Thursday, January 21, 2021

Buy this girl some ice cream

Some important news from the trenches.

Btw, Biden just destroyed 40,000 jobs in Canada by banning the Keystone pipeline. But whatever.

Greta Thunberg mocks Donald Trump


  1. Since Biden can't replace the oil from Canada with autistic super powers, he will now import oil from Saudi Arabia instead. But plz don't tell the Sierra Club and Greta!

  2. You're just jealous cuz Greta is more good lookin and friend of Arnie Schwarzenegger

  3. Arnie is good looking. And yes, Greta is the new Conan. Without oil, nuclear or other big tech, we will all revert to barbarian stage!

  4. In other news, useful idiots Antifa just made themselves useless. Attacks police in Portland *again*, now using slogan "We don't want Biden, we want REVENGE". Will Joe send National Guard to Portland?

  5. Didn't you say you would skip political commentary?

  6. This is not what I would call "politics", anon.
