Saturday, July 20, 2024

Abiogenic and acerbic


Sabine Hossenfelder attacks both climate change deniers and activist climate scientists in this video. Meltdown in the commentary section in 10, 9, 8...

Apparently, far right commentator extraordinaire Tucker Carlson has rediscovered "the abiogenic petroleum theory" (or conspiracy theory), which probably isn´t true. And even if it would be true, extracting all that oil might still fuck up the climate.

On the other hand...Sabine Hossenfelder believes that the problem isn´t the use of fossil fuels per se, but rather the carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere. Translation: if we could only find the technology to stop *that*, we might continue using fossil fuels. Not a popular message in some circles. 

Ms Hossenfelder is good at triggering both sides in an infected conflict!

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