Thursday, January 7, 2021

Domitian is dead

Congress just certified the election results. I guess this means that Joe Biden can LARP as Nerva for the next four years.

Or is it four months?

Unfortunately for the patricians, there doesn't seem to be any Trajan waiting in the wings. And the barbarians are already at the gates.

The plebeians just breached them.

The long hot winter of the Empire is coming. Woe to the vanquished! 


  1. Very few leftist groups have taken a "position" on the Capitol riots yet. I can almost see it in front of me. Old, bearded and probably drunk activists trying to reach "the National Committee" in order to negotiate another BAU "declaration" with the Proletarian Orientation Tendency and the Revolutionary Workers Faction. Unfortunately, they are out of town and nobody knows how to update the damn website...

  2. WSWS beat everyone to it, with two hysterical articles on the riots. Well, at least they are not out of town!

  3. Still waiting for the Spartacist League to offer Biden and Congress a self-defense squad fresh out of Treptow and Jalalabad. Or are they hiding in their expensive New York City flats, deadly terrified of COVID? Brave revolutionaries!

  4. I'm disappointed. I had expected the far left to mobilize in force in DC to "bloc" with and "defend militarily" Biden and Romney, what the fuck happened to the 1914 you promised me, heck, maybe on January 20?

  5. For the record, I'm being sarcastic.

  6. Imagine warning about a fascist coup for months or years, and then miss it when it actually happens. Deep inside, the middle class left hopes that Biden will restore the BAU so they can go back to their tired old campaigns, the same old slogans, the same subculture...

  7. "But it's unreasobable to demand that we comment on something that only happened yesterday". I'm sure you waited a week before commenting on the start of World War II, right?

  8. Jag visste inte att Dan Eliasson var läderbög.

  9. De är så spännande och livsbejakande, våra statstjänstemän. För att inte tala om våra folkvalda. Se bara på Federley. Kan knappt bärga mig inför alla illustra upptåg vi förhoppningsvis får ta del av framöver.
    Släng dig i väggen weimarrepubliken! Sverige anno 2021 är här.

  10. Ok, Jacobin published 3 pieces on the Capitol breach. But they are DSA. Where are all the all-knowing proletarian vanguards cadres?

  11. Men Norths grupp har ju skrivit om det.

  12. Vilket jag påpekar tidigare på tråden. De verkar vara bättre än många andra på att utnyttja sociala medier, men det kan ju bero på att de numera endast existerar i cyberspace...

  13. Nu har IMT kommenterat också...
