Monday, July 22, 2024

Global tea party and Tech Trump


An interesting article from 2016 about Steven Bannon and Peter Thiel. We´ve met Bannon before, but I never really paid any attention to Thiel, who seems to have brokered Trump´s VP pick Vance. The article is written from a "liberal" perspective and hence never asks the 10,000 dollar question: what if "democracy" really is fucked?  

The Anti-Democratic Worldview of Steven Bannon and Peter Thiel


  1. Obviously if democracy is to work toward its ideal functionality, the citizens need an education. As children we *must* attend schools. As adults we *must* have the freedom to pursue ideas that may contravene any current worldview paradigms; thus open ended blogs such as this serve to educate. What melds society is empathy and therefore social justice is the child of caring for humanity. Understanding another's predicament as it were is a child of education. Just a ramble ;-}

  2. By way of contrast:
