusk utan att lägga in ordet "falska" i meningen.
