Friday, January 1, 2021

All hail to Oceania

For years, the Alt Right and associated denizens have been complaining about Sweden and its political correctness. But (as I long suspected), Sweden isn´t the most disturbed nation in terms of "PC". 

Of course it´s Britain. Or "Airstrip One, Oceania" as George Orwell called it. 

Although there seems to be *some* hope even for the former Oceanic world empire, judging by the articles linked below. 

UK lawyers uneasy about plan to prosecute hate speech at home 

Victory in the war on woke


  1. Im not so sure about this. Britain have more draconian enforcement of PC than Sweden for sure, but this could be because swedes are better than brits att policing themself and shaming friends and family with any crimethink tendencies.
    In UK, fear the police. In Sweden fear friends and family, sometimes even your own kids.
