Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The gods shalt not be mocked


A chthonic orgie. Death rides a white horse. The olympic flag is hoisted upside down. And now, it turns out that the organizers actually extinguished the olympic fire lit at Olympia itself?! 

Today, it was announced that the triathlon - one of the most popular sports in the Summer Games - has been postponed. Maybe it will be cancelled. It wouldn´t surprise me if something even worse (or even more pathetic) happens to these games.

The Gods of Olympus shalt not be mocked.  


  1. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/07/29/mozd-j29.html

    Probably just paranoia from a fringe site, but just in case, I´m gonna sneak it in here...

  2. Imagine mocking both the Olympian gods and the Biblical god (bad boy Yahweh) in the same opening ceremony. Self-hexing, much?

  3. For the record, I don´t think the guys behind the opening ceremony were evil or anything. Probably just a bunch of avantgarde artists. Who of course must be a bit...well, avantgarde. Risqué. That kind of thing. I´m just wondering if they knew who they were messing with in this case?

  4. Am I just trolling you? Or am I serious?
