Monday, July 29, 2024

The One Ring, pardon, Spoon


Archbishop Elpidophoros is apparently the head of the Greek Orthodox Church in the United States. This super-Orthodox clip of uncertain provenance argues that the archbishop is too liberal! He seems to support Joe Biden, wants a dialogue with the LGBTQ community, defends Ukraine against Russia, and so on. 

More original (?) is the attack on Elpidophoros´ stance during the COVID pandemic, when he called on the Greek Orthodox to stop partaking of the communion wine with one collective spoon, instead recommending that each communicant uses an individual spoon - obviously to protect people from the virus. But this is anathema to whoever made this video, since he believes that both the wine and the collective spoon are supernaturally protected from pathogenes! After all, the wine is the blood of Christ, which blesses even the one spoon...


Note also the paranoia against Freemasons. 

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