Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Make Hindutva great again


This is a slightly bizarre YouTube channel, featuring a White man who looks and sounds like a liberal Anglican cleric. Except that he is really a supporter of the Hindu nationalist BJP in India?! 

Still, it´s interesting that Modi & Co has weaponized Woke in the service of what most liberals and leftists would surely regard as right-wing nationalism...

If it works is, alas, another matter entirely. I´ve heard somewhere that Woke Jews prefer Muslims. Another bizarre video, I´m sure. 


  1. Får nästan lust att skicka den till Doreen Virtue i hopp att kunna orsaka ett nytt åsiktsbyte hos henne.

  2. "When i finally left my sinful Chrstian life and found the divine light in the Vedas".

  3. Ja, den falske prästen låter ju nästan så... :D
