Sunday, July 21, 2024

Place holder?


Vox Day doesn´t like J D Vance. In case you´re interested...

Note the comments that Peter Thiel will become the real Vice President. And who is Thiel? See Wikipedia link!

No leader of men: J D Vance is a low Delta...if we´re lucky

Two strikes

Peter Thiel (from Wikipedia)


  1. But if the above is true, then Vance isn´t Trump´s "assassination insurance". Not sure, however, who could even fill such a role. Donald Trump jr?

  2. Peter Thiel + New Zealand + The Event = true?

  3. What really bugs the right wing is Vance's wife is *of color* uh oh!
    And so is Kamala! Uh oh... What does Theodore Robert Beale think about that my Furries? or is it Furies? IDK ... if Trump is Alpha then I'm the Easter Bunny, seriously... can't wait for the media uprising and attendant pearl clutching over Biden's dropping the race. I guess we're all just letters in G-d's Geek alpha-bet (no pun intended!)
