Saturday, July 6, 2024

Rune of Death


Thomas Sheridan has some disturbing ideas about what Marina Abramovic was *really* up to at Glastonbury recently...

Marina Abramovic becomes an angel of death

The everyday monsters in our midst


  1. With regard to the bio following "Monsters in our midst" Sheridan's call for us get in touch with our inherent 'Monomyths' reminded me of the call of the Men's Movement to evaluate our 4 archetypes: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. A book from the 1990's I think. I note that Abramovic is a Scorpio!

  2. He´s obsessed with Marina Abramovic since he discovered her esoteric side. Everyone else in the conspiracy milieu consider her an evil Satanic witch due to the purported connection between John Podesta, Spirit Cooking and Pizzagate. So Sheridan was apparently flamed on Facebook by people who wanted nothing more to do with him. Sheridan regards her as a kind of shaman, although I´m not sure what forces he thinks she is conjuring up...

  3. If you believe in astrology, the Scorpio thing is unsurprising. Note also the weirdness of inviting Abramovic to a "safe" (?) New Age festival at Glastonbury!
