Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Basic bitch

These predictions are basic bitch, but I decided to write them down "for the record".

The United States won't experience "unity" under Biden or Harris, but a deepening crisis accompanied by increased polarization and fragmentation. A "Russia under Yeltsin" scenario?

Both right-wing populism, left populism and leftism will become stronger in the US, but perhaps not strong enough to unseat or influence the uni-party.

Liberalism will become more authoritarian (including censorship) in order to stop the system from imploding. There will be a trend towards increased state power in all nations, including state control over sectors of the economy. However, there will also be a tendency towards more corporate power. The relationship between the state and the corporations will look different at different times. Both the super-rich and various opposition factions will be very interested in capturing the state apparatus.

In some nations, the governments will implement UBI in an attempt to keep the population contended and passive. In others, they won't even try. The state will be used to herd the unemployed into working for the super-rich oligarchs. "Neo-feudalism"?

There will be huge conflicts over immigration in Europe. 

Electrification, solar and wind ("Green energy") will be used as a cover for austerity. This will lead to the rise of "fossil fuel populism" or "fossil fuel & nuclear power populism" in the working class and the lower middle class.

The US is a great power in decline. China and Russia are ascendant. Since the US still has nuclear weapons and a large military, it can still count on support from smaller anti-Russian and/or anti-Chinese nations. However, some kind of failed state collapse of the US can't be completely ruled out, and neither can a military defeat. If so, Russia might invade the Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia, China will take Taiwan, and the Muslim nations might dare an attack on Israel. The results in Latin America of a steep US decline will be spectacular.

Terrorism will increase. 

New pandemics will make the rich richer, the poor poorer, and the state more powerful. In a "worst case scenario", we might see mass deaths due to pandemics and famine.

SJWs will double down. 

There will be more environmental destruction and adverse effects of climate change, but not a literal apocalypse.

Apocalyptic and millennarian movements will become more common, often in a "secular" garb.

The media will somehow blame everything on Trump and QAnon. They will continue sperging about Kamala Harris' fashion wear.

By a sheer strike of luck, this blog will still be around in 2030, saying "I told you so".

And no, there won't be no UFO disclosure! 


  1. A more personal prediction is that I might convert to a strongly dualist form of Gnosticism in the near future...

  2. Anti-cosmic chaos gnosticism? Please wriite everything about it in the blog if thats the case.

  3. I'm more into the Light version.
    On YouTube, there is a clip called "What is Thursatru" by Arith Häger, which I linked to before. He deals with this very topic. Ironically, Arith himself seems to be very left-liberal!
