Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A stake in America


The Alt Right are weird sometimes. One common argument against Kamala Harris is that she doesn´t have any children of her own, and hence can´t have a "stake in America". But Harris is half-Jamaican, half-East Indian. Funny with all these Alt Right racialists suddenly wanting POCs to have babies...

Note also that J D Vance, Trump´s running mate, is married to an East Indian! You can´t make this shit up. So presumably his mixed race children will have a stake in Amerika, then?

But maybe I´m just misunderstanding something here. Maybe the complaints emanate from the Jewish-Mexican-Kenyan-Azeri-Chinese faction of the Alt Right? As opposed to, say, the gay faction...


  1. She has 2 stepchildren, Ella and Cole, from her marriage to Doug Emhoff in 2014. Over and out!

  2. Now she's accused of being a DEI hire. "The Queen of DEI" says Texas' lieutenant governor or something. And of course she's at fault for the "open border" with Mexico and etc. etc. It's just starting!

  3. Her stepchildren are White, so racialists should logically like her more than they do Vance. Harris would then be "a POC woman that foregoes her own reproduction to raise White kids". But that never enters their minds, LOL.

  4. Here´s a weird meme from the 2019 primary campaign: Harris´ Jamaican family were privileged Blacks known as Creoles who owned Black slaves?! I mean, why isn´t Kamala the Alt Right´s favorite candidate?! Dude!
