Saturday, July 6, 2024

Batshit crazy


Time to put an end to these burlesque atheist-materialists? Boltzmann brains indeed! Any relation to the Dyson sphere?

This seems to be the "scientific" version of Omphalos!


  1. From Wiki:

    >>>The Boltzmann brain thought experiment suggests that it might be more likely for a single brain to spontaneously form in space, complete with a memory of having existed in our universe, rather than for the entire universe to come about in the manner cosmologists think it actually did. Physicists use the Boltzmann brain thought experiment as a reductio ad absurdum argument for evaluating competing scientific theories.>>>

    Yeah, but some people seem to think that the reductio isn´t absurd...

  2. Ja, om man menar en hjärna av vår typ är det med all säkerhet fysiskt omöjligt. Den kräver en kropp, och tillgång till föda etc för att ens teoretiskt sett kunna existera. Men centrum för medvetande skulle ju kanske kunna uppstå på andra sätt. Jfr Fred Hoyles roman "Det svarta molnet".

    1. De verkliga dårarna påstår ju att hela galaxer eller universa bara kan poppa upp från ingenstans, fullt evolverade, med falska minnen om sitt förflutna "statistiskt sett är detta möjligt givet oändlig tid". Det känns som att Ockhams rakkniv som alla skeptiker snackar om gör det troligare att Gud skapat universum från ingenting!

  3. Just what I need to investigate before breakfast!

    1. I like her red phone on the desk, as if she's expecting someone, or a brain, to call in!

    2. It´s a recurring gag. In some videos, she pretends that somebody *does* call her, usually a crank celebrity like Elon Musk or Donald Trump!

  4. Every once in awhile a thought drifts inside my brain, real or otherwise, that *everything* has always existed; there may have been a Big Bang, but it had to happen in *somewhere* in some kind of environment. That *all that Is* is an ebb and flow process, like breathing, now you see it, now you don't. (Babies are very fond of playing peek-a-boo and laugh at the unexpected surprise when you suddenly jump out and say Boo!) So our whole existence is an unexpected surprise, eternally popping out of nowhere and receding in trillions of eons of time, back and forth. My position, esteemed Sir,
    is that the eternal author of *all that Is* is merely playing peek-a-Boo! with us, the babies hatched out from the stellar soup!

  5. A kind of benign Shiva character?

  6. My speculation is that the above is kind of true...but it´s really the fallen Sophia disintegrating Herself due to some kind of cosmic fall. The real god/gods are somehow above or beyond this...


  8. "The most basic mode of knowledge is a form of subconscious, intellectual intuition which predates both rational thinking and empirical observations." Indeed! Then (and I agree with your assessment of Solovyev) as "we" ascend back to the Godhead we will integrate our disparate selves (?) and reunite with G-d. (After all, why does a pollinated flower open itself to spread its seed upon the ground? Could not the Creator likewise spread itself among the multi-verses?) The truth of our existence, and metaphors of what and how, are everywhere around us in Nature. What is missing is the "Who?"
    But back to Sophia, somewhere we chose to "fall" away from unity; could this not be the spreading of the seed as it were, meant and "chosen" by G-d to start the whole process. That is, the Fall was intended to push start Creation as a whole, so G-d may exert its overflowing love and call itself back home. A Wanderer's Tale!
    So much fun here!


  9. Very interesting essay. I prefer the more "scholastic" side of Solovyov, LOL. The connection to the Symbolist avantgarde poets was interesting. Also Solovyov´s candid (but unpublished) words: “Schelling is the true precursor of the new universal religion. Kabbala and Neoplatonism. Böhme and Swedenborg. Schelling and I.”

  10. His speculations on the Anti-Christ sound more disturbing. As for the erotic aspect, I cover it here:

  11. Again, I am in awe of your resources. Since the days of Amazon commentary! Here is a link to the Esalen publication.
    Age I think restrains sexual impulses to a more erotic imagic manifestation. The body might decline but imagination soars.

  12. His Tale of the Anti-Christ gets high marks from the Roman Catholic tradition, even cited by John Paul II and various Cardinals. Mainly for his ecumenism and uncanny predictions of 20th century events.

  13. Yes, there is even a rumor that he converted to the Catholic Church in secret. I haven´t looked into it, though.
